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Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide
posted in News
April 12, 2024

This weekend will be the Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup, a Highlander cup featuring the best Invite Highlander and 6s players in North America fighting it out for a $550 key prize pool. The charity cup is an organized effort between more.tf, Fireside, and Miggy's Gift to honor Stephen "Miggy" Chavez, a former competitive TF2 Player, FLAN.tf organizer, and UGC Anti-Cheat Staff member who passed away from Melanoma back in 2017 at the age of 29.

Poster by Mustang and Technomo


The event consists of four teams hand picked through a draft system by 4 captains. Rounding out the four teams will be 36 starters and 12 substitutes. The captains are as follows:

  • exile
  • carcin
  • hyphen
  • wish

The bracket consists of a four-team double elimination bracket, with straight best of 3's including the grand final.

The map pool features a mixture of King of the Hill and Payload maps. Contrary to RGL Highlander's multiple half format for King of the Hill, the cup will have King of the Hill maps played out as a straight best of 7 rounds. Payload will be played in its traditional best of 3 format.

The map pool consists of the following maps:

  • Ashville
  • Lakeside
  • Product
  • Proot
  • Swiftwater
  • Upward
  • Vigil

Prize Pool

The $550 prize pool, in keys, will be divided between the finalists as follows:

  • 1st: 80%
  • 2nd: 20%


Saturday, April 13

  • 4:00 PM EDT - Stream Begins
  • 4:30 PM EDT - Event Overview
  • 4:45 PM EDT - Miggy Tribute Video (by Bethnicz)
  • 5:00 PM EDT - Team Draft hosted by Phish, dt, and Rogue
  • 6:00 PM EDT - Upper Bracket Semifinals
  • 8:00 PM EDT (estimated) - Upper Bracket Final / Lower Bracket Semifinal

Sunday, April 14

  • 5:00 PM EDT - Stream Begins
  • 5:30 PM EDT - Event Overview
  • 5:45 PM EDT - Miggy Tribute Video (by Bethnicz)
  • 6:00 PM EDT - Lower Bracket Final
  • 8:00 PM EDT (estimated) - Grand Final

Broadcast Talent

Fireside is bringing back some old faces to commentate the event, and on Saturday, Fireside 2 will be live to provide coverage of the other match in each of the first two rounds of the bracket. The A stream will be live on the Fireside Casts Twitch and YouTube channels with the B stream live on Fireside Casts 2.

Fireside Casts Twitch


  • Rogue - Main Host
  • siyo - Main Host
  • Phish - Draft Selection Host
  • dt - Draft Selection Host


  • eXtine
  • Alto
  • Zagron
  • Xenagos
  • zak
  • Rogue


  • Dr. Underscore

Fireside Casts 2


  • DusterDan35
  • EvenNine


  • Jercer


If you wish to donate to the fundraiser, the link to the fundraiser can be found here.

Fireside Casts
3 Frags +

HYPE! We also have unusuals we're giving away to incentivize donations as much as possible, see the following!

siyoAs we've already reached our original goal of $2000, anything more is considered an extra win.

During the livestream, we'll have a mixture of unusual items to giveaway based on the donations we receive during the stream (these targets will be activated on the Tiltify page as the day goes on).

The targets are as follows:
  • $500 Raised - $50 Unusual Item Giveaway
  • $750 Raised - $75 Unusual Item Giveaway
  • $1000 Raised - $100 Unusual Item Giveaway
  • $2000 Raised - ??
  • $3000 Raised - ??
HYPE! [b]We also have unusuals we're giving away to incentivize donations as much as possible, see the following![/b]

[quote=siyo]As we've already reached our original goal of $2000, anything more is considered an extra win.

During the livestream, we'll have a mixture of unusual items to giveaway based on the donations we receive during the stream (these targets will be activated on the Tiltify page as the day goes on).

[b]The targets are as follows:[/b]

[*] $500 Raised - $50 Unusual Item Giveaway
[*] $750 Raised - $75 Unusual Item Giveaway
[*] $1000 Raised - $100 Unusual Item Giveaway
[*] $2000 Raised - ??
[*] $3000 Raised - ??
9 Frags +

Fireside bringing the heat with these casters god damn

Fireside bringing the heat with these casters god damn
14 Frags +

omg extine…

omg extine…
4 Frags +

I'm SO hyped for this event. I love the draft format, the production and staff are knocking it out of the park, and this goes to such a good cause. So excited to see you all there. Roast me in the chat, I'll see it

I'm SO hyped for this event. I love the draft format, the production and staff are knocking it out of the park, and this goes to such a good cause. So excited to see you all there. Roast me in the chat, I'll see it
8 Frags +

Also as a Zack myself, between me Zag and Zak this is the most Zacks in one place I've ever had the pleasure of representing. this cast brought to you by the end of the alphabet gang

Also as a Zack myself, between me Zag and Zak this is the most Zacks in one place I've ever had the pleasure of representing. this cast brought to you by the end of the alphabet gang
2 Frags +

Draft format is interesting, and will be great to hear eXtine casting again.

Draft format is interesting, and will be great to hear eXtine casting again.
-5 Frags +

no tcmano? dont care

no tcmano? dont care
2 Frags +


1 Frags +

if i get picked by exile can i suddenly go mia

also damn sniper is STACKED

if i get picked by exile can i suddenly go mia

also damn sniper is STACKED
1 Frags +

this will be beast. excited to see the turnout.....

this will be beast. excited to see the turnout.....
0 Frags +

Haha woah, it’s me

Haha woah, it’s me
1 Frags +


1 Frags +

how much do u have to donate if u get fatkidded in the draft

how much do u have to donate if u get fatkidded in the draft
8 Frags +

extine told me hadn't casted in 5 years and getting to watch him derust in real time was such a treat


extine told me hadn't casted in 5 years and getting to watch him derust in real time was such a treat

Fireside Casts
5 Frags +

$4500 raised total on the first day #GREATWORK

$4500 raised total on the first day #GREATWORK
9 Frags +
brodyhow much do u have to donate if u get fatkidded in the draft



[quote=brody]how much do u have to donate if u get fatkidded in the draft[/quote]

0 Frags +

Day 2 and mystery giveaway number 1 happening now !ticket 1

Day 2 and mystery giveaway number 1 happening now !ticket 1
Fireside Casts
6 Frags +


Fireside Casts
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We raised over $6000 to end the tournament. Thanks to everyone who came in and watched and great work everyone!

We raised over $6000 to end the tournament. Thanks to everyone who came in and watched and great work everyone!
Fireside Casts
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I would like to extend some thanks to a few people behind the scenes for their work:

  • Mori - for the draft cup idea & the poll which made us shift towards us making it happen for charity
  • Rogue - Getting us in contact with Miggy's Gift and casting
  • Bethnicz - The video editor at Fireside who compiled the testimonials, photos, and videos for the Tribute Video
  • zoey and Wall - for contributing extra testimonials
  • Dr. Underscore - For rushing to complete the Fireside HUD and developing the draft system graphic for the cup. NOT POSSIBLE without him at all
  • technomo - Helping design all the graphics including the poster, charity merchandise, and whatnot
  • lacy avenue (nyna) - For coordinating between players & broadcast and tournament organizing as the only TO admin!
  • antlers - helping make the looping fireside blurred stream background
  • Melon & Jacob - Providing tips and advice ofc!
  • Marilu Chavez - For helping setup the charity through Tiltify and providing us photos of Miggy
  • keegan, kohlhagen, Sheena, and Rogue (again) - for audio testimonials for the video
  • Nightfaul - The BIG WHALE who contributed to the prize pool
  • Zagron, Alto, eXtine, zak, and Xenagos - All contributed as casters and it was great to have them perform well
  • Jercer, EvenNine, and DusterDan35 - The B Stream crew on Saturday killed it!
  • joekiller - The mystery man behind the scenes who helped me come up with ideas for unusual giveaways and provided me unusuals for the giveaways itself!

Can't count the amount of times Underscore/antlers/lacy/I spent up devising stuff and marketing the cup so GGs only heh.

[b]I would like to extend some thanks to a few people behind the scenes for their work:[/b]

[*] [b]Mori[/b] - for the draft cup idea & the poll which made us shift towards us making it happen for charity
[*] [b]Rogue[/b] - Getting us in contact with Miggy's Gift and casting
[*] [b]Bethnicz[/b] - The video editor at Fireside who compiled the testimonials, photos, and videos for the Tribute Video
[*] [b]zoey and Wall[/b] - for contributing extra testimonials
[*] [b]Dr. Underscore[/b] - For rushing to complete the Fireside HUD and developing the draft system graphic for the cup. NOT POSSIBLE without him at all
[*] [b]technomo[/b] - Helping design all the graphics including the poster, charity merchandise, and whatnot
[*] [b]lacy avenue (nyna)[/b] - For coordinating between players & broadcast and tournament organizing as the only TO admin!
[*] [b]antlers[/b] - helping make the looping fireside blurred stream background
[*] [b]Melon & Jacob[/b] - Providing tips and advice ofc!
[*] [b]Marilu Chavez[/b] - For helping setup the charity through Tiltify and providing us photos of Miggy
[*] [b]keegan, kohlhagen, Sheena, and Rogue (again)[/b] - for audio testimonials for the video
[*] [b]Nightfaul[/b] - The BIG WHALE who contributed to the prize pool
[*] [b]Zagron, Alto, eXtine, zak, and Xenagos[/b] - All contributed as casters and it was great to have them perform well
[*] [b]Jercer, EvenNine, and DusterDan35[/b] - The B Stream crew on Saturday killed it!
[*] [b]joekiller[/b] - The mystery man behind the scenes who helped me come up with ideas for unusual giveaways and provided me unusuals for the giveaways itself!

Can't count the amount of times Underscore/antlers/lacy/I spent up devising stuff and marketing the cup so GGs only heh.
Fireside Casts
17 Frags +

From Miggy's Mom

Marilu Chavez
Good morning sweet friends:

I can only imagine how exhausted you all must be. It was a super packed weekend full of excitement and emotions. You guys put in a lot of hard work into this tournament but it paid off in so many special ways. Not just for the incredible fundraising, but also for the beautiful tribute you made for Stephen.

On behalf of my husband, younger son Michael, and daughter Anik, we would like to thank each and everyone involved with this amazing labor of love!!

Please share our gratitude with everyone who participated this weekend. We certainly do not want to leave anyone out, but to this day, I still do not understand the difference between TF2, Fireside, More.TF - Not sure where one starts and the other finishes, so forgive me if I have left any of the organizations out when praising and showing gratitude. Stephen must still be rolling his eyes due to my lack of technology savviness. LOL

This coming Thursday, April 18th, we are headed to Nicklaus Children's Hospital to present them with two checks. One from Miggy's Gift and one on behalf of Fireside & More.tf. We will make sure to take lots of pictures to share with all of you. Stephen would have turned 36 this week. I cannot think of a more fitting birthday gift for a guy that loved gaming with all his heart. If he can see us, I know he must be beaming with pride and gratitude for all his buddies.

Lastly, please know the doors of our home will always be opened for all of you. If you ever make it down to Miami and would like a delicious Cuban meal, please call us and tell us you are on your way. We would love to host you!!!

May God bless and protect you always and as Miggy would say "Peace Out"
Momma Chavez
[b]From Miggy's Mom[/b]

[quote=Marilu Chavez]

Good morning sweet friends:

I can only imagine how exhausted you all must be. It was a super packed weekend full of excitement and emotions. You guys put in a lot of hard work into this tournament but it paid off in so many special ways. Not just for the incredible fundraising, but also for the beautiful tribute you made for Stephen.

On behalf of my husband, younger son Michael, and daughter Anik, we would like to thank each and everyone involved with this amazing labor of love!!

Please share our gratitude with everyone who participated this weekend. We certainly do not want to leave anyone out, but to this day, I still do not understand the difference between TF2, Fireside, More.TF - Not sure where one starts and the other finishes, so forgive me if I have left any of the organizations out when praising and showing gratitude. Stephen must still be rolling his eyes due to my lack of technology savviness. LOL

This coming Thursday, April 18th, we are headed to Nicklaus Children's Hospital to present them with two checks. One from Miggy's Gift and one on behalf of Fireside & More.tf. We will make sure to take lots of pictures to share with all of you. Stephen would have turned 36 this week. I cannot think of a more fitting birthday gift for a guy that loved gaming with all his heart. If he can see us, I know he must be beaming with pride and gratitude for all his buddies.

Lastly, please know the doors of our home will always be opened for all of you. If you ever make it down to Miami and would like a delicious Cuban meal, please call us and tell us you are on your way. We would love to host you!!!

May God bless and protect you always and as Miggy would say "Peace Out"
Momma Chavez

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