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Country Northern Mariana Islands
Signed Up August 21, 2012
Last Posted May 6, 2021 at 9:16 PM
Posts 565 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity -frags don't matter
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Mouse micro$oft intellimouse 3.0
1 ⋅⋅ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⋅⋅ 38
#16 Good mouse mat under 20 usd in Hardware

the qck+ is overrated as fuck just saying.
objectively its not that good. its.. alright..

+solid black color
+relatively cheap

+-high friction

-wear patterns
-too thin (detects imperfections in the surface underneath)
-edges peel
-pad rolls up if you rest your wrist on the edge then move forwards
-not water resistant

if you are going to get a qck at least get the heavy, it fixes some of that stuff and is easily worth the price

maelstromBut with a rather unknown brand like this one, you may never know how it may affect your mouse's lift off distance. Just stick with the proven and loved one, qck.

thats really dumb.
if your mouses lift off distance is seriously affected by a solid black pad ur mouse is actually just shit, but its not going to happen.

maelstromTexture can affect your mouse's lift off distance, sooooo :)

different cloth textures will affect your lift off distance by like 0.1mm *gasp*. its irrelevant. and who's to say the qck is better in that respect? it depends which mouse you use and even type and wear of your mousefeet at that sort of distance. moot

rezgarI'd suggest getting a razor mouse mat if you prefer to have a bit of friction on your mouse mat like myself.

The qck+ is a great mouse mat too but in my opinion it's just too smooth for me, it has like no friction at all.

okay I have no idea what you are talking about. the qck+ has A LOT of friction, it is known as a high friction pad. it has more friction than a razer goliathus (either version). also smooth is not the opposite of friction, its a different property.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Changes for cp_well? in Map Discussion
LKincheloeTwo things immediately come to mind:

1. Trains - These things have no business being mobile, eliminate the moving ones outright.

2. Midfights - cp_well is the only map I can think off that uses a setup timer and locks off the mid building. Which is kind of redundant considering both soldiers and the demo can simply jump over the side fences and go after the other team's medic (can scouts with the winger and FAN get over it as well?). So mid might as well be redesigned to allow for immediate access.

scouts can actually get over with stock loadout actually.

I think with well its the water flanks, the top section on 2nd, and the trains.
it was the most hated map when it was in 6s as far as I remember
I personally like the map but idk if it can be salvaged for comp

edit: actually

posted about 8 years ago
#239 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

no dedicated servers sucks hard (no custom settings, maps, communities, leagues), no LAN is obviously going to hurt eSports as well. I dont see how this is positive in any way for the game or blizzard.

w/e I lost faith in blizzard years ago. moronic design choices are expected.
I really want to be hyped for overwatch but I know better

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Razorback Idea in TF2 General Discussion

I dont think the razorback should be changed, specially not in the way proposed, it's a good balanced unlock for pubs.
if its a problem in highlander just ban it (or deal with it)..

now as for darwins danger shield, please. that unlock is actually retarded and the kinda thing that makes me lose all faith in game devs.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Smoothing with Jump Clips in Videos

what about them?
you need to use POV to get damage indicators, which is one reason to use POV instead of STV.
its also harder to TAS or cut a POV run so thats another reason to use POV

if you mean how to get them with lawena idk i dont use the program, if it doesnt have them then load a custom hud in it I guess.
you also can't use lawena in HLAE afaik

posted about 8 years ago
#14 froyotech.tv? in TF2 General Discussion

I thought the community was very calm, all things considered, about the froyotech merchandise and some of the other stuff that happened (like not getting signed weapons for months).

there will always be people who are angry when their stuff doesn't come or takes months longer than expected.

I can't believe you're that riled up over a comment on the forums, it's really unprofessional.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Smoothing with Jump Clips in Videos

many people in the jump community use HLAE to export the camera (and the map with crafty) to an external program such as cinema 4d where the demo smoothing is performed. the camera is then imported back into HLAE and recorded.

this allows you to smooth from an STV demo or even to view yourself in a POV smooth.

posted about 8 years ago
#66 NASA finds evidence of flowing water on Mars in Off Topic

it's all about that anti-matter rocket. potentially reaching 70% or higher of the speed of light where time dilation is starting to become significant.

the technology is within our grasp. we would need to produce or discover much larger quantities (as in grams!) of anti-matter, as CERN can barely power a lightbulb with the amount of anti-matter they produce. but one day the stars will be ours!!

posted about 8 years ago
#9 NASA finds evidence of flowing water on Mars in Off Topic
samjain98It wouldn't be impossible but it would be far from practical. Desalination takes a large amount of energy-- which is why it's not that common here.

when the alternative is sending water to mars on a spaceship I wouldn't be so sure

posted about 8 years ago
#6 NASA finds evidence of flowing water on Mars in Off Topic
omnificI mean it's cool but what impact does it have?

impact on what, your daily life? nothing lol

posted about 8 years ago
#9 High ping on some servers that used to be fine in Q/A Help

if your isp won't fix it you can force a different route by going through a vpn (make sure u get a good one that is close to the server location or your location)

also if you have constant ping then just use the same interp as normal (or possibly a bit higher like 0.02).
optimal interp settings depend on your jitter not your ping.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Decent Old School FPS games? in Other Games
georgebaiiMaybe which quake games are best :>

in my opinion quake 3 cpma and defrag mods, and quakeworld.

im not sure how many of the cpm players switched over to reflex or how they are doing, its been awhile since I played.
if you want to play quake 3 vq3 (aka default physics no airstrafe) then just play the newer quakelive.
quake 2 is pretty good too http://tastyspleen.net/quake/servers/list.cgi

my favorite game is MoHAA (not exactly quakelike, but it is oldschool and it is quake engine!!).
gamespy shutdown so you have to find servers another way such as http://www.gametracker.com/search/mohaa/?sort=c_numplayers&order=DESC but some people still play

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Can't see .ss or .logs ingame in Q/A Help

double and triple check disablehtmlmotd.

open internet explorer and go to a webpage so it connects to the internet
(this actually has a good chance of working because TF2 uses IE to look at pages like this, and it can be blocked/non-functional if you haven't used it ever/in a long time)

make sure u don't have a security script/file which blocks it
EXAMPLE: "Create an empty file in your tf directory named textwindow_temp.html and make it read-only (this prevents the motd from being saved & loaded)"

if none of that works it could be something else related to firewall or your browser settings (most likely Internet Explorer) like maybe cookies

edit: DO NOT create a textwindow lmao. that was an example of how your motd could be blocked!!

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Unplayable lag on wifi in Q/A Help

I just meant the box thing where you can patch into all the cat3/5 in your house, you could run the cable to that and then you can put internet through any phone jack in your house. thats how mine is setup. its not actually called a splitter but I have no idea what to call it

posted about 8 years ago
#6 WMO 500Hz W10 in Hardware

only way is by using fatal1ty motherboard.

posted about 8 years ago
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