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Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 4:35 PM
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#263 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINBut we can't push for a world in which our game is both supported by the developer and a world in which we control all the rules at the same time. At some point I envision a time in which we hand control of our game over to the game developers to balance the competitive game. I feel and hope that they should/would make decisions that are good for the comp scene and ultimately make them the most money. Unfortunately, what's good for making Valve money hasn't quite aligned with what's good for the comp scene just yet. So I'm in favor of whitelists for now with the hope that we can one day not have one.

valve is never going to swoop in and revitalise the scene for everyone

MM has been on the shit pile for 2 years. pubbers aren't even gonna give a shit if it gets changed now.

posted about 6 years ago
#227 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
How was this different in the past then? Hasn't it always been about the honor of winning and negligible prizes?

The difference between now and times gone by for tf2s lack of prizes is that before e sports just weren't really a proper thing, I mean you had some semblance, but not much, the point isn't that tf2 never had incentives to win, but that most games didn't.
Now the best e sport players earn actual money and there's no reason to stay in tf2 if you want to try. If you're a talented player and you have the drive to focus on ur aim and go over shit with your team, then you can just go and play a game where you can get more out your harvest. even the esports that are laughed at by people still get astronomically fat prizepools compared to tf2

So the people that are still here are people that just love the game and want to enjoy it, not people that actually give a shit about winning, for the most part anyway

posted about 6 years ago
#2 help with scripting for weaponswitching/crosshair in Q/A Help

you could write an alias for cl crosshair file ""

posted about 6 years ago
#9 can you have real friends online? in Off Topic

Just go meet your online friends in real life

I used to think e friends weren't real until I got a bit older. Once you move away from school friends, it's just as easy to see your online ones as it is your old friends and once you've met em a few times it feels pretty real

posted about 6 years ago
#50 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

Absolutely no bonk, don't be ridiculous

posted about 6 years ago
#47 Essentials.TF Labs: 133 Tickrate training servers in TF2 General Discussion

I saw no real improvement, playing soldier felt exactly the same to me, if anything melee felt worse, I had a few times where I felt like I was grinding into someone swinging at nothing

plus the server kept lagging to shit, although twiku sorted it out later, but for now I wouldn't want to be using it

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Cooler Master Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

Do we have to change our name now?

posted about 6 years ago
#120 What do you HATE about TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

the fact that I never get any better yet my div keeps increasing as everyone better than me slowly leaves this dead game

posted about 6 years ago
#22 Leagues don't try new maps in TF2 General Discussion

I hate new maps even after making one

posted about 6 years ago
#27 help studying! in Q/A Help

hello I'm attention deficit - I always found the only way for me to study successfully was to exam myself with past papers, so I'd go online and ask my teachers, I'd split my papers up and test myself in intervals before my exams

then between you can write yourself a small guide on how well you did in different parts, so for instance if you were really weak in circuits in physics or something then you refresh that and do some practice questions and that's like 3 hours in total, but it's also key improvement, which is A. gonna improve ur exam mark a lot and B. is mega time efficient which is premium as fuck if you're an add child like me

I've known a lot of people do a hell of a lot more studying than I did and end up doing way worse because they actually spent all their time talking to their mates or just being on facebook or something

e- fuck I replied seriously to bot bumped thread -___-

posted about 6 years ago
#12 @CokeEsports does a Pepsi Meme with TF2 and OW? in Off Topic

Coca cola tf2 major 1,000,000 dollars on the way thanks coca cola e sport :)

posted about 6 years ago
#9 ETF2L Season 28 Coverage Feedback Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hello I watched every single coverage of this seasons etf2l games with my housemates and some of the American stuff aswell

I would like to see some more casters who have chemistry together

Barely any of the casting pairs play off of each other at all and the pairing is totally off, it seems like the play by play people and the analysts mostly just blend into each other and to me that defeats the purpose. Apart from a few fringe cases I couldn't possibly tell you who the analyst actually is and who the play by play guy is. None of the casters seem to talk to the other one, it often feels like the casters are just 2 people talking to the stream, with the other one only existing to fill in the gaps between the first one talking. There is no warmth between the pair or any indication that they even know each other. This isn't always, but when it happens it just feels awkward and robotic, which is not fun to watch.

I would like to see casters being a bit bolder on what they're talking about. The vast majority are afraid to call out a bad play or talk even about what they'd like to see from the teams. You don't have to be overtly negative but some casters do not criticize at all, which is a waste of humourous moments. Add more guest casters in prem, they seem to generally be far less afraid to call mistakes

I'd say the interviews are wasted, they're just too clinical. give the players space to express personality and rivalries, it usually feels like 'forced professional' instead of an organic interview and the result is generally uninteresting. It would probably be better to have the interviewer be someone in the inner circle who isn't afraid to poke fun at people, when possible.

I would personally like to see overhead views on mids sometimes. It's nice to see how each team prepares up for the mid and actually watching a demo shoot 3 stickies for a grand total of 60 damage adds nothing to the viewing experience. Neither does watching the roamer go behind. I'd much rather see how the other team reacts to the bombs and how the mid flows, because watching 1 person honestly just chops out the majority of the info because it's very rare that only one person is doing something interesting at a time - go to the first person once the cleanup stage begins imo

thx u

posted about 6 years ago
#372 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic

I feel really bad about all the times I've been a cunt to people in tf2, it's out of my character. Yeah a lot of people don't click with my personality, I'm a bit of a memer I guess, but it's never supposed to be with ill intent

There is a reason why I'd been such a twat so many times but I feel like it just sounds like an excuse anyway, now there's groups of people who don't know me very well and think I'm an awful toxic player, and I feel like I can't do much about it

Like for instance there's a player who is good friends with someone I was a dick to, and though I apologised and made up with that person his friend still takes every opportunity to be rude to me, I can't think of any reason he'd want to do that apart from that his friend didn't like me, I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything to him personally

it blows kinda

posted about 6 years ago
#52 FACEIT Hub Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
This is not good. The reason other games don't do this is because if a game goes bad 1 person will take the fall and leave so everyone else can get out of a losing pug without losing Elo. And that happens occasionally when 5 random people meet each other, imagine how frequently it could happen when players who know each other well match up in a small close-knit community like ours. What I suggest is that if someone is afk or leaves within the first 5 minutes the match can automatically be cancelled with no Elo loss like the way dota 2 does it. Losing Elo when someone leaves is going to suck but it's better than Elo becoming inflated as a result of the winning team getting Elo and the losing team not losing any (or even gaining some as you mentioned.)

I also disagree with making the punishments for leavers severe, it's pugs bro I'm not trying to get banned for a week or some shit cause I had to go suddenly.

I feel like match cancelling is not suitable for tf2. This is how it works in the actual tf2 matchmaking and someone on the would-be losing team just leaves every time they lose mid. I've played a fuckton of mm and that happened to me like half of the time if I won a round within the first few mins.
I feel like it works better for dota because if you fuck up and give first blood that counts as a late leave (iirc, I don't play) and you could do the same thing here where if a rounds gone, it counts, but you just leave when you wipe on mid in that case and I don't know how you'd check for that.

I would personally suggest that the leaver takes a fat elo hit, absorbing some of the damage done to his teammates, so a percentage of each remaining team member, say like a third for examples sake. so if each player would lose 100, they lose 66 instead, the leaver takes his 100 + the 165 total from the remaining people. That way the elo stays uninflated and people still aren't punished as hard

I agree that it sucks losing elo to leavers, but if I see that I get to essentially take elo from the leaver, then I reckon I'm
feeling way happier about that. Your average person isn't going to want to leave too many times when they take a huge hit, but if you don't care about pugs that much maybe you don't mind your elo tanking?

In my personal opinion, if I'm someone that wants to leave, I'll unplug my internet, go make a sandwich, take the elo hit I would from losing and then appeal my ban by saying my net went off. That barely feels like a punishment for me, whereas chunking my elo does.

In terms of handling subs, I think that cancelling if noshow is a good idea, and I think that subbing people in, in general, is a bad idea. If someone full abandons the game, you should just be able to leave with no punishment and requeue. By the time the leaver has abandoned (5 mins?) you already lost a round or 2, and probably one more in the time it takes for someone to sub in anyway. I don't see the point in trying to salvage pugs- 9/10 times a player in any game leaves because they're losing, just play tf2c/csgo and you'll see that, winning team members barely ever leave. If you want the system to be used by the majority, that's something that's gonna happen.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 What got you in to competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

I went on hildreths old arena server in like 2010

an angry serbian shouted at me until i agreed to backup for their team, I was a spy main at the time and enjoyed single digit frags on scout for every game I played

posted about 6 years ago
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