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Last Posted November 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM
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#3 Firefall in Other Games
milou dont honestly expect someone to read all that right

Not really, but if someone does I'd be pleasantly surprised.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Firefall in Other Games

Firefall finally released a couple days ago. F2P on Steam, all that jazz. Wondering if anyone else here plays it/has interest.

Played the beta a few years back because it was one of the few FPS/MMO games out, but mainly because it copied the medic healing leash mechanic from TF2. They cut that, the gameplay was pretty bland, and so I stopped playing pretty quickly. Downloaded it from steam recently because I was interested in seeing how it had changed/if it was any good now. Here are my impressions:

Terrible voice acting. It's godawful, I appreciate that they tried to use voice acting instead of text for the missions, but I could do better myself.
Really easy at low levels. Haven't progressed too far, but I think I went to level 10 or so without ever taking damage. Plus all the quests are level locked, so you can't play higher level quests to get more of a challenge.
AI is abysmal. They try to counter that by flooding you with enemies. Not my favorite way to balance a game.
Minimal tutorial. I still have no idea how crafting functions, and I have a strong feeling I'm missing out on some core game mechanics that I simply do not know exist. Plus I can't seem to operate the interface very well at all. That could just be me, I can be rather dumb at times.
From what I've heard, there's no point in crafting anyways as the better weapons are easier to find with drops. So no grinding for resources and such, but I don't know if I can call a pointless crafting system a positive.
Lower level weapons are boring and bland.
PvP is missing???? Possibly to be added soon? I really don't know.
Graphics look like ass. Fortunately, I'm an ass man myself, and since most of us here probably mod TF2 to look as much like Minecraft as possible, I don't think that's a huge issue.
Art style is actually kind of nice. Bright colours, none of that grey/brown bullshit that most games seem to have. Reminds me more of an arena shooter with neon lights and stuff than most modern shooters.
Jetpack is lovely. Strong verticality in map and combat, characters move quickly, gliders are a ton of fun to fly across the map. While some quests (especially earlier on) have a lot of pointless padding (run here, talk to him, run back), the movement is fast enough that it's not a huge detriment.
Higher level weapons are more fun. I've only taken the biotech frame (healer class) up too far, but it has a needler (plasma gun/syringe gun, basically), a grenade launcher, and a shotgun from what I've seen. The shotgun coupled with the jetpack and constant jumping reminds me a little of scout play.
At higher levels the quest chains are actually moderately interesting, and I hear the plot is as well. The characters aren't going to win any awards and there are way too many of the "sophisticated" villain archetypes, but it's a little better than your standard fantasy MMO fare.
F2P is... absent? This is where I think I'm missing out on some game mechanic, as there currently seems to be no point in buying the game currency. I guess you can get a cosmetic item or a pet or something, but I haven't noticed any other things you can actually buy with real money.

If the impressions seem conflicted, that's because I am. I still don't know if I like the game or not. I think I do, probably because the weapons are more akin to TF2/arena shooters than the alternative, but I'm still not sure.
I'd call it surprisingly pleasant, maybe at a stretch a 7/10 if you insist on numbers. It's not going to suck you in like other MMOs or shooters might, but it's good way to waste an hour or two with braindead entertainment.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Chex Mix is my Favorite Snack Food in Off Topic

Every once in a while my dad will send me a care package with a gluten free variant of chex mix he makes with Worcestershire sauce. It's a big bag, and I eat it all with an hour of opening it. I never regret it.

posted about 9 years ago
#21 Can anyone give insight in to boston? in Off Topic

Public transportation is much, much better than Southern California. Not that that's saying much.

I consider myself something of a fried chicken connoisseur and easily the best fried chicken I've ever had was at a place called Drink in Boston. It's a more upscale bar where you give the bartender an adjective, and they try to make a cocktail that matches your preferences. I'm pretty snobby when it comes to my cocktails, but the bartenders were extraordinarily well trained and as I mentioned, the fried chicken was perfect. They used some pressure system to keep the chicken juices locked in as they did the frying, so each bite started with a rich, buttery crunch before progressing to the moist, juicy taste of chicken. Pricey, but worth it.

Wish I had something more useful to tell you but the memory of that chicken bullied out everything else I know about Boston. Best of luck, it's a beautiful city and I'm sure you and your wife are going to love it.

posted about 9 years ago
#20 ESEA Invite: Street Hoops eSports vs. blank is bad in Events

Can we get ggglygy doing TFTV casts? Seriously though, he was spot on tonight.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Getawhale + Lange = 5 star entertainment in TF2 General Discussion

There's probably no chance of this, but I'd love to have Sigma come back.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Congrats Free Refill in Other Games

Was reading an article about Titanfall when I saw some familiar names. I'd seen some of xalox's stream, but hadn't followed the tournament too closely. Glad to hear TF2 players recognized for their talents:

"For many PC players, playing against talented controller users backed by aim assist sometimes feels like struggling against a player with an aimbot, a cheat in PC games that uses the computer to aim for the player.

“I underestimated that shit,” Justin White, a player on the team Free Refills, said about aim assist. White's team faced off against Exertus in the tournament.

But is White just underestimating console players, and specifically the best? Aim assist can easily obscure a player’s skill."

The best-of-three series would end in a tie amid controversy. Exertus took the first map, Smuggler’s Cove, a large open battlefield with lots of sightlines that the console team abused to maintain map control.

On Angel City, Free Refills took a quick lead with a fast flag route before titans became available. Exertus fought back to take a lead using superior positioning and titan play. But Free Refills would pull off a ridiculous last minute flag run to tie the map.

That left Colony, a city landscape filled with buildings perfect for quick movement and parkour. The PC team ended up winning 2-0, but the first capture was scored at the start of the match, when one of the console players had disconnected due to lag. After the second capture, Exertus left the server and forfeited the match. They were apparently angry that Free Refills wouldn’t restart the game due to their player disconnecting for a few minutes, despite a rule indicating that’s how the situation should be handled.

So in the end, the debate was never really settled: Both sides were left with a bad taste in their mouths. But the match did show a number of interesting things about the differing styles bred from the two communities.

“[Exertus] just understand the game way better than everyone,” said Brandon “Seagull” Larned, a player on Free Refills. “They play titans one-hundred-percent and play off that completely and put a LOT of time into it."


posted about 9 years ago
#74 Why that class? in TF2 General Discussion

I play medic because I get a weird satisfaction from watching the little health bars fill all the way up to 100%. Also because health is the main "resource" in TF2 and making decisions about who to heal and when is fascinating to me.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 leetcoin in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulIs Leetcoin legal?
Leetcoin only supports games that require skill [...]
I'm not sure why they would put it in that paragraph but i like it.

I think some laws might make a distinction between games of chance and games of skill.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Anyone have experience with U-Verse? in Off Topic

I had UVerse when I lived in Berkeley. I got 75 to San Francisco. I could have driven the data across the Bay and back in that amount of time (maybe not)

posted about 9 years ago
#1074 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion
VortexI'm not sure what that has to do with anything. If the defining weapon or ability of each class was in the primary slot, medic would be using solely needles, spy would walk around uncloaked and undisguised revolvering people, and engineer would walk around shotgunning people without building anything.

I like this idea

posted about 9 years ago
#922 MAJOR TF2 update for 6/18/14 (6/19/14, Love & War) in TF2 General Discussion

I can't tell if it's because I hadn't played in a while, but I swear rocket jumping feels easier/different now, and I've heard some other people say the same. I'm hitting more pogos than I used to and I think I'm flying further too. Can anyone confirm or am I just a moron?

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Payday 2 in Other Games

I picked it up as soon as it went on sale and its been sucking up all my time ever since. Really enjoying it so far, haven't been able to play as much online as I'd like though. Would appreciate if someone was willing to show me the ropes.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Steam won't open in Q/A Help
ibtrying running steam on windows xp compatability mode

Windows XP mode didn't work, but Windows 7 did. Thank you so much, you're a life saver.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Steam won't open in Q/A Help
peterCheck task manager and close any processes related to it.

There aren't any related processes. I've had that issue in the past and dealt with it through the task manager, but it seems not to be the case this time.

posted about 10 years ago
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