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SteamID64 76561198416545930
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Country United States
Signed Up November 12, 2020
Last Posted December 4, 2022 at 2:14 AM
Posts 62 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 4.5
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Headphones AT M50x
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#5 what do b4nny's ban reasons mean in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#7 Weekly TF2 Twitch stream highlight YouTube series in Videos

good video, please dont quit on us like the others.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 Grnny~ Demo lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bing chiller, whether ur team is winning or losing he stays positive

posted about 2 years ago
#1724 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

the most solid snake : milk should fry sentis circets

posted about 2 years ago
#6 warm up routine in TF2 General Discussion

play dirty bomb, it helps.

posted about 2 years ago
#194 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

gj young man

posted about 2 years ago
#1 LFM main medic in Mentoring


posted about 2 years ago
#46 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
gollywobbler1gg Screwbdoo & the Mystery Gang!

ggs kind man

posted about 2 years ago
#22 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
aieradbktreetrunkhttps://logs.tf/3121080 dont scrim these guys they just lose and then bait..30 minutes, 9 rounds, 200 dpm on everyone in the server. sounds like the scrim itself was punishment enough without going for a 2nd onehttps://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/931429660481441822/937584010702487552/unknown.png
"9 rounds"
From what I can see on the log it looks like they were up 4-0, the other team won a single round then they dipped at 27:00 for a mysterious reason and then tree's team capped all the points 4 times?
Don't call winning a single round when up 4-0 "winning" instead just say "dipped for no reason"

They were trolling the whole time running engi constantly(not on last), pyro to mid, etc... Waste of our time so we just left.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 Good medic streamers in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#6 Valve is getting in contact with Mod Devs in TF2 General Discussion

hi gorono

posted about 2 years ago
#10 Corey lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

he never tilts and is a good player, what more could you ask for?

posted about 2 years ago
#8 catberg lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

used 2 rage now reformed and cool dm! but is dmeo

posted about 3 years ago
#10 quacks lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

the only problem with this guy was his rage issues, but from playing with him i can tell that he has kept that under control, all other aspects of his game are also very gud!

posted about 3 years ago
#2 akura lft adv scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

pros: shows up on time, dedicated to improving, open to criticism
cons: shiternet

posted about 3 years ago
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