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Last Posted March 31, 2024 at 1:00 PM
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#53 Mr Slin - Potential Fixes for 5cp in Comp TF2 in Videos

#26, there are unlocks that allow for offensive situations but people aren't making enough use of them.
Soldier has the use of banners primarily the conch and battalions, there isn't situations where enough damage isn't done so buff banner isn't really necessary.
Sniper has jarate which doesn't take too much trouble to sync with a team. Throw it in a choke, hit one player then go for a fast uber exchange with the damage bonus or even send your roamer in after the jarate goes in.
Those above are the main ones for the current meta.
These below are ideas of what can be done or experimented with.
Demo has the quickie bomb which can destroy stickies for pushes, make space for bombs and just make pushes easier.
Pyro also has a scorch shot (I know this sounds dumb) however it destroys stickies as well and can help protect a team from bombs if the push is executed once the stickies are down. (I know this also needs a lot of experimentation as to who goes this class for this kind of scenario).
Medic has kritz which can always be a good go to option and vaccinator if the team is fast enough to work it with the bubbles.
This isn't really an unlock one but double spy is always a potential strat people can make use off.

All this brainstorming is good but making a 7cp map will just end in disaster. A major restriction on pushes right now is really closed chokes. Why would you want to push through a choke like gully to go for an uber exchange when you'll either die to spam or get forced really early into a horrible uber. Other chokes that suffer from this are reckoner, process, granary and snakewater sawmill.
Grass on snakewater allows the attackers to actually take ground and make plays so there's one advantage to that.
This is why the passive setup works so good cause the chokes are so hard to counter push that you can't make anything off just a roamer pick.
Badlands has good counterplays to this as the main choke is really open and also has an open valley which allows the attackers to make and take a lot of space.
I'm not saying all chokes need to be like this. However more maps need to offer the attackers some more room to breath when pushing from mid to second and vice versa when defenders can push mid with uber advantage.

Some solutions to these issues is to add in one more koth map which seems to be quite a popular opinion from what I read.
Personally, when Sideshow wanted gravelpit back for dreamhack, I liked it cause it will always mean teams have to push or just lose from the clock but I don't think that's a possibility. If it is, we would need 2/3 maps for a map cup to find any better contender than gravelpit.
The current maps just need to have some chokes reworked so teams can try pushing without having to worry about dying from spam instantly.
An example i'll give here is on badlands, a strat we use in Lego was to uber exchange from haunter, back out to choke, heal up six people on mid then go 6v4 on choke with both soldiers leading the charge focusing the demo so the demo cannot sticky off the choke while the team follows up. This strat only works here because off the openness of the choke. There isn't many, if any other map that allows this kind of play cause the spam you will receive will be too intense in a choke like granary choke.

TL:DR Summary.
There is enough unlocks to combat this no pushing style but teams need to actually try them and be creative with them.
The current maps are ok but the chokes can be reworked on a majority to allow for some offensive plays/strats/pushes.
An additional koth map could be good as a lot of people enjoy koth.
Teams actually need to sit down and create a few strats/ideas to play and improve. Only takes 15 minutes and can be very beneficial.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 ETF2L S25 LBF: sauna slayers vs. LEGO in Matches

Suprise incoming.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 does corsair make good mice in Hardware

Corsair SABRE RGB is very good.

posted about 7 years ago
#4559 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#24 nameLess claims ETF2L S24 Premiership title in News
Phoenix21the only reason lego wasn't prem for several seasons was because they didn't want to lose most of their officials and actually do well in div 1, happy that at the end they decided to just find replacements for the players that didn't want to commit to prem and now they are 2nd place in prem.

So misinformed. This version of Lego only formed because me, Izon and Phil were playing dota one day and said let's make a team since helberg and crizzl stopped for university. Beater was lagging too badly and Sepu did not want to commit to prem level anymore after season 20. All we needed was people we knew and that was sorex, condom and godmoule.

posted about 7 years ago
#4531 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#7 ETF2L S24 GF: nameLess vs. LEGO in Matches

Will be played on Sunday the 24th.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Which teams are going to i58? in LAN Discussion
trippais LEGO not going ;(

Time will tell, highly doubt it though.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 ESEA S22 W6: RONIN vs. froyotech in Matches

well this is gonna be interesting

posted about 7 years ago
#91 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
Good point (though the better team isn't always nice about it), but how does playing a cup help more than just asking for a scrim against a better team every now and then? (Again, when you're pressed for time. When your team is all on summer holiday, sure, why not?)

Then do exactly that? One of my old team leaders used to purposely schedule games against better teams. We didn't care if we lost cause we were like div4 at the time and wanted to see what div2 teams did to improve. Sure, it fucking sucks getting smashed but if you've a desire to improve, you rewatch the demos together, you see what they do, take notes of strats, set-plays or whatever and use them yourself or improve them.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

So what if they are playing overwatch? that means they are still playing and it has only been six months. It's not as if they have just stopped games completely.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News
While i also understand that it looks shitty how Suave now stole a spot by casually bringing back a top tier prem team I have to ask you to look at yesterdays cup. A russian mixteam full with inactive/washed up players (also not even the Top 6 russian players eg. forsaken, death/gdk) just beat the left over prem teams once again.

We played the exact same roster during the week and smashed them 5-0, 6-1. Only difference is they swapped forsaken for a main demo and they have been practicing all week so they had a clear intention to put up a good showing. They are not washed up like you say.

posted about 7 years ago
#444 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
moursifanshaweLMFAO NIGHT TERROR

Not defending them but first clip, night kills someone in house while his medic and demo are on balcony and have good vision of choke so the call is made "scout going haunter". Clearly an attempt to help get a refrag but gets juggled.

Last clip, he never even checked dropdown, he opened the door and looked fucking clueless. Granted he could've faked it but he didn't turn until the scout shot him first.

Spy clip looks fucking bullshit though but, sheepy had just died fighting him in lower so maybe he spammed the door to prevent a refrag but the timing he did it is bullshit.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Least sniper-friendly 6s maps? in Map Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#4262 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

Sorry Germans, think it's blocked there.

posted about 8 years ago
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