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SteamID64 76561197994749697
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Country United States
Signed Up April 1, 2014
Last Posted May 14, 2024 at 11:57 PM
Posts 2135 (0.6 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 6.0
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech MX Master
Keyboard Ducky 9008G2 Pro Limited Edition (PBT, MX Greens)
Mousepad Razer Sphex
Headphones Philips SHP9500
Monitor HP L1925 (vert), BenQ XL2420Z, Apple Monitor II
1 ⋅⋅ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⋅⋅ 142
#1 Matchmaking max ping setting in Q/A Help

does this do anything?

I've set it to 80 and I'm only getting put in Singapore servers where I have 450 ping. And it's putting me there immediately. If I have a max ping setting, Valve, respect it. how difficult is this.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 how do I remove timer/control points? in Customization

yeah i agree who cares if youre getting backcapped

Show Content
set enabled=0 in all of the sections in the following files (in custom/hud/resource/ui/*):
  • controlpointcountdown.res
  • controlpointicon.res
  • controlpointprogressbar.res
  • hudobjectiveflagpanel.res
  • hudobjectivekothtimepanel.res
  • hudobjectivestatus.res
  • hudobjectivetimepanel.res
  • objectivestatusescort.res
  • objectivestatusmultipleescort.res
if you dont have a file dont worry about it

edit: oh and this should have gone here
posted about 5 years ago
#13 can u remove this icon in Customization
rongolalso can you move the icon even further down so its below the map?


(after putting it further in the ground)
posted about 5 years ago
#11 can u remove this icon in Customization

Well, you can't say I didn't try. I was able to change the model using the same method as my viewmodels, and tested it offline with success:

However, even with preloading it didn't work in casual servers, while my viewmodels still worked there. I tried a bunch of different methods, including empty model swaps, texture edits, material edits, and finally just a straight up model edit to move the idle animation below the ground, which is what you see above.

I can give you this VPK (after putting it further in the ground) but I don't know how much good it will do. Maybe it could be preloaded into ultiduo servers or competitive ones, but Valve MM doesn't allow it.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 can u remove this icon in Customization

mm... maybe.

VisIt's not possible because it goes with the model of the point itself, you need a different model and a server running sv_pure 1 or 2 (not sure). You get used to the icon after some games though

those are separate models. there are blu/red/neutral models for the hologram, and then the point is a single model with different skins applied to achieve the different glow colors. the hologram makes up both the logo and the aura effect.

edit: sorry, it's one model for the hologram, not three. the model is changed with bodygroups but it's technically one model. the point itself is still a different model though, because they reuse the same holograms over payload capture points

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Should i disable full-screen optimisations? in TF2 General Discussion

it will not affect your framerate at all, but will affect the delivery of frames to your display. frames will be passed directly and will no longer need to go through your window compositor (DWM) first. so it won't improve framerate, but it will improve frame latency and possible frame jitter.

that being said, windows 10's DWM is much better than previous windows versions, so the frame delay is nowhere near as bad as windowed/borderless in win7/8 was.

posted about 5 years ago
#25 TOTH 2018 Appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion
HellbentVery much doubt it could be used in comp due to its bugginess

The most important thing is that you can't really have player interaction with it. You can see other players, but you can't affect them. It's like a ghost racer in Mario Kart. It works well for what it does but it can't be used to work around the laws of physics (ping difference).

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Nixeus releasing G400/MX518 clone in Hardware

I like how Comanglia is the software Setsul

posted about 5 years ago
#5 TOTH 2018 Appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#485 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
BlastFMWe need the old broken inspect animations as an option in the next update. Having the GRU turn into a helicopter, scout melee levitating and jarate twisting madly was way too much fun

you can just download an old release and install it if you really want to ruin your game that much

posted about 5 years ago
#480 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

fixed the link, sorry i was an idiot when tagging the release on github and forgot a letter

Dell_Conagherwill it still crash demos if you don't have the mod installed if they were recorded with it installed?

considering this literally just changes a model it shouldn't cause you to crash in the first place unless there was something broken with the model (like using the pre-inferno installer after jungle inferno).

posted about 5 years ago
#471 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

1.5.0 is going to be a huge overhaul. In the meantime I've gone ahead and merged Oblique's 1.4.0 under the 1.4.1 version number, with no other changes.

posted about 5 years ago
#469 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

Ok so I've got the source code for the "unofficial 1.4.0" release posted by Oblique in #459. I'm not going to roll it into the main branch yet though, because I've got some ideas for improvements, which will all be rolled into 1.5.0.

Spy viewmodels can now be properly hidden
I finally figured out how the off-hand (watch slot) weapons work. They used v_models the whole time, they never switched to the c_model system. You can now disable/enable these for each *weapon*. You could choose to hide the Quackenbirdt, but keep the Invis Watch visible, despite the fact that it might seem like they're the same animations.

Full support for custom animations
I'm going to change the editing process so that each weapon will allow you to use a custom animation instead. I'll try to work with Paysus on this. You'll need to request custom animations, they'll be bundled with the installer.

More flexibility in how things are hidden
I'm going to look into weapon offsets so you can move the viewmodel rather than just hiding it. This will take some experimentation, please bear with me. Probably won't make it into 1.5.0.

posted about 5 years ago
#462 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
obliqueUnoffical update for Jungle Inferno

It has been over 8 months since JI released, with no change to the mod, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. This unoffical update fixes all of the broken inspect and weapon animations, and adds options for hiding the thermal thruster and gas passer (the dragon's fury can be hidden along with the rest of the flamethrowers)

Known minor issues:
  • My updated images for the new weapons don't quite match the original ones
  • The thermal thruster doesn't inspect
  • Pretty sure that some of the new inspect animations won't get hidden, even if you check the box (not fully tested)
I also ran into some issues with access permissions during the extraction process, but that could just be my computer

Thanks to degu for the updated .qc hooks and to yttrium for everthing else

thx bb

if you wanna make a pull request i'll accept

posted about 5 years ago
#18 TF2 update for 5/17/18 in TF2 General Discussion

Interesting, there was no hlds_announce email for this, or at least I didn't get one. Anyone else confirm?

posted about 6 years ago
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