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Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#28 DRACKK JOINS REASON! Ownage Squad set to fold. in TF2 General Discussion

representing prem for who? nobody has sponsors anymore, he's representing himself

representing himself as a mong but that's on its own

posted about 8 years ago

EDIT: Misread dinosaur computer.

fuck was that a good game though

posted about 8 years ago
#23 The 10 greatest FPS multiplayer levels of all time in TF2 General Discussion

not to be a stickler, but greatest doesn't necessarily imply the best ones gamplay-wise. It might just mean iconic, like it would if you were listing filmstars, or musicians.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster


FUCK torrit

posted about 8 years ago
#27 play my last lobby with me in The Dumpster

oh torrit, you fucking idiot, you were literally just almost out of the 'everyone thinks im awful' rut, and now you pull this? plenty of people have got out of that stage, look at konr, damneasy, h3x, all of them are sick players even though at the beginning they had a bad rep. Even mike had a stage when he was younger right?

I'm just saying, you weren't the worst med in the world, you could have made it tbh.

posted about 8 years ago
#17 How much dirt would you eat. in Off Topic

Honestly I'd do anything legal for 1.1bil

posted about 8 years ago
#67 pizza tier list in Off Topic

We only have pizza hut, papa johns and dominos, and papa johns is total shit in the UK, would rather eat frozen pizza from tesco tbh

posted about 8 years ago
#32 ETF2L S23 Preseason Cup - Groups in Events
When logjam was in the map pool im pretty sure people pcw'd it a lot more than gpit. Everytime gpit has been in the map pool a lot of teams just refuse to play it until the day of the official.

I've played in a few teams that never scrimmed gpit - it really just came down to it taking way too long and people would rather get a few more maps in/stay on schedule than play bo3 gravelpit which can at it's longest go on about 1h30 mins. Nobody wants that tbh

posted about 8 years ago
#73 Froyotech csgo? in TF2 General Discussion

epic meme alert

posted about 8 years ago
#72 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
mustardoverlord2. There is no reason that valve bans should entail bans from all the upcoming giant events- turner league, blizzard mlg, etc.

I honestly think it's ludicrous that the developer of the game gets extra authority over players when they serve no extra administrative function in the actual competitive scene. yeah they donate prize money (an amount that is looking increasingly puny...and which has already been matched by tournaments valve had nothing to do with). so what? if razer or logitech demanded that the ibp people be banned we would laugh them out of town

The question is, would any tournament host rather have IBP play or have extra prizemoney, stickers, those crates that give you souvenirs for viewers, and front page on the main menu, which will get you way more viewers?

There's way more to it than just prizemoney. When you play against the person that owns the game, you'll lose every single time. Even if there was no prizemoney I'd wager any tournament host would side with valve. Razer and logitech don't have any power in csgo, if valve chooses to promote every event but yours, then you're probably fucked in terms of viewership, and you have to justify to sponsors why you chose to allow matchfixers to play instead of taking support from the big boss.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 I've been had - Need help/ideas in Off Topic

stab his dad

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Managing tilt? in Q/A Help

all you're doing is playing bad, and that's ok. Everyone plays worse than usual some days. And sometimes you do go against better players and lose. Those are facts and when you keep them in mind you'll find your state of mind is better

posted about 8 years ago
#22 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
VouriIt's not hard to understand. CS:GO is an eSport owned by Valve. Players fixed a match for a profit. This is against the rules of every competitive sport, and is also illegal. Most people in sports found to be matchfixing face bans of anywhere from permanent to several years (and I doubt ex-iBP will still be playing in 10ish years or w/e). Not banning them would put the integrity and legitimacy of eSports into question. The permaban was entirely deserved in my opinion.

Exactly this. The obvious solution, if you don't want to get banned, you shouldn't matchfix. I've no idea why anyone would want these scumbags unbanned. It's pretty equal to cheating.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Gamers Assembly LAN confirmed, signups open in News

Sound off if you're going, I reckon I'll try to make my way there

posted about 8 years ago
#164 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

crash 1, spyro 1 on ps1, and something me and my mates used to call 'rollerblading' that had the most dreadful graphics but you could kick the other rollerbladers over

ssx tricky on ps2

posted about 8 years ago
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