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Seriously guys... a three page thread on Fallout 4, but nothing on XCOM 2? Supposedly the game takes place 20 years after you lose the initial encounter, Snakemen or something similar to them are making a return from the original XCOM: UFO Defense :o

XCOM: Enemy Unknown with the Enemy Within expansion is one of my favorite single player games of all time, can't wait for this new release to come out, being made by the same developers, keeping the same core gameplay, hype!

ps. it's also a PC exclusive; the game is supposedly going to have workshop integration and modding will be a big part of it.


Seriously guys... a three page thread on Fallout 4, but nothing on XCOM 2? Supposedly the game takes place 20 years after you lose the initial encounter, Snakemen or something similar to them are making a return from the original XCOM: UFO Defense :o

XCOM: Enemy Unknown with the Enemy Within expansion is one of my favorite single player games of all time, can't wait for this new release to come out, being made by the same developers, keeping the same core gameplay, hype!

ps. it's also a PC exclusive; the game is supposedly going to have workshop integration and modding will be a big part of it.
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ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ XCOM: yo XCOM ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

im hyped as fucK

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ XCOM: yo XCOM ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

im hyped as fucK
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The way they tried to explain it to Gamespot is kinda convoluted and I didn't understand a thing, but gist of it was that levels will be procedurally generated. This should be a game changer when it comes to replayability... Even though I didn't finish Enemy Unknown yet, it does start getting a bit predictable when you're stalling the main mission.

The way they tried to explain it to Gamespot is kinda convoluted and I didn't understand a thing, but gist of it was that levels will be procedurally generated. This should be a game changer when it comes to replayability... Even though I didn't finish Enemy Unknown yet, it does start getting a bit predictable when you're stalling the main mission.
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PankeymanThey really got unlucky announcing it at the same time as Fallout 4. XCOM 1 was pretty cool, though. So it might be cool too?

I'd rather get a new Baten Kaitos or Wild Arms tbh...

wild arms maybe but baten kaitos is so wack

xcom is good though, i still need to actually buy enemy unknown

[quote=Pankeyman]They really got unlucky announcing it at the same time as Fallout 4. XCOM 1 was pretty cool, though. So it might be cool too?

I'd rather get a new Baten Kaitos or Wild Arms tbh...[/quote]

wild arms maybe but baten kaitos is so wack

xcom is good though, i still need to actually buy enemy unknown
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