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Last Posted November 13, 2013 at 4:40 PM
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#12 Experience needed to get into pro TF2 matches in TF2 General Discussion
SolidSpeerlaiyeI noticed that you're in the saigns and nighteam groups. If you play on those servers: Stop.

I didn't even realise that and I don't play on those servers, but I do play stuff like VSH for fun. It doesn't detereorate skill or anything does it?

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Experience needed to get into pro TF2 matches in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylHave you tried newbie mixes? That'd be a good place to start imo

I'll definitley give it a look thanks for the recommendation.

synchroMGE servers are for 1v1 practice, and DM servers are just for running around killing things.

If you want to try your hand at a more organized team game, then you should head on over to TF2 Lobby and give it a go. There are two flavors of competitive TF2: 6v6 and Highlander (9v9). Most new players gravitate towards the latter, as it's closer to a "pub" environment.

Thanks, I'll look into highlander matches, I actually know about comp. team formation and such so I'm probably in a good position to research.

blinKIt depends on a few things..

1) Prior FPS experience
2) Computer hardware
3) Natural talent
4) Free time necessary to put in ample amounts of practice
5) Opportunities to play and learn from already experienced players

I certainly have 2 and 4, probably 5, I'd say i'm middle of the road for 3 and as for 1 I've played other FPS but really I'm pretty new on the scene. Not huge on anything but TF2. As for Solly/Medics I'm inclined to go with that, rocket jumping comes very naturally to me and I'm good at strafing.

KanecoPure aim wise I would say the best way to improve your aim + movement (which are big components of the competitive game) is just to MGE and DM a lot. Keep in mind you will be shit and get shitted on for several weeks, then you will start seeing big improvements, if you for example play pub now, mge/dm for 1-2 months straight and then get back to pub you will see how easy it feels to dominate in a pub.

As an example, I started playing competitively roughly with 400-500h of pubs, I started on lobbies, later on got a div 6 team, as demo, then I started practising a lot of solly on mge, I went from about 70-80h on solly to about 200-250 of pure dm/mge practise, and I noticed huge improvements, mainly in my jumping but also in my aim a lot.

I can see how that would help improve aim, I'm not too hot on 1v1 matches, I feel like there is an element of surprise in them that I'm not good at unless I'm with a team and I can flank round. DM sounds like good target practice though.

Thanks for the quick response everyone I'm please to see the forum is so active in helping peple learn.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Experience needed to get into pro TF2 matches in TF2 General Discussion

Don't get this thread twisted - i'm not hoping to get into pro TF2.

I've clocked in 216 hours of probably 93% gameplay practice on steam, my favorite class is hard to chose but probably between soldier, heavy and medic. In a random quicksearch pub game I would rate myself among the best 5 of 24 players usually. Though I have learnt a lot in my time playing TF2 so far, I haven't really gotten too serious about learning maps - I know where the health is but I don't have strategy's mapped out for every one or anything.

I'm having a bit of a dilema with TF2, compared to more skilled players 220h of gameplay is pretty measley and my aim probably leaves much to be desired in the game. But public matches just aren't that fun for me because I feel like the teams are usually uneven and there is little teamwork. I'm in that middle ground where I'm not good enough to play in pro matches but not bad enough to improve in pubs much. So I'd like to ask to those better versed in competetive TF2:

How good do you really need to be to get into organized tf2 matches?
Basically how many hours roughly and in the top what out of 10000 TF2 players would a competetive player be.

How can I improve my aim (I've tried walkway but it lacks the spontinuity of real games.)
Is it possible to get into organized TF2 without being signed up for lots of matches? (because i'm often not around, with school and travel.)


posted about 10 years ago