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i55 URo6 – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming
posted in Matches
Saturday, Aug 29th
5:00 AM EDT
Stats/lineup will be populated when teams are determined for this match
Stats/lineup will be populated when teams are determined for this match
Stats/lineup will be populated when teams are determined for this match
4 Frags +

Go Kaptain!

Go Kaptain!
6 Frags +

5am est......It's not like i needed sleep anyway.

5am est......It's not like i needed sleep anyway.
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Go lansky!

Go lansky!
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10 Frags +

Group stages are for warmups and seeding. Everything that happened on Day 1 means nothing.

From this match forward is where you prove everything. Froyo may have rolled Reason in the group stages but I think this match is going to be a war. Nobody wants to slug it out in the losers bracket.

Group stages are for warmups and seeding. Everything that happened on Day 1 means nothing.

From this match forward is where you prove everything. Froyo may have rolled Reason in the group stages but I think this match is going to be a war. Nobody wants to slug it out in the losers bracket.
7 Frags +

Is this going to actually start when its scheduled? I can probably stay up until 2 AM to watch a match. I don't want to stay up until 2 AM to watch 1.5 hours of delays.

Is this going to actually start when its scheduled? I can probably stay up until 2 AM to watch a match. I don't want to stay up until 2 AM to watch 1.5 hours of delays.
3 Frags +

Perfect timing for me 2AM PST is when I'm awake! :)

Perfect timing for me 2AM PST is when I'm awake! :)
2 Frags +

im staying up all night in mumble to watch this. Go froyo.

im staying up all night in mumble to watch this. Go froyo.
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WHOOOO kaptain

WHOOOO kaptain
-4 Frags +

6:30pm :DDDDD

6:30pm :DDDDD
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Is this getting started or what?

Is this getting started or what?
23 Frags +

Sideshow cannot tie his tie, stream delayed.


Sideshow cannot tie his tie, stream delayed.

2 Frags +

froyo just now arriving at the tent

froyo just now arriving at the tent
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Sideshow is very handsome.

Sideshow is very handsome.
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HandcuffedIs this going to actually start when its scheduled? I can probably stay up until 2 AM to watch a match. I don't want to stay up until 2 AM to watch 1.5 hours of delays.


[quote=Handcuffed]Is this going to actually start when its scheduled? I can probably stay up until 2 AM to watch a match. I don't want to stay up until 2 AM to watch 1.5 hours of delays.[/quote]

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we're live boys

we're live boys
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STV anyone?

STV anyone?
6 Frags +

I hope reason can pull their heads out their asses and at least put on a good game

I hope reason can pull their heads out their asses and at least put on a good game
0 Frags +

i have to choose between i55 and LCK finals ))):

i have to choose between i55 and LCK finals ))):
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so keen for mike frag vid

so keen for mike frag vid
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-13 Frags +

Still can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team"

Still can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team"
-10 Frags +

Top EU pug team

Top EU pug team
6 Frags +

"Lets pick Viaduct against clockwork"

"Lets pick Viaduct against clockwork"
4 Frags +
manikStill can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team", good one

"can play demo/med in div 6 in 6s.
demo/engi in open HL"

a lot of shit talk coming from a person such as this one

[quote=manik]Still can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team", good one[/quote]

"can play demo/med in div 6 in 6s.
demo/engi in open HL"

a lot of shit talk coming from a person such as this one
-5 Frags +
AntaresmanikStill can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team", good one

"can play demo/med in div 6 in 6s.
demo/engi in open HL"

a lot of shit talk coming from a person such as this one

just pointing out there was too much hype over these guys, when TLR and nerdRage give so much more credit to EU skill than Reason. why stalk my profile over it.

[quote=Antares][quote=manik]Still can't get items from Froyo/Reason process match lol
"top EU team", good one[/quote]

"can play demo/med in div 6 in 6s.
demo/engi in open HL"

a lot of shit talk coming from a person such as this one[/quote]

just pointing out there was too much hype over these guys, when TLR and nerdRage give so much more credit to EU skill than Reason. why stalk my profile over it.
4 Frags +

[R]eason we're doing badly Í agree but do they deserve the amount of shit they get.. especially from people who have next to no experience in the format..

[R]eason we're doing badly Í agree but do they deserve the amount of shit they get.. especially from people who have next to no experience in the format..
1 Frags +
manikjust pointing out there was too much hype over these guys, when TLR and nerdRage give so much more credit to EU skill than Reason. why stalk my profile over it.

i mean like Reason on paper is much stronger and they also won ETF2L with much less practice on their new roster but idk

[quote=manik]just pointing out there was too much hype over these guys, when TLR and nerdRage give so much more credit to EU skill than Reason. why stalk my profile over it.[/quote]
i mean like Reason on paper is much stronger and they also won ETF2L with much less practice on their new roster but idk
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