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SteamID64 76561197999339627
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:19536949
Country Canada
Signed Up August 4, 2016
Last Posted June 8, 2023 at 9:01 AM
Posts 321 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.20
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Keyboard Some cheap keyboard with media keys
Mousepad Some cheap Corsair brand mousepad
Headphones Cloud 2 & Turtle Beach X12 (backup)
Monitor A Dell of some kind
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#8 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)
bethis team has a lot of potential for the next season, in season 24, the roster played with skateboard pete who is definitely a strong player for the open division. I know now that sidular putting himself on medic will be a large improvement to this team overall. His experience with a strong main caller like skp is going to help him improve a lot over the season and with the right people, this team will definitely do well.

If you're looking to get into ESEA and improve, this team is right for you.

Skp isn't going to be with us for S25. I think he cited schedule concerns, though that was probably just him being polite in regards to my shit skill.

JDuffEveryone take note on how sid made his lfp thread.. follow in his footsteps... its beautiful.


Uh, thanks?

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Alright, so I just cancelled some of my tryouts for other teams, and am definitely reviving Envision Crew for S25, with me on medic.

I'm not super confident in my medic abilities. This is gonna be a bit of a practice season for me.
I'm going to also give main calling a shot, which probably won't result in armageddon.

Updated the original post with some more details on the scheduling and such. Hopefully that's enough info to get things going. If not, feel free to ask whatever.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)
-Phantom-Can you elaborate more on your schedule, I'm kind of in the same boat and I might be willing to play for my first season if we have the same ability to commit

Basically, weekends are pretty much off limits for me. Monday is as well, and Friday is almost certainly a no-go. I can play later at night on Friday, after 10:30 Eastern. But almost certainly not sooner.
My only truly free days are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Which is great for default games and maybe a single scrim every Wednesday, but most people in ESEA are looking and expecting a far more open schedule. Which is something that I just can't provide right now.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Potentially LFP Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Alright, so I'm reviving Envision Crew. Maybe if I don't play a class that has to shoot people, we can start winning games.

Anyway, so here's the current roster.

Scout: Twigs
Scout: [open]
Soldier: [open]
Soldier: [open]
Demoman: Snorty
Medic: Sidular

::Scrim Schedule::
Wednesday + Pregames. I just can't commit to more than that, due to my rather hectic schedule as of late. We may even have no scrims at all for a while. Kind of depends on my schedule, and if I'm awake during the day.

But Sidular, you suck!
I know. That's why I'm playing Medic. I see this more as a practice season for me, and am definitely not looking to get into the playoffs. I'm not confident with my med man at all. Some people seem to be under the impression that I'm not a horrible medic. I honestly have no idea if I'm good or bad, as I've only ever played medic a handful of times in a competitive setting. So like, if you're willing to put up with my lack of healing and general medicinal man experience, give me a shout.

What is this, mid open?
I mean, probably not? Depends on who we roster I guess. On one hand, I'm not the best medic out there. Far from. But if we can get a decent enough roster going, I don't see why we can't become a mid open team. Maybe even higher. I mean, magic is real, right?

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Thank you all in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication to this community, Tragic. You've powered so many gaming events throughout the years, and I hope with the new ownership, you'll continue to do so for many more years to come.

Best of luck for both you personally as well as the company moving forward. If you don't mind me asking though, what do you plan to do next? I mean, long term stuff. Start a new business, and rule the world?

posted about 7 years ago
#191 TFCL - North American League in Projects

Grand finals are about to start. It's between End Game and corsariceguy.

posted about 7 years ago
#190 TFCL - North American League in Projects

We're live on Twitch right now. Casting semi-finals and finals via cpTV.

posted about 7 years ago
#189 TFCL - North American League in Projects
netwrkjrkyeah, like how DOTA 2 funds the international with the compendium. All they would have to do is release a cosmetic with part of the proceeds going to the LAN prize pool. It could raise a ton of money really fast as well as letting the community know about your event. Valve has shown in the past that theyre reluctant to do this kind of shit, but it's worth a shot to try to convince them.

Yeah, that's actually a really good idea. I'll reach out to them for sure, just to see if we can work something out.

Though, I'm not going to do this for the 2017 lan. Want to wait for TFCL to grow a bit, so Valve doesn't just laugh us off. I mean, they'll laugh us off anyway, but at least it won't be a total humiliation.

posted about 7 years ago
#186 TFCL - North American League in Projects
VulcanValve has announced the finals to his ultiduo tournament i believe

That's.... not what he meant.

netwrkjrkhave you ever tried contacting valve for their support? i know its unlikely but maybe you could convince them to release an item with proceeds going to LAN prize pools or something.

That's a good idea, but I honestly can't see Valve agreeing to that.
I guess it won't hurt to ask them. Might wait a bit though, as I doubt they'd consider something like this from a league that has only been out for a couple of months.

Edit: Just to see if we're on the same page. You're talking about an in-game item, right? Kinda like those map support badges you can buy?

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Just got my notice of termination AMA in The Dumpster
shorasSidularSo wait, you called in sick four days in a row?PankeymanI am fired for not calling in sick 4 days in a row

I is a gud reader.

Still, would have gone there anyway. Make everyone else sick as well. Chaos is fun! :D

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Just got my notice of termination AMA in The Dumpster

So wait, you called in sick four days in a row?
Dude, if I were in your shoes, I would have just went to work, and coughed and sneezed a lot. You know, to really sell the whole "I'm sick" thing. Works best if you actually are sick as well.

The goal is to hope that your boss and/or other employees end up catching whatever you have. What's he gonna do? Fire everyone?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 lft low-mid open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

I no longer have the time to run and manage my own team, so I figured I'd post this out here to hopefully get some offers.

I'm definitely not the best scout out there, and my dpm is very... well, mixed. My aim is fine, and my 1v1 dm is fine. I just don't play super aggro.

My primary off classes are sniper and spy. I can also do engineer decently, but am not comfortable with him. If you pick me up, definitely consider having me off class to sniper whenever possible.

Unfortunately, my schedule may not be ideal for most teams. Scrimming on Saturday and Sunday is not possible, and Monday and Friday is also going to be a hit or miss thing for me. I can scrim Friday later at night, after 10:30. But most likely not sooner.

Mostly, the schedule is why I can't run my own team right now. I just want to play, but don't have time or energy to organize 4 scrims per week.

Anyway, I think that's the general gist of it. If you're interested in taking my Canadian ass on your team, add me on Steam.

posted about 7 years ago
#181 TFCL - North American League in Projects
netwrkjrkI think that hosting tournaments/LANs will be really important for the success of the league. The only large LAN that TF2 really has at this point is the i series (correct me if im wrong.) A lot of TF2 players are adults who need money to sustain themselves, and playing on an invite team is a huge time commitment. If the players can make more money playing TF2, they won't have to switch over to other games that present better opportunities (overwatch.) And honestly, I feel like a lack of high tier players is part of the reason why TF2 is failing. No one wants to watch froyotech win every single year. Also, LANs will attract things like twitch viewers and attendees, which in turn will bring in sponsors and ad revenue.

We've got lan tournaments covered. There's one this summer, and another in 2018 as well. Hoping to turn it into a yearly thing.

Can't go into specifics right now, but it's definitely a part of my plan. I'm also focusing a lot on Twitch stuff, which helps with the sponsorship thing. More viewers means more sponsor interest, and you're right, a lan definitely helps with that.

posted about 7 years ago
#178 TFCL - North American League in Projects
KiNGShit sidular where did all this money come from? Don't tell me its from your own pocket

I've got an awesome investor that believes in me and TF2 in general. He's helping out with the early funding. I'm trying to build this up so it's as enticing as possible for sponsors or advertisers, so in the future, everything will be funded by them.

Also, by building up a network of websites, it basically means I can advertise TFCL and TF2 more or less for free. It also opens up more revenue streams, which means a constant source of funding for TFCL.

I want this to be self sustainable, and building it to that level is going to take some time. I mean, even though TFCL is active right now, it really is just the foundation of something much bigger. I really am trying to turn TF2 into a legitimate eSport, and starting a league isn't enough to make that happen. It's just the core to all of this.

posted about 7 years ago
#176 TFCL - North American League in Projects
pine_beetleWith pay to play it's go big or go home. If you can put up big prizes and possibly a lan you will attract a lot of attention. A lot more than any amount of free to play crap. $20 again would be a minimum number still not very good.. $25 is where you want to be if you're serious. They might not like it and blah blah blah but if you are working towards hosting a lan and you're putting up large prizes... tough luck boys if you want nice things you have to pay for it. Play harder and win your money back.

Otherwise I see this going exactly the same route as XPL, TGL, TWL, Cevo... and all the other leagues that pop up every couple of years.

I want you to be successful. I also think you can pull it off. If you want a detailed plan PM me your e-mail and I'll provide you with one. If not, good luck with your project :)

You're welcome to add me on Steam. I do have a plan however, and I'd like to discuss that with you in private. Will also listen to your advice too. See how it can all fit together.

posted about 7 years ago
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