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#1 RGB LAN 4 viewer's guide in News

excited to do another TF2 LAN, even if this one is only remote coverage to start the day.

Wish I was in Philly

posted about 4 years ago
#82 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylOn another note I feel like in a competitive game it's kind of lame to have the possibility of ties with one team winning map one and another winning map. I guess maybe it would be nice to be able to say "yeah we took one map off them" versus the sad "we were up on them on halftime and then choked and lost", but at the end of the day I definitely think it's worth it to have a definitive winner.

What I found from a caster stand point at least, is it added some intrigue to the season as you DIDNT get that answer mid season. Teams would look even, and then you truly got the answer of who was better in playoffs. Sort of how trading maps in ESEA works right now

posted about 4 years ago
#74 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

Interesting to see a few things:

ESEA ruleset was the most popular option with 40% picking it, however overall more people preferred a 30 minute alternative between the windiff or winlimit. ~57%
An overwhelming majority 82% want to go to map rotations again, with 2/3 wanting 2 maps/week. Seems the ETF2L/OZF schedule is most desired overall, with discussion to be had over winlimit 5 or windiff 5.
However, with NA players, it moves closer at a 55/45 split on 1 or 2 maps a week, and almost 50/50 on 30min or 2 halves.
The NA numbers have very slight differences between divisions, but it's all about the same. 55/45 for 2 maps in open, 60/40 in IM, 66/33 in invite. 51/44 for 30 min vs 2 halves in open, 45/53 in IM 50/46 in Invite.

I'd be interested to see a follow up poll pitting those specifics against each other, as in which format of 30min (windiff or winlimit) theyd prefer. See if we get a clearer answer between the two as everyone who voted ESEA 2 halves would have to pick one.

posted about 4 years ago
#51 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
Tery_I feel the EU / AU / global ruleset provides more overall.

Thank you for calling it EU/AU ruleset. Everyone just calling it the ETF2L ruleset makes me sad :(

On a more serious note, thank you for writing this all out Botmode, add this to the list of reasons I have immense respect for you!

Initially I'd like to see EU/AU/NA all on the same rulesets and formats, obviously the easiest route is for NA to mirror AU/EU, but at the same time, I'd hope they have a strong line of communication and we can change things, IE if the survey shows many think win limit 5 is better than windiff 5, that EU and AU might shift to win limit 5 to keep everything the same. Im tired of casting multiple regions and sometimes confusing myself on which format I'm casting lol.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 (re)introducing The TFCL Sixes League (TFCL 2.0) in TF2 General Discussion
samifaceJust asking to clarify, teams will play one set map against 2 teams each week? Any reason why not to consider the EU method?

Same format is also used in Australia as EU. Was hoping to see that format come to NA, but still this all looks very good.

Initially will the "new" map be in line with one of the new maps AU or EU are using?

posted about 5 years ago
#88 Announcing RGL.gg Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion
Daffodil-DreamboatWelp, the 2 things I really wanted from this league didn't happen.

No universal map pool
No universal format.

Looks like insomnias, copenhagen games and other intl lans will have the same issues that happened last ISeries, where a team had to play a map they dont play in their region in the grand finals.

Honestly, love or hate the format or map pool, I cant be the only one that sees the benefits of playing the same format and maps in every region of TF2?
It would be nice to have a universal ruleset, but no actual efforts have been made by any parties towards achieving one.

This saddens me. Granted, I personally feel when 2/3 regions (AU and EU) run the same format, the onus is on RGL, it still makes me sad no effort was made.

Daffodil-Dreamboat RGL does reserve the right to maintain exclusive access to the STV as they see fit.
This also worries me slightly. Not that sigafoo would ACTUALLY do it, but this gives him the power to do to TFTV what EVLTV did to him.

(For those who weren't around back then, apparently what happened is EVL would get UGC to change STV passwords so that sigafoo couldn't cast them in an effort to stop him from streaming the same game, and i believe also other games as well.)

I for one am of the opinion that the people in our community aren't petty children. RGL wishes to centralize the casts for specific matches to increase viewership. It isn't intended to malicious in the slightest and it is annoying seeing people spinning it that way.

I didn't intend to spin it as something that exists out of malicious intent, I just was concerned because it's something that HAS been done maliciously in the past. It's only an issue if it's abused.

posted about 5 years ago
#85 Announcing RGL.gg Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion
RGL does reserve the right to maintain exclusive access to the STV as they see fit.

This also worries me slightly. Not that sigafoo would ACTUALLY do it, but this gives him the power to do to TFTV what EVLTV did to him.

(For those who weren't around back then, apparently what happened is EVL would get UGC to change STV passwords so that sigafoo couldn't cast them in an effort to stop him from streaming the same game, and i believe also other games as well.)

posted about 5 years ago
#76 Announcing RGL.gg Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion

Welp, the 2 things I really wanted from this league didn't happen.

No universal map pool
No universal format.

Looks like insomnias, copenhagen games and other intl lans will have the same issues that happened last ISeries, where a team had to play a map they dont play in their region in the grand finals.

Honestly, love or hate the format or map pool, I cant be the only one that sees the benefits of playing the same format and maps in every region of TF2?

posted about 5 years ago
#459 age in Off Topic

23. '96 born

posted about 5 years ago
#2 ESEA S31 W6: cafe monster RB vs. Ford Gaming in Matches

This cast is brought to you by Raise ur Donkers TV.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Lan in february(or june) in LAN Discussion

The only concern I could reasonable see depends when it is in June. Might be too close to copenhagen games for some people to attend.

Alternatively if it's close enough, spend a little time in Denmark and group migrate to latvia

posted about 5 years ago
#465 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
HubidashubidaQuote from -Em

12 minutes ago

acting all cocky when he didn't even make the cut for a main spot on his team in the first place lmao

Look, I'm not going to defend ems comment, but you did start it by saying I got cut on the match page in an effort to bait a toxic reply from me lol

"Look who is cut now."

posted about 5 years ago
#459 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
HubidashubidaDreamboatThanks to the Frantic boys for a fun season, easily the most fun teammates I've ever played with, sadly I dont have the drive to play anymore.Still plays the match lol

Uh...because I'm still friends with them? My replacement Cosa couldn't make it today. I wouldn't leave them high and dry, and they knew I wanted to leave, I stuck it in until they found a replacement.

I'll still probably sub for them if they're stuck for players.

posted about 5 years ago
#449 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks to the Frantic boys for a fun season, easily the most fun teammates I've ever played with, sadly I dont have the drive to play anymore.

posted about 5 years ago
#400 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_DreamboatBuildBruhhonestly, pulling out starkie is some next level shit that i hope to be in a position to do something similar one day.
I think it's karma for that time I had Yui ring for me Viaduct week

didn't we lose that?

Yeah, had 3 ringers that week and our demo played both games on mute IIRC

posted about 5 years ago
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