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Signed Up May 20, 2014
Last Posted September 13, 2022 at 4:46 PM
Posts 375 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad Glorious XXL Extended
Headphones AKG K-271 MKII
Monitor BenQ XL2411Z
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#54 Community video democall - ikpure in Videos scout 6k

posted about 8 years ago
#16 steam game badges in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#15 European TF2 power rankings – Week 1 in News
HildrethTwiggySo why is shocky not in the epsi roster and still registered in lemmings?

Will he get listed as a merc for epsi the whole season?

I thought it was forbidden to play in two teams at the same time and yet he played the first matches in high with lemmings too.

He is mercing every game for Epsilon, in theory a team could disallow Shocky and force Epsilon to use another merc, but no team will do that as they will want to play versus the best team.

In my opinion it's a big abuse of a loophole ETF2L have allowed into their system for a long time, it could easily be closed if they put in a rule such as "You can only merc up to two fixtures per team per season". I have seen other players do it before, in fact I have even done it myself in a tournament a long time ago. It's more of a problem in Highlander because thanks to certain team captains default hunting (basically b33p) there is a default merc rule, so in theory I could be on an Open team all season and still merc in Prem as a default merc and nothing could be done to stop me.

We have noticed this a long while ago and we're thinking of the best rule change for it at some point now in close future, mainly for Highlander in mind with all the default mercs but likely will do the same ruling for 6v6 too as soon as we get proof that the rule works more than well with the upcoming Highlander season.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 So I played my very first lobby today! in TF2 General Discussion
Mboybno this shit was like so bad, i got killed by spys and engis and snipers it was that bad

Easiest way to counter these in a koth map is to know your map and the gamemode that you're playing, where the spy will decloak, where the engineer will place mini-sentries and where the sniper can take a look at you and your team and so on. Highlander is relatively easy to understand and improve your gamesense from after playing it more as you get yourself more into the metagame of the gamemode itself.

Mboybit also did not help that my arms and hands were shaking because i was so fuckin scared

Remember to chill out! Lobbies aren't supposed to be scary at all and neither they are in the end, just remember to have fun playing and then keep on playing more if you do find it fun. The more you play, the more you get used to the game and stop being nervous about it.

posted about 8 years ago
#340 Insomnia55 General Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I swear if we won't get a fragumentary of this before i58

This whole event deserves and needs it

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Top 10 TF2 plays - June 2015 in News
KanecoI don't know what the selection process is but as people mentioned there's definitely a bias towards A:R, 4v4, and the likes.

I'm not sure what is the selection process fully like, but if they let people who support through Parteon to choose in which order the clips are then I'm not surprised about what you said

posted about 8 years ago
#39 we need to talk in TF2 General Discussion
Max_Does anyone know how CS:GO goes about preventing DDosing at the majors?

Qualifiers for Cologne happened a couple weeks ago and there was no DDosing despite much more being on the line there not just in skins and betting but in qualifying for a Valve funded major

All qualifiers for that were played on LAN though

posted about 8 years ago
#192 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion

Really good show from EU when prem players get mad of mid players making some kind of hold

Is there some way to have double elimination in the cup? I don't think most Mid/IM guys who participate in these cups have always planned to win them when they sign up, but more like to have fun and play against somewhat actual teams instead to play for the prize money. At least that's how I've experienced this, many teams always join these planning to have fun while they get rolled in their first round to a Prem/Invite team and then play again in next Wednesday/Sunday, not good.

I understand that it's some achievement to get to play against a team that is in a higher skill level than your team, but if they start to bash on the people they are rolling then that's eliminating all the fun for everybody except the winners.
You ran sniper/heavy/pyro to middle, one mid you even decided not to go to mid and just hold 2nd with a shit ton of off classes. Pretty sure we pushed into last once and you guys had 0 soldiers and 0 scouts.

You guys are not the first team to do this either, instead of giving up before you've even connected to the server, atleast try and make it an enjoyable experience for both teams playing. Who knows, maybe you'd learn something from playing vs a good team.

So apparently classes that are allowed to be used in 6v6 config are looked down upon just because people are using them against better players? I don't see the point in actually taking it to yourself that badly if people are preventing you from steamrolling in 7 minutes with offclasses, that you did die to after all.

From what I saw in your view, I don't think the offclasses alone made the game such a huge pain for you as you kept treating them like a joke and then had a combat medic on the go, and still you got pushed all the way to your last because of that even.
Outside the classes and how people played in general, only some of you put up a good show against us to show how the game should be played and what to learn about and what to fix for the future.

Don't want to go too far with this topic since it's not that important enough to clutter a thread where it wasn't supposed to be talked in about, unlike the one in ETF2L which doesn't exactly mention about announcing the whole cups in general, my mistake and I apologize for that.
Carry on if you will and good luck for people in NA tonight in the cup as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#187 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativeNot sure why you felt the need to try and create some drama in this thread though, it's not gonna serve any purpose besides derailing so maybe refrain from doing that here. (That sucks that happened to your team, not defending anyone just don't derail with drama)

Ah, sorry about that. Personally I just felt like that even with the prize money involved in these cups it doesn't mean that other teams aren't allowed to have fun either in their own way, only to get bashed by better players through the in-game chat.

posted about 8 years ago
#185 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion

Really good show from EU when prem players get mad of mid players making some kind of hold

Is there some way to have double elimination in the cup? I don't think most Mid/IM guys who participate in these cups have always planned to win them when they sign up, but more like to have fun and play against somewhat actual teams instead to play for the prize money. At least that's how I've experienced this, many teams always join these planning to have fun while they get rolled in their first round to a Prem/Invite team and then play again in next Wednesday/Sunday, not good.

I understand that it's some achievement to get to play against a team that is in a higher skill level than your team, but if they start to bash on the people they are rolling then that's eliminating all the fun for everybody except the winners.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 ESL Cologne in CS2 General Discussion

As much as I'd like to see NiP in finals yet again I don't think that will be possible unless if they will knock TSM out of the Group A first place, otherwise they would lose to EnVy already at quarters.

EnVy to win finals for sure though

posted about 8 years ago
#79 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion

yo yo

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TeamFortressTV cast audio now available on Soundcloud in News

Download not available?

If that were available I'd guess it would be easier that way for editors who wouldn't want to download the whole cast from the YouTube channel and just add this along with frags.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 UGC Gold: vs. Artotkza in Events

Why have people stolen our team tag??

posted about 8 years ago
#9 summer sale in Off Topic
this is my shit

Also, I really am also disgusted at Rockstar now.
I'm pretty sure there are some people who don't give a shit about GTA: Online so I really hope Rockstar won't get away with this, what a pussy way to raise prices from such a company.

posted about 8 years ago
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