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Signed Up August 22, 2013
Last Posted June 6, 2024 at 11:42 AM
Posts 1508 (0.4 per day)
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Headphones Arctis Pro Wireless
Monitor 240hz
1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 100
#112 ESEA Intermediate: Cafe Monster vs Champagne and Cocaine in Events
jermangok knuckles

mr i play a barely decent scout and spend most of my time offclassing because my brain dead team lets me do it

i cant for the life of me figure out how in ur mind u thought it would be a good idea to make a pastebin of u dissing ur own team and bragging to freestate like ur some open prodigy

then u try to play it cool when froot posts it on tftv and act like ur some shitty player

ur pretty much a clueless retard and u dont deserve to be in im anyways

This conversation went down 5 minutes after I was told I was either pocketing or cut. In no way was I thinking "You know what I am gonna shit talk my team so that in a month someone on Muffin Men can tell froot to post it" The whole situation was about having 3 scout mains trying to juggle not having 3 scout slots. It's silly that it even came up let alone that me saying I'm not important had more of and effect than the pastebin itself. I've already talked to Meus about this whole thing so I don't see the point.

posted about 9 years ago
#108 ESEA Intermediate: Cafe Monster vs Champagne and Cocaine in Events
jermangidk if knuckles has any room to call other players bad....

Exactly!!! So why put me on a class I'm worse at???

posted about 9 years ago
#105 ESEA Intermediate: Cafe Monster vs Champagne and Cocaine in Events

I'm not even important lol

Best part is that pastebin is one I made just because I thought it was funny. I'm wondering who the "TF2 Detective" is that checks new pastebins everyday for this stuff

posted about 9 years ago
#13 kaytee lft scout/medic open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Fun to pug with, try her out :)

posted about 9 years ago
#16 How to stop flicking? in Q/A Help
mjust click on the bad dudes dont worry about how it happens

I wish this was a joke. Scout dm and scout v scout in particular became much easier when I stopped thinking about how the enemy was moving in front of me and just worried about clicking when my crosshair touched his model. And honestly, just playing more will give you the confidence and muscle memory that will be the biggest factors. DM mod and tr_newbots will help with both respectively, although I warn you that the movement of the bot in tr_newbots encourages flick aim and is almost impossible to track

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Trail with viewmodel turned off? in Customization
aim-1 looks fancier than the other literally no difference

Watch the video. He wants 1. No viewmodel. 2. No heal beam. 3. The particle trail that used to follow a player you were healing with viewmodel_fov 0.
what you are doing still shows the heal beam

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Trail with viewmodel turned off? in Customization

it's like you can't read or something

It's like that's not what he wants or something. He even linked a video like wtf

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Trail with viewmodel turned off? in Customization


posted about 9 years ago
#3 Trail with viewmodel turned off? in Customization

You can do it with viewmodel_fov .1

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion
shocka1dflameIf people don't want that kind of stuff out there, then don't stream. It's as easy as that.
I had my stream on a pretty good delay. Definitely long enough to initiate a SPY play, but unfortunately Caboose's computer died and by the time he was back, everyone knew where I was.
dflameSorry for being a asshole tftv and GGs to Seendio. You guys deserved the win and best of luck to you in playoffs.
In my opinion, this is why I am not a fan of yours. You are very disingenuous, but I'm sure even you know that by now... During Gullywash week, we scrimmed your team and Blueberry streamed it. There was a point where you stated, "These guys aren't even good, especially Antwan", and proceeded to die by Antwan seconds later. But the point is, you seem to genuinely shit talk consistently, and not just for the competitive aspect of it. You truly think everyone is garbage, and you're the best player in the game (or at least in Open). I do think "shit talking" is good for the game, as it creates rivalries and more exciting matches, but you are just classless.

And just for the record, I've been friends with Blueberry for a long time, and I have no issues with him or the rest of the team.

To be fair I think dflame's... particular hate for Antwan was because during on of our scrims against them he called me a fucking baiter (I was 1v1ing his scout partner in valley and came back into the fight later not sure how it's baiting this isn't the point though) and I proceeded to quote dflame from probably the second week of open. "Are you ready for me to be the best scout in open?" After that he laughed called me a faggot and asked who is better than him and I said Antwan. Antwan I'm sorry to have gotten you singled out in the realm of dflame shit talk. Love you pal

posted about 9 years ago
#63 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion
-protoI want dflame to get aids and die but he's good at scout that's for sure!!!

I'm not sure if you were just confused at 5 am but I never, nor will I ever say I want anyone to die over a video game.

And I'm saying that MY post wasn't about dflame and was in no way about calling you out or shaming you or whatever you think I was doing. You're right; if this was a different match it wouldn't be as big or a deal. If people were being pieces of shit and cheating to compete for like 20th place no one would give a fuck. You guys we're #1 and #2 (#3? I don't remember the rankings before the match) it was one of the more important matches of the season and therefore we all tuned in to one stream or another to see what was happening

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion
BlueberryVillainTheir medic rejoined, they unpaused the match, we pushed out and recapped two, had to uber to get mid, all of this in 15 seconds, we relaized in their two yard their medic discontented again, we elect to wait for caboose to rejoin and build his uber. Good lord man, it was a long ass pause and a quick 30 seconds of play, but by all means continue with were evil drama.

I had cheeriss' stream open. At the beginning of the pause everything was "wow they probably paused to give us cold feet" and talks about how this must be some kind of tactic. Then their medic lagged out and the talk went from them being scum to "where is the spy? I was told the spy is right in front of cheeriss. Both soldiers as soon as we unpaused shoot cheeriss' feet, there is a spy"

Gouging your eyes out and choosing to ignore information given to you because someone is streaming to help others learn and be entertained are two very different things. Personally I find it unusual that people don't play offline to begin with, but once people start telling you stuff like that it's very easy to just click twice and no one can help you.

Am I saying you guys are scum? No. Do I think things could have been handled more professionally? Yes. All in all if you think this is about dflame and more reasons to hate dflame you're dumb, it's just proof that none of us are going to win open playoffs. Even with stream snipes

Also don't pretend like you didn't try to get them to hurry and unpause. They were giving you updates on caboose's computer issues and you guys still acted like the pause was a waste of time

posted about 9 years ago
#49 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion
how couldn't you love this kind soul!!!

it's hard to imagine that kid screaming fucking faggot at the top of his lungs and yet it happens everyday. Crazy

posted about 9 years ago
#43 Open Power Rankings - Week 7 Sunshine in TF2 General Discussion

When in doubt, always question the enemy teams reason for pausing (even though their med lagged out of the server) and then complain about pausing.

Or just watch streams and get told to shoot your medics feet right when the match gets unpaused. Not exactly sad to see the match fall the way it did.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Rage LFT Pocket/Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very good player and really nice guy :) Pick him up. Could easily play open playoffs and probably IM

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 ⋅⋅ 100