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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
Posts 886 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ⋅⋅ 59
#14 The International 3 in Esports

I believe in iG!

posted about 11 years ago
#126 the state of tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

I've been reading this thread and thinking. So far I notice mainly these problems:
1. People add up as captain just to play(even newer people)
2. People who have lots of experience play captain and choose their friends, usually making it a roll.
3. People scrambling till they get their friends
4. People are offclassing full-time and not taking the game seriously.
5. People are not reporting to admins
6. Lack of admins?
7. People coming on alt accounts?(Making it 9v6 also?)
8. People using joke weapons?

There are problems that can possible conflict each other and aren't easy to solve. Number 1 2, and 3 for example, how can we stop that? One way is probably reporting to admin about it most definitely. This will help solve 4 problems. But we also have to think, what IS tf2mix for? I always thought it was not only a place where people can finally get picked who USUALLY NEVER GET to play, but a place for new players also, Newbie Mixes is another place, but tf2mix should definitely be one too. As for people not reporting to admins, I think when a player first enters the IRC channel, it should pop up something like"Need an admin? type !admin". So more people and newer players are aware of this function and able to use it when needed.

The lack of admins can definitely be a problem, but there seems to be many players in this thread that are capable, go pick them up! As for people coming on alts, that seems like a weird problem. In order for that to happen, one would have to give the password to their friends. I don't think it seems easy to catch who would do it, but should be reported anyway. Also possibly check if these people are friends with the alts/etc. The best you can do it leave it to an admin.

People using joke weapons, like I said earlier, hoping that tf2mix can definitely be a trustworthy place where new players can learn and get better, it'd be best to get rid of some unlocks. Not ALL of them, but to an extent where you can still use Gunboats, Kritz, Pain Train, and etc. They should only be allowed to use not only the default RL but also the Original and Direct Hit(could be talked about) more instead of some Beggar's Bazooka or Liberty Launcher.

In the end, there will be many players that will be a douchebag, asshole, whatever you want to call them. The newer generations have been infected by the bad generations of before. It's spreading more and more and people think their circlejerks are good or some shit. The only way to stop this cancer is definitely using admin when you get the chance. So people learn that it's NOT ACCEPTABLE.

I went into a tf2mix once, some brought their friends to spectate and just shit talk my team and etc. As there was also people who were very rude in general, and I was told by a friend that "TF2mix is a great and nice place for newer people". It shames me when I tell other newer to comp friends about tf2mix and they come back telling me it was shit. Let the people who are truly dedicated to helping out TF2Mix/Newer players be admins, Waldo and hooky seem promising definitely.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Bill is going to livestream tomorrow! in Off Topic
Khakiwho are you

Probably that hacker from the other thread, this guy is friends with the Gavin dude.

posted about 11 years ago
#63 aimbotter in fogs dm in Off Topic
GavinjermangGavinWhoaDerewell this was fun to experienceExperience a ton of nerds get super upset when they lose at video games?
In that case, yes, yes it was.

jesus even if you're being ironic you're so retarded

At least I don't blow at TF2 and say everybody who beats me hacks.

Go play in ESEA then, you obviously seem like Invite material.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 aimbotter in fogs dm in Off Topic

Peppers and Gavin even made their profiles private now and spam their aliases out with random shit lol.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 aimbotter in fogs dm in Off Topic
thee5orrowx3he really need to feel superior to aimbot in a dm server. usually, there no total noobs in dm server. How can he be that stupid?!
garry's mod and terraria recently played on his profile, 448 of 448 achievements, prolly just some kid lookin to impress, simple ban.

edit: possible alt of this "pepper" same achievements and games

Think that's his friend, they're both playing in the same server right now.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 megathreads in the hardware subforum in Site Discussion

I was thinking about this before. Where we have people on the forum make a big guide about computer things, have pros and cons of each mouse, and maybe even have a poll on types of mouses and people vote for which ones they have to see which ones are possibly most trusted.

posted about 11 years ago
#75 who are your favourite players of all time in TF2 General Discussion

favorite scouts: yz50, ggglygy, oov, downpour, and Dave_
favorite soldiers: TLR, relic, harbleu, Dave__AC, and Reptile
favorite demos: Kalkin, Kaidus, numlocked, dummy, and Droog
favorite medics: Industrial, BUICK, ehfk, mesr, and shade
favorite snipers: mackey, justin, spadez, Sheep, and Loronix

posted about 11 years ago
#10 bsc in Recruitment (looking for team)

Really nice guy. He taught me to watch Reptile povs and win. Pick him up!

posted about 11 years ago
#28 I'm running a TF2 experiment that needs your help in TF2 General Discussion

After the pug, the only spots I use was the opening under the box to spam, and the rooftop to spam rockets. Pretty weird map, I think some cool spots could be used.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 I'm running a TF2 experiment that needs your help in TF2 General Discussion

There are more roamer spots for soldier, and a opening for sniper plays.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 I'm running a TF2 experiment that needs your help in TF2 General Discussion
Protatotriple_word_scorehighlander goliterally making a pug out of a pub

This is how we do it X)

posted about 11 years ago
#10 I'm running a TF2 experiment that needs your help in TF2 General Discussion
brownymasterMaybe it's a single blind experiment? Although they usually still tell you what's the purpose.

Maybe we have to make a copy of koth_viaduct, and add _exp to it!
EDIT: Nevermind :C

posted about 11 years ago
#8 I'm running a TF2 experiment that needs your help in TF2 General Discussion

link to map pls

posted about 11 years ago
#101 What you bought? in Off Topic
zigzterHooli bought Monaco for me. :>

That's all I've got so far 'cause I'm broke.frknCiv 5

to buy or not to buy, I have never played a turn based strategy game.
Buy it and join our TFTV Civ5 orgies.

There's a group? Please invite/make a thread so people could ask to join o;

posted about 11 years ago
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