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Last Posted September 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM
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#18 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylu have downs
let people add in their own responses

there isn't an option for that, if there was i would totally add it.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion
corsaU forgot a few rly good people

I realized I forgot marmaduke and habib :<, and i'm sure it's more than a few lmao

Also should have added starkie in off class >.<

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion
OppeboMuuki is best offclasserdriftawhere is muuki for offclasser

If he got better than 4th place i would have listed him

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion
HalBoth Schocky and Stefan listed?

omg i'm dumb, i meant BasH instead of schocky.... my bad, and i can't go back and change stuff sadly

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Who is the best? in TF2 General Discussion

When the "who is the best med" was posted. I wanted there to be more.

I made a bunch of strawpolls so we can see what the community thinks is the best... (sorry in advance if i don't have your favorite player on the poll)





Scout(s): (please pick only 2)


Feel free to state your opinion in the comments as well (and let me know who i forgot)

posted about 7 years ago
#65 Best med ever? in TF2 General Discussion

I just want to point out somethings about shade that people seem to forget about, In terms of achievement everyone here agrees shade won the most, but everyone is saying like "well shade played on froyo, it was more of a team effect, etc etc."


Raymon didn't carry his team to win i58, crowns did better than all the teams that was all, kaptain and especially Starkie did really well at i58 along with raymon. Also you can argue that the competition was the lowest it ever was. Now i'm not saying that raymon can't be called the best med, but i just find it hard to compare him to shade when shade had many phenominal performances as well (ESEA LAN s18, i52 and i55, etc.) when the competition was arguably harder.

Mierlin did have good movement but didn't have enough achievement performance IMO to make him the best.

Knoxx I feel can really contend with shade because of i49 and was a great maincaller, but shade did better than knoxx achievement wise (and as his role imo) later on in i52 and i55. But again the i49 was a team effort as well.

I don't know about pyyyour but he did well but i felt he quit too soon to make him a for sure best med. he won i46 but again wasn't the carry of the team and competition was tough but fairly new i felt.

Now for shade, we know his achievements but no one is talking about his skills.

IMO he was the best at keeping himself alive. He knew when a situation went sour and that always helps your team from getting rolled.

Also he was the best at milking along with not dropping, only times i saw him drop was from a flank play and i never saw him pussy pop, dude had balls of steel.

Not only does shade has reached higher achievements, but he had certain skills that helped him surpass many great medics mechanically wise as well

posted about 7 years ago
#81 Samurai Jack season 5 in Music, Movies, TV

I'm a lil late but i was on a 5 day trip. I'm gonna give me personal critique on the show as a whole. Also i'd like to state that i watched this show as a new comer of sorts, I didn't grow up with this show, and I didn't watch all the episodes, just some episodes along with a quick synopsis of the entire series and characters. Also This is my opinion and you can disagree with me, maybe you like some stuff that did happen which is fine

EDIT: I'll add more to this critique but it's late rn and i got summer classes tomorrow.

Show Content
Rating: 9/10
The beginning as the best part IMO of the season, set a great dark tone, established great character, and the story was well paced along with great action and dramatic scenes, it flowed so well and got me soooooo hooked, I personally wished the show kept this theme. There was no hope and after years of hopelessness and suffering everything seemed natural, like how things would be, jack depressed with no sword, killing a person the first time (young innocent ones as well) did make jack's depression natural and right. everything fit together and It fit the darker tone narrative, also with the show being on Adult swim it would make sense to keep this up, or as i thought they would.
Show Content
Episodes: 5-6
Rating: 6.5/10
This was the start of the downhill that this show went on. Giving ashi more depth and having jack and ashi over come there problems were alright, but how they executed them was slow and kind of a let down. These were the episodes that made me unsure what direction the show was heading in terms of tone, (was it going to be more friendly, romantic, still keep the dark tone? it changed a lot). these episodes didn't flow together as well as the beginning did
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Episodes 7-9:
Rating: 4.5/10
God where do I begin.... They made the insignificant parts slooooooooow as fuck (tea part where jack got his sword back, scaramouche trying to get back to aku, the entire episode 8 was fucking pointless and boring for most of it and the romance was rushed af and was borderline cringe IMO) and the significant part rushed as fuck... (killing of the mother, scaramouche, not enough time of aku vs jack, the way he got his sword back was autistic IMO and they rushed it. Also jack was out of character/a fucking retard in these episode. (him in the romantic episode, HOW HE LOST HIS SWORD PISSED ME OFF, you were sad that you killed some sheep and you dropped your sword down a pit? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?, etc.) theses episodes also went back to like the older samurai jack episodes tone (like when it was on CN, more kid friendly(actually i should say more happy go lucky, light tone, which is fine but they changed it so randomly which was so weird and didn't make sense. It exchanged the good dark theme the show established with this forced lighter tone that felt weird and didn't make sense.))
Show Content
Final Episode...
Rating: Don't bother....
Just was rushed to shit, so cliche, and the ending was wtf, I might edit this more to give it a better critique, but it was garbage.
Show Content
Overall rating : 6/10
TL;DR Show was good in the beginning and was well paced, then it lost it's charm and was RUSHED, I was afraid this would happen after episode 6 and it did, really sad to what could have been a fantastic show
posted about 7 years ago
#67 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster
RagorI believe you answered your own question, my man

I want to know WHAT the history is, i know it exists but can I get a basic rundown of WHAT exactly happened? like i haven't seen this much hate towards someone on this site ever. (im relatively new to this site but still, this guy is getting shit on)

posted about 7 years ago
#65 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster

Can anyone explain to me who/what this guy is and why he is hated in such a way? I know there is history to this cause I can't see how one post can make everyone hate a person so much especially a post like this (it's dumb really, but not really worth a lot of hate on it's own)
(All I know is that one time b4nny shit talked this guy in a pug once for doing some questionable shit)

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Any good pc build for around 500$? in Q/A Help

bumping thread cause of changes.

sorry I didn't add this last night, but my brother is willing to pay full price of the pc build.

so new changes are what are good pc builds that can run good games like witcher 3, etc. at 60 fps at normal/high settings. price also can go up to 600$ now.

TY for your other suggestions as i might keep this for a future build of my own

posted about 7 years ago
#47 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
MethuselahThis isn't true at all you goober. It's called the valsava maneuver and it's important for protecting your lumbar spine by increasing intrabdominal pressure. Many lifters hold their breath for entire sets of five.

Whenever you CAN not all the time, i should have said that. Also this is more for endurance (10-20) reps rather than a few heavy reps, still make sure you take a good amount of breath before you do your reps.

Also it's not good to breathe too much and fast as you might accidentally hyperventilate while working out

posted about 7 years ago
#38 lansky first powerlifting meet in Off Topic
lighthousei have no knowledge about working out at all so genuine question, are you supposed to hold your breath during lifts like that? my intuition would have been breathing out when doing the actual lift

NEVER HOLD YOUR BREATH, if you hold your breath like that you could accidentally pass out or lose control/balance (which is something you dont want to do when lifting a heavy peice of metal). Here it was hard for lansky to breathe cause of how heavy the weight was, but it was only for a short time, but always try to breathe when you can.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 whats ur favorite brand of orange juice in Off Topic

simply orange or florida's natural

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Any good pc build for around 500$? in Q/A Help

i would like a pc gaming build yea

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Any good pc build for around 500$? in Q/A Help

sorry if i can't say specifics but i just was wondering what is the best possible builds for around 450-550$ range.

EDIT: sorry i didn't add this last night, but my brother is willing to pay full price of the pc build.

so new changes are what are good pc builds that can run good games like witcher 3, etc. ast60 fps at normal/high settings. price also can go up to 600$ now.

TY for your other suggestions as i might keep this for a future build of my own

posted about 7 years ago
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