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Signed Up January 27, 2016
Last Posted September 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM
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#14 worst pain you've ever felt in Off Topic

got my junk shut by the car door AND my foot run over at the same time. It's so weird how bad shit can happen to you randomly and instantly, and i know many other have experienced much worse

posted about 7 years ago
#138 TF2 player internet speed? in Hardware

My internet is as average as a white suburban/rural kid's grades

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Shade Porn Thread in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Tf2 Rap Lyrics in Off Topic

Headshot, BONK!. airshot, BONK!. meatshot, BONK!. scout fed, BONK!. med charged, BONK!. med dropped, BONK!.

Baited... BONK!. Baited... BONK!

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Happy Cinco De Mayo in World Events

posted about 7 years ago
#15 17 in Projects

I can't believe I've never heard of this event, we should bump it up so at least everyone here knows this event taking place

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Question about the stars in Off Topic
Cerdurtfw starlet

I still have growing potential I swear! hell people would kill for 1/16 of a star i bet you

(but yea feelsbadman)

posted about 7 years ago
#618 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Grampsi play faceit NA from Australia sometimes, not often but i would be kinda bummed if they outright denied me from playing. They don't offer oceanic tf2 services and i doubt they plan to due to being a lower player number region. I feel like people going to other regions specifically to troll should be punished for obvious reasons, but i think it a little bit unfair to be lumped in with those players, especially as i've never been an anchor to my team with my ping, although i am in a small minority of players, still would be nice to deal with high ping players case to case rather than a blanket solution that may punish people for no real reason

If you get fair ping then fine, i've gotten under 175 ping on AUS servers, also the real solution would be to include and AUS region (idk how likely it would be)

but trust me when i say 200+ ping players will do more harm than good. Its just the reality of things

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Question about the stars in Off Topic

How many of them are there? why must we be so small compared to all the stars in the universe which then seem small to what is the universe itself....

But in reality how did i earn my 1/3 of a star and how do you earn stars in general?

posted about 7 years ago
#616 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

one big complaint i have honestly is people from different regions queuing in regions they shouldn't be allowed in.

well it's not really that other regions can't play in na, but there are some playersthat queue in na and they get abysmal ping as a result of it (200+ ping).

tbh i think there should be a ping restriction that if you have +175 ping for a certain amount of time you should be kick as it will

1. make your teammates happier knowing they won't be basically playing a 5v6

2. gets rid of eu/any region trolls

3. make you happier that you don't have to play with terrible ping if you happen to have bad internet atm and get assblasted for it

posted about 7 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 5/4/17 in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleBBiA_duchessThis is such a lazy company holy shit.
Great opinion! Good opinion! Thanks for the opinion! You certainly seem like a smart young person and I admire your opinions. I value your opinions and your ability to think critically before you say things! P.S funny posts lol i liked your funny attitude anyway bye

yea opinion.... I WISH

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Shade Porn Thread in Videos

It gets me everytime his headphones fall to the floor

posted about 7 years ago
#23 reserve shooter in TF2 General Discussion

I genuinely wondering if this weapon mini crits jumping soldiers that didn't take any knockback of any kind besides jumping by themselves (i havent seen this weapon in ages so sorry if i don't know this)

posted about 7 years ago
#54 Samurai Jack season 5 in Music, Movies, TV

My thoughts as of now

Show Content
The last episode was kinda of a let down imo, Too much of jack just walking in the scenery and making tea really, fucking... slooooow. It made the battle with ashi and her mother really fucking fast which was a major let down seeming that the mother was a crucial character. Everything in that episode seemed rushed aside of jack just doing boring shit.
Also brings me to the point where I hope the ending isn't rushed, as far as we know we only have episode 8, 9, and 10 left so I hope they don't rush this otherwise I will be super sad
posted about 7 years ago
#20 wtf just happened on esea gf stream in TF2 General Discussion

I really enjoyed his older casts before he started streaming so much (and before he got drunk and started to use his marketing skills to bait people with raffles and giveaways and shit) because they were a lot more serious. Don't get me wrong, his stuff now is super entertaining and I don't really blame him for it but to me it seems that he's selling out and trying to manipulate the twitch viewers, whereas before he was just doing it for the love of the game.
edit: like this solo cast he did a few seasons ago[/quote]

I don't think he was trying to manipulate views

1. He is going to dreamhack in austin for a while and won't be able to stream during that time

2. the giveaways in terms of money was a clear joke. "2,000, 100,000, etc. all these different numbers if he reached 1,000 viewers when it clearly wasn't going to happen. also any other giveaways that did happen were ones that were up in the past.

3. this is potentially the last season of invite (idk if people are just saying it for a scare or not) but why not go out with a bang bringing in other dudes that did a fantastic job staying into the game and making the stream entertaining

4. also i think he wouldn't have as many viewers if the stv was up right away, i was actually planning on watching the tftv version (and i did at times but i was gonna watch it there full time) But with the stv down and shade being able to get a pov for the first map really helped him get his popularity

I will say that he did manipulate tftv view amount, but not as much or with intent as I feel you might be saying

posted about 7 years ago
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