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Last Posted June 14, 2020 at 11:23 AM
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#56 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
flynn__tragicSaltysally you and your circlejerk some of the worst people I've ever seen in this community. You guys are saying "nobody likes him he's a fag" and if that's true then what does that make you? Maybe you should actually try to change so people outside of your ciclejerk actually want you around.
I think that's what he's trying to do. Most of this thread aside from your post (#17) and response to it have been a fairly normal sounding AmA in an attempt to be seen as a normal average guy who wants to have some friends in the community, despite his past faults.

The TF2 community in general tends to exile people for a very very long time and it's hard to get yourself out of the hatred spotlight, and it's even harder to get out of it with the negativity that comes along with posting and making threads like this.

I'd think you of all people would understand how difficult it is to be a liked person in the community, too. Or even just neutral. Though I've found you to be very tolerable over the past couple of years and I enjoy being around you, to this day I always seem to get someone ticked off when I mention your name, even after your server company has aided a lot of people in the community. Despite all of that, you still get a whole lot of negative press, albeit from people I disregard because I don't think they know you that well. They simply jumped on the bandwagon because they heard it from another guy who hated you.

In short, some dumber person will come take Saltysally's role, as did whoever came to take Jazzy's role, muskikal's role, etc. and then he'll be on the negative/neutral side of the community until he leaves, and that will be the end of this.

i couldn't have said any of this better. I agree with everything except the last part, i'd rather be looked upon as the downy of the tf2 competitive seen because no one should deal with this trolling if they enjoy tf2 as much as i do and we don't need anyone commiting suicide or something.

posted about 11 years ago
#55 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
CHEERISS:< these threads hurt my mind. W/e I guess someone enjoys them right? I think I lost IQ just reading the 1st page.

you hardly deserve anything you have supposedly earned in im...let alone playing medic for good players like rb or trisk.

posted about 11 years ago
#54 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
AbramelinIf you had to become an anthropomorphic animal, what species would you choose?

Who do you believe is the leading candidate for the Heisman Trophy?

What is the strategy you usually seek to employ on Granary mid?

hmm, i googled that word and from what if i'm correct i'd love to own a minotaur.

i don't watch football or any college sports :\ sorry dude.

i suck at granary but generally i like to have control of the top of the crates and keep scouts off mah dick :3

posted about 11 years ago
#46 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
TwitchTVJohnMen's asses.

hmm, i once looked at this guy with really long straight hair and thought his ass was nice before he turned around and had a mustache and neck beard.

posted about 11 years ago
#44 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
effortI'm relatively new to the community I would say. I have no reason to dislike this guy, and on the other hand I have no reason to like him either, so I guess I'm what you would call an impartial third party. From what I've seen in the past 2 months, it just looks like to me he earned a reputation in the past, and it's perpetuated by a bunch of people that just hear about him and don't actually know him. He may very well be a shitposting faggot, but I haven't seen it, so I think he gets a lot of unfair flak by people who just want to be cool on the internet by talking shit about someone when they have no clue as to the reasons behind his reputation.

just my 2c

thanks :)

posted about 11 years ago
#42 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
jp_Will you ever take up an entire page with your own posts?

rawr, 1 more for tonight. hmm, if i get unbanned from natf2 it might happen, sometimes i forget to add things to a comment so i post again and maybe i'll double post a few times, we'll have to see. But not on because i th9ink enigma is awesome and fucking b4nny's stream just came on and now i gotta watch that so fuck sleep i'll be up the rest of the night most likely.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
miwoWhy does everyone tell saltysally to stop posting, then give him a ton of attention? I don't have an opinion either way, but it seems illogical. If you want to have someone stop posting, just don't respond.

everyone doesn't ask me that, some people, more then not probably but i think if you guys ask me some questions and get to know saltysally1 instead of my fictional persona then that would change. good night for real now.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
tragicSaltysally you and your circlejerk some of the worst people I've ever seen in this community. You guys are saying "nobody likes him he's a fag" and if that's true then what does that make you? Maybe you should actually try to change so people outside of your ciclejerk actually want you around. I don't know if you noticed but there have been multiple threads asking for you to get banned from posting on both sites. So, that must really say something about you. And I personally could careless what the immature TF2 players post about me and my personal life but it's pretty crazy how much you guys care enough to talk about it. So, I guess thank you for caring that much? Anyways, I'm done responding to you and you're welcome to keep posting things about me. It's pretty funny and I'm always looking for something to laugh at.

this was mean, edited it out.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion

ok im gonna watch netflix/sleep, i'll answer more questions tomorrow.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
d3nywhy don't you just

i dunno

not post

i've already answered that, i feel like even if it's just 1 person i help i'd like to help that person...i made this thread in hopes someone here finds it entertaining and/or helpful in some way and it's better to help that 1 person then nobody and it doesn't really hurt anyone except tragic cuz he's ugly and fat apparently.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
vilesaltysally1, you rock. don't ever change.

xD thanks, vile idk you but i think it'd be cool to pug with you sometime :)

posted about 11 years ago
#32 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
wazerwifleSaltysally1HandmantootWould ever you date a black woman?i've been hard for some black girls before, i'd say i prefer white woman but there are a few black girls i like, and tbh girls that have braided hair or long hair that i can brush behind their ear is very cute, and black women lips are amazing.
how thick do you like dem big booty bitches?

i don't like big buts and can't lie when i say i don't like thick girls either, i like girls that are skinnier then most, not scrawny but physically in shape i suppose, and boobs aren't that interesting now that im not 12 anymore. black girls are notorious for being dirty though but again im optimistic about getting with a black girl because there are equal amounts of white trash girls as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
PicklesHow did you feel in the beginning when you were labeled a "shitlord, faggot, shitposter"?

well i mean i don't want to offend anyone but i feel like well known players talked to even more well known players and i pugged with lange once and i got labeled a wisdom tooth or something, and when i watched his stream djc also said things like this so to be honest i don't think alot of people have their own opinion of me or in lange and djc's situation have had time to play more with me and understand why i thought i knew more then i did or maybe why i thought i knew more then they did, someone on natf2 nailed it head on im more misunderstood then a shitlord faggot shitposter :)

tl;dr: i guess i was optimistic about it alot of the time and didn't think it was serious till recently it got more wide spread through well known players.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
masterfulSaltysally: Well, I may be a terrible, unfunny, universally hated member of the community I spend most of my time in, but tragic's FAT! amrite gais?

i didn't say this and i didn't call tragic fat shifty did, please don't derail my thread i want to answer more questions first.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 greatest shitlord of north american tf2 -ama- in TF2 General Discussion
tragicSaltysally1tragicWhy can't you stop posting?that's like asking why can't you stop being black and ugly LOL. nah i just figure i'd rather post and have my opinion heard instead of being some shut in basement nerd with literally no friends even in the online community.
Thank you for telling us exactly what you do on a daily basis.

don't derail my thread i want to answer more questions first.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ⋅⋅ 65