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SteamID64 76561198113239036
SteamID3 [U:1:152973308]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:76486654
Country Lithuania
Signed Up February 19, 2016
Last Posted June 14, 2024 at 6:33 AM
Posts 174 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity random every day
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse np01s
Keyboard ducky one two blues
Mousepad padsmith glass
Headphones hd560s
Monitor alienware something
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#7991 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#7988 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#8 Closing thoughts on S37's plugins in TF2 General Discussion

keep winger changes, imo doesn't need to get banned

process poggers and needs to stay

med speed nerf just made the game boring

half the solly jump damage instead of fully applying it

solemn vow didn't notice that much honestly

posted about 3 years ago
#33 Jessi is a Backstabbing teammate. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#23 pornhub purge in Off Topic

rip to all my minecraft lets plays :/

posted about 3 years ago
#46 Spotify Wrapped 2020 in Music, Movies, TV

Nomy - Good Kid
Alone - Night Lovell
Dead to me - Terror Reid
They Reminisce Over You - Pete rock & C.L. Smooth
Methanonin - Destroy Boys

posted about 3 years ago
#23 Road to prem without seasons in Off Topic

zebbo literally had 1 ses of open and he just added every prem team till someone gave him a trial
he said this in his interview with sideshow

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Its friday night in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#22 First thoughts on Medic speed nerf in TF2 General Discussion

i'm fine with the scout nerf personally though i think i actually had more fun with it, when people say it would force medics to have better positioning they more meant understand when to leave fights better or have better survivability. what you said about medics not being able to survive mid fights, in my opinion, is a perfect example, back in the day you'd see someone like shade survive all kinds of mids because he'd in advance understand if a mid is worth staying in or not. i think it's way too little time to judge medics though. for instance, before we'd do rollouts with a pocket waiting for medic a little further back and he'd walk with the med to mid, now i often see people not understanding this and instead scouts waiting for a med. people just haven't begun making changes fast enough.
also i really disagree with the winger comment, i went from 24/7 using winger to literally never touching winger unless it's a pub, the time it takes to take it out makes it literally useless in a fight, it's only useful as a utility outside of a fight, in which case you'd be better off using a pistol. though that's my view on it ofc! :)
also solemn vow should be banned for being blatantly op and taking skill out of fights, no way to fake health anymore which is just stupid

posted about 3 years ago
#7858 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#633 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

what crosshair is this
it's not vtf fatcross
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hypnootize/TF2-Hud-Crosshairs/master/crosshairs/TF2Crosshairs.png it's not $ from this

posted about 3 years ago
#155 Remove Iron Bomber from whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

iron bomber is easier to use than stock but i don't see how that's a bad thing, buff stock and let people keep using iron bomber, way more fun to use and play against, saying this from a scout's point of view
also just to add to this, ctapping isn't an intended feature in the game and lets you get an advantage in situations, i don't see people complaining to ban that even though it indirectly helps you in and out of a fight, who cares if the weapon has an unintended bigger hitbox, everybodys been using it for years and we're all used to it now

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Young Man Poll in TF2 General Discussion

you really need to provide some info, if you're playing it casual, go ahead and keep playing, if tf2 is becoming your life and you start skipping on social stuff/ take priority in tf2 over actual stuff then quit

posted about 3 years ago
#22 Using nullmovement puts you at disadvantage in Customization

can someone give an actual number for the input delay? cuz if it's a few mil seconds then literally who cares, you're never going to notice, which i'm assuming is going to be the case considering the amount of people that use it and have never had an issue

posted about 3 years ago
#88 Please have S37 in autumn 2020. in TF2 General Discussion

imagine wanting to make a team now and waiting till next year to play the official, you're risking more than half the teams getting sick of playing with each other and all wanting to stop playing the game

posted about 3 years ago
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