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botfly/jbt lft s11 am/im soldier pref pocket
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looking for a team that is dedicated to improve and stick together for a few seasons or more
can scrim any day anytime



looking for a team that is dedicated to improve and stick together for a few seasons or more
can scrim any day anytime
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i have been mentoring bot and I can see him getting better with each demo review. He is already good enough that I can give him higher level advice and see it being used. Definitely should be playing on an intermediate team and he will be committed to improving.

i have been mentoring bot and I can see him getting better with each demo review. He is already good enough that I can give him higher level advice and see it being used. Definitely should be playing on an intermediate team and he will be committed to improving.
-1 Frags +

I haven't played on a team with Bot, or even in general in a while. But I know he has a lot of potential, and seems like the kind of person who would flourish on a team as dedicated to reviewing and growth as he is. Performed mechanically very well despite his Glorious Canadian Internet. (May have been fixed since then, idk.)

Has had a questionable sense of humor in past interactions (edgy immaturity), but he may have grown since then. Not a bad kid.

I haven't played on a team with Bot, or even in general in a while. But I know he has a lot of potential, and seems like the kind of person who would flourish on a team as dedicated to reviewing and growth as he is. Performed mechanically very well despite his Glorious Canadian Internet. (May have been fixed since then, idk.)

Has had a questionable sense of humor in past interactions (edgy immaturity), but he may have grown since then. Not a bad kid.
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possibly lft again preferably higher im

possibly lft again preferably higher im
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botflypossibly lft again preferably higher im

good player.

[quote=botfly]possibly lft again preferably higher im[/quote]
good player.
-1 Frags +

Rly good mechanics, will destroy im

Rly good mechanics, will destroy im
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good mechies


good mechies
[img] https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ikIrbNovoceJvTlpsqWul-6o9edt7o7LgG1iJfgTVUk/https/media.tenor.com/27XqCPBDR5AAAAPo/sma%25C3%25A7-nba.mp4[/img]
3 Frags +

the smoke

the smoke
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