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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#11 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakiu are taking the 3minute suggestion too far, like i said, each point on each map should have a timer best suited to it.

defenders should be rewarded tho imo.

Instead of reseting and starting a new round after every failpush onto last i'd rather try to fix the map and make both pushing into and out of last possible.
The reward for defending last should be the possibility to take 2nd back and not getting a free new round after you got pushed to your last and defended a point for the first time that round.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 stalemate timer in TF2 General Discussion
Kakiexample: team A holds 4 control points on granary, and is attacking into team B's last point, each team has 6 players up and ubercharge.
team A can easily sticky defensively and sacrifice 1 player, or use 1 player to snipe aggressively, as losing 1 player while defensively positioned with equal ubers will be quite hard for team B to capatalise on.

if the 'stalemate timer' was smaller (3mins again, for example), perhaps 1 or 2 plays like this could be made, but it wouldn't be overly unfair for the defending team.

using 1 global time would probably be a bad idea however, and each maps' points should be considered when setting the stalemate timers. for instance a small timer on snakewater last may allow the defending team to get easy resets (especially with heavy engie etc..).


Easy resets are really the biggest problem here. Take your granary example: A few suicide plays fail, then one works, the push however fails.
10 minute timer: The defending team will push out onto their 2nd so you can't repeat that.
3 minute time: There is less than a minute left, the defending team could either push their 2nd and then try push granary middle against a full team (lol) because of the cool forward spawn or they could just turtle and get a new midfight without taking the risk of getting backcapped twice.

posted about 11 years ago
#156 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Hallowfraac aren't you that guy who last season was implying that div6 was everything and now you're saying the same thing about div5? do you believe in the geocentric model?

Yes, it's the guy who thought div6 is everything and then requested a hard div6 because simply playing in div5 would've been to easy.

Wreathso we had some UGC kid giving us shit about having really strict weapon bans and now we have some euro kid giving us shit about having really lax weapon bans

we can never win GOD

I still do not understand why saber came up with this argument in the first place.
Unlock threads are just the best way to keep people like fraac busy.

posted about 11 years ago
#135 ESEA s14 Invite Gossip Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Saberlike for fuck's sake you say etf2l's unlock list is the "best" when they obviously readopted the NA ruleset when it was obvious that their "vanilla+kritzbow" thing clearly made euros play like bitches

This thread is now about unlocks.

The shitty attitude of some european players is clearly a result of our lack of unlocks.


posted about 11 years ago
#18 What do you like in a map? in Map Discussion
ckapHow complicated/annoying should I make it to enter via the flank/alt? Should I make it painful or just a tad annoying? Should it be risky or just time consuming?

I meant more complex in terms of the number of paths, sorry for the confusion. Risky would be cool to see, anyway some sort of obstacles or the distance itself should consume a bit of time so that scouts can't just get behind the combo in three seconds. The "choke" flank would be easier/faster to use but riskier. The combo could have vision of it from choke/holding position (like kitchen/lower or house/haunter).

posted about 11 years ago
#15 What do you like in a map? in Map Discussion

Basically what synchro said.

I'd like to add something to the third route thing:
The flank should be seperated from choke (gran = counterexample) with ideally more than one way to both points. The third route should be close to choke (closer than the flank, but not as close as gully dropdown) with only one path to both points (maybe a fork like the two sewer doors). This third route can be connected to the flank (e.g. badlands house) but doesn't have to.

Picture of process and snakewater with the choke, the normal, complicated flank and the additional "choke" flank highlighted.

posted about 11 years ago
#179 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion
SolidSpeerlaiyeLucky_PierreI'd also add that EU got burned at i46 for the exact reason and are going into this even better prepared from what I understand.
Wait... Epsilon is scrimming? No way!

They are keen as fuck. GeaR back on roamer, Mike back on pocket.
Hell they even got a tactics spreadsheet!

If Epsilon plays up to it's full potential then they can definitely compete with HRG.
Broder might be keening it up as well if they want to go to i49, they got the DM, they just need to put a lot more effort into tactics to compete at that level.

Can't say anything about the Aussies, they might do well, they might fail. Having the best players in your own league and winning everything there is not enough, Epsilon proved it at i46. Would be could to see them against HRG in ashowmatch on Hawai/West Coast server.

posted about 11 years ago
#90 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware
kuzasorry but it's also too sensitive on cloth pads, forget the z-axis issue.

Yes, from what i've experienced it reacts to every movement. It is pretty much impossible to move the mouse without moving the cursor.

ScrewballExcept that its not. The Philips Twin Eye is awful on cloth pads and hard pads offer no control.

I don't know what you mean, tested it on both. The only i noticed was that it reacts to some tiny movements (when you try to not move your hand) to which other sensor wouldn't react. Might be a problem on high cpi.

posted about 11 years ago
#448 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

This update only fixed the -insecure bypass. ->OpenPlugin doesn't work on Windows anymore

Valve threatened to add plugins trying to use the -insecure bypass to the VAC banlist. Even though on linux tf2 still loads all plugins (including OpenPlugin) i will stop using it for now until it is confirmed that valve doesn't ban you for that.

welcome to tunnelvision, R.I.P. Quake-TF2

posted about 11 years ago
#87 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware
downpourHere's a pretty informative thread on ESREALITY for mice
its a bit out-dated but it still applies.

Just wanted to add that the Philips Twin Eye Laser z-axis-issue means that the cursor moves down and to the right instead of just down when you lift the mouse up. The Cursor will go back to it's original position if you set the mouse back down.
This can't be fixed, it's just because these are actually 2 different sensors for x and y axis.

Other than that the sensor is better than pretty much any other.

Twin Eye Laser most accurate laser, behaves different when lifted, z-axis-issue doesn't affect accuracy

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA Client in TF2 General Discussion
PapaSmurf323ESEA is a service appealing primarily to competitive players (or minimally, players who care about not playing with cheaters) and attempting to support a variety of rare configurations makes it significantly more difficult to enforce a fair and balanced gameplay environment. On that note linux will not be supported any time soon.

Translation: Programming an anti cheat client for more than one OS takes more time than just making it for one OS. We don't have the time.

posted about 11 years ago
#431 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion
PegmanOn-topic: simply the fact open plugin allows modifying a cvar past the extent the game devs meant to limit it warrants a ban in my book.

cvar checker fov_desired 90 max with autokick.
Also sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov 2 to block fancy fov 170 eyefinity setups.

defianceSo other people still aren't getting banned for using OpenPlugin, but he is still swearing that is why he got banned? ho-kay

Apparently his "OpenPlugin" had a different signature if you know what i mean.

posted about 11 years ago
#427 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion
eXtine*shrug* was just throwing it out there.

Open Plugin's capable to do the FoV switch as demonstrated in Skyride's video is pretty ridiculous. Until Valve blocks it, imo every league should ban it like greaver suggested.

OpenPlugin only allows fov_desired up to 130 since that wallhack bug was made public.

A lot of mods/plugins/cvarcheckers (TFTrue for example) allow servers to anyone with a fov higher than a specified value (e.g. 90) or set fov_desired limits different from 90.
Since this is the only way of checking if someone is using OpenPlugin/higher fov there is no need to ban OpenPlugin seperately.

posted about 11 years ago
#418 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

tl;dr of the last few pages:
sdogg2m and his inferiority complex about highlander continue to explain why 6s and are evil.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Pubs just got Pubbier in TF2 General Discussion

Be glad that this was your first and only time on a nightteam server.
Now enjoy this feeling without making a thread about something everyone knows already.

Oh wait forget it, i'm bored so i need threads to post in. Keep it up!

:D <-safety smilie

posted about 11 years ago
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