"Hold on let me make this meme before you tell me how dumb I am"
Don't mind neko everyone, he's 16 and just had to get it out of him
He won't be shitposting anymore though so don't worry...cause i'll cut him if he does.
He won't be shitposting anymore though so don't worry...cause i'll cut him if he does.
what was going through your head when you made this
shifty1gwhat was going through your head when you made this
Only cool people can get in on this circle jerk. bye bye now
Only cool people can get in on this circle jerk. bye bye now
lmfao i didn't actually make this, i found it on facebook and i was like meh. w/e d00d
NekoTanlmfao i didn't actually make this, i found it on facebook and i was like meh. w/e d00d
Distancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.
Distancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.
masterfulNekoTanlmfao i didn't actually make this, i found it on facebook and i was like meh. w/e d00dDistancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.
no but i seriously found it on facebook, and thought, "this is kinda like b4nny"
Distancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.[/quote]
no but i seriously found it on facebook, and thought, "this is kinda like b4nny"
a BF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur pantees wet,,, not ur EYS!!!
a GF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur PEEPEE hard,,, not ur LYF!!!
a GF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur PEEPEE hard,,, not ur LYF!!!
capnfapnits ok nekotan I made a worse thread.
powaha BF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur pantees wet,,, not ur EYS!!!
a GF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur PEEPEE hard,,, not ur LYF!!!
If your boyfriend posts this, and you cry every time, then you should dump your boyfriend for making your eyes "wet".
a GF is SUPOZE 2 mak ur PEEPEE hard,,, not ur LYF!!!
xXx...LIKE DIS IF U CRY EVRYTIME...xXx[/quote]
If your boyfriend posts this, and you cry every time, then you should dump your boyfriend for making your eyes "wet".
nekotan you've done too many pugs with me, i'm starting to rub off on you.
masterfulNekoTanlmfao i didn't actually make this, i found it on facebook and i was like meh. w/e d00dDistancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.
quote of the fucking year
Distancing yourself from it only makes you look weak. Gotta stand by your shitposts, man, and grow from them.[/quote]
quote of the fucking year