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cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio for Scout?
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It seems allot of people argue over what this should be for Scout. Some people seem to like to use lower values for all classes while others say something like "cl_interp 0.05; cl_interp_ratio 2" for Scout and Sniper.

It seems allot of people argue over what this should be for Scout. Some people seem to like to use lower values for all classes while others say something like [url=dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1811521/interp.html]"cl_interp 0.05; cl_interp_ratio 2"[/url] for Scout and Sniper.
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0.035 if you think you're cool


0.035 if you think you're cool
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0.035 if you think you're cool

and what about cl_interp_ratio? 1 or 2?


0.035 if you think you're cool[/quote]

and what about cl_interp_ratio? 1 or 2?
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I'm at .05 and 2

I'm at .05 and 2
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This is a trivial question.

All rates (whether it be cmd, update, or interp) depend on your internet connection (speed and type) and routing to the server that you're on. There is no '1' ideal value nor set of values that works for everyone.

So unless there are some controls injected into the question, this question is trivial.

This is a trivial question.

All rates (whether it be cmd, update, or interp) depend on your internet connection (speed and type) and routing to the server that you're on. There is no '1' ideal value nor set of values that works for everyone.

So unless there are some controls injected into the question, this question is trivial.
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the301stspartanI'm at .05 and 2

yeah this is what allot of people vehemently support for Sniper and Scout, saying it causes serious shitreg if it's not

KissmeThis is a trivial question.

All rates (whether it be cmd, update, or interp) depend on your internet connection (speed and type) and routing to the server that you're on. There is no '1' ideal value or set of values that works for everyone.

So unless there are some controls injected into the question, this question is trivial.

well people seem to want different values for hitscan and projectile classes

[quote=the301stspartan]I'm at .05 and 2[/quote]

yeah this is what allot of people vehemently support for Sniper and Scout, saying it causes serious shitreg if it's not

[quote=Kissme]This is a trivial question.

All rates (whether it be cmd, update, or interp) depend on your internet connection (speed and type) and routing to the server that you're on. There is no '1' ideal value or set of values that works for everyone.

So unless there are some controls injected into the question, this question is trivial.[/quote]

well people seem to want different values for hitscan and projectile classes
4 Frags +

try any interp that wont make u jitter and hitreg

try any interp that wont make u jitter and hitreg
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I personally just use 0 (15ms) unless my connection is really bad. Doesn't affect reg from what I've seen.

I personally just use 0 (15ms) unless my connection is really bad. Doesn't affect reg from what I've seen.
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interp_ratio 2.2
interp 0.033
if you get bad hitreg with that, use interp 0.05

interp_ratio 2.2
interp 0.033
if you get bad hitreg with that, use interp 0.05
-1 Frags +
wareyainterp_ratio 2.2
interp 0.033
if you get bad hitreg with that, use interp 0.05

raising ratio instead of lowering it? Never see that everyday

[quote=wareya]interp_ratio 2.2
interp 0.033
if you get bad hitreg with that, use interp 0.05[/quote]

raising ratio instead of lowering it? Never see that everyday
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is the formula cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate=cl_interp still hold true? Like that's what value you want?

is the formula cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate=cl_interp still hold true? Like that's what value you want?
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1.3ms lerp



1.3ms lerp

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what should i use for 250 ping

what should i use for 250 ping
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sorry wrong thread

sorry wrong thread
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using interp ratio 1 makes you shoot 30ms faster tried and tested

using interp ratio 1 makes you shoot 30ms faster tried and tested
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