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Signed Up May 13, 2022
Last Posted July 15, 2024 at 2:34 PM
Posts 127 (0.2 per day)
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#4 tf2 error pls help in Q/A Help

u dont have enough ram i think? try closing everything and running tf2 again

posted 1 week ago
#15 struggling with consistency in aim in TF2 General Discussion
giannihow would you guys recommend cleaning a mousepad and mouse?

mouspad in the washing machine (30c) and mouse/keyboard with disinfectant wipes daily

posted 3 weeks ago
#2 are there any fun games left guys? in Other Games


posted 1 month ago
#18 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Rahmedwaxhttps://youtu.be/wXxDPB-EStI?si=LroZEwvruHB0oTGh&t=201so what would you do in this situation wax


posted 2 months ago
#14 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted 2 months ago
#17 Mastercomfig doesnt boost fps in Customization
DudeCalledArcidonDudeCalledArcidonwaxcould u give more info?? is it like unplayable or no matter what you do your fps is capped to like say 120 or smth

what card do you have/cpu?
its unplayable when i start tr walkway i get 12ish fps, i wish i got that 120 fps lmao, here are my specs https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1137102329120817242/1137102329288597685/Screenshot_1.png?ex=66388451&is=663732d1&hm=0937725692329a28478e830244e5af65c44f6630c3580d22a5c810da6a820095&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=567&height=409

Drivers are Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family
Chip is Intel GMA950

hi, your cpu is what causing the problems i think
maybe try this one? not sure how if it still works https://cfg.tf/make/

posted 2 months ago
#11 Mastercomfig doesnt boost fps in Customization

could u give more info?? is it like unplayable or no matter what you do your fps is capped to like say 120 or smth

what card do you have/cpu?

posted 2 months ago
#10 cant use voice chat in Q/A Help

I heard u fine yesterday?

posted 3 months ago
#6 team fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#15 whats ur fav underrated TF2 map in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#4 favourite Bible verse in Hardware

On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”

“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied.

posted 3 months ago
#9 rahThread: Perspectives on death in TF2 General Discussion

Ive often pondered abt this and like how would they feel at my funeral knowing they could have said yes to playing league the night before

posted 5 months ago
#4 Vibrancegui in TF2 General Discussion


posted 5 months ago
#97 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
Fancy_Elfthats not my point, my point is that gigi is making him out to be the type of person who would actually do this stuff irl, i dont think someone should be made out to be something as serious as a rapist or a pedophile because they jokingly said they were going to rape someone irl on a video game, and that someone being me who was also jokingly saying the same thing back, some people just have worse humour than others and people shouldnt make a big deal out of it

It's the gaslighting for me

posted 5 months ago
#4 critheals in overwatch in Off Topic


still no:

- greek hero
- human elo system where when someone leaves a match it's not a default loss

posted 5 months ago
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