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Demo LFT Low Open Cevo/Esea
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Hello! My name is Shizune, and I am a Demo who is currently looking for a team in Low Open.

My previous experience is reletively low. I've been subs for a good amount of 6s teams in UGC, and even played a full season in Steel 6s as Pocket, but currently I'm playing Demo for a HL Team, and a 4s team. Like I said, I've played 6s before, though mostly in Centers and Mixes in the past, and have never been on a true 6s team (minus that one Steel one), but I feel like I'm decently ready. I am looking for a team that will allow me to improve my Demo Game, and will not constantly yell at me if I mess up. Also looking for a team that is looking to improve together.

You can add me here if you're interested in trying me out! - steamcommunity.com/id/Shizune_


[s]Hello! My name is Shizune, and I am a Demo who is currently looking for a team in Low Open.

My previous experience is reletively low. I've been subs for a good amount of 6s teams in UGC, and even played a full season in Steel 6s as Pocket, but currently I'm playing Demo for a HL Team, and a 4s team. Like I said, I've played 6s before, though mostly in Centers and Mixes in the past, and have never been on a true 6s team (minus that one Steel one), but I feel like I'm decently ready. I am looking for a team that will allow me to improve my Demo Game, and will not constantly yell at me if I mess up. Also looking for a team that is looking to improve together.

You can add me here if you're interested in trying me out! - steamcommunity.com/id/Shizune_
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I have always enjoyed princeraptorjesus's company and I'm sure that you will too. Pick him up!

I have always enjoyed princeraptorjesus's company and I'm sure that you will too. Pick him up!
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