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Country United States
Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted September 23, 2016 at 11:18 AM
Posts 88 (0 per day)
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#8 net_graph font in Customization
crazybeaniegroovenSo its using a larger font on a higher resolution for the net graph then?

I'm trying to make the larger font display for the smaller resolution.

sourcescheme.res find "DefaultFixedOutline" and adjust the values you see fit according to the range your "yres" falls under. I use Microsoft Sans Serif with outline, 13 tall for 768-1023 yres, 14 tall for 1024-1199

posted about 9 years ago
#965 yahud in Customization
OupaHaving some troubles disabling the killstreak counter in top right of the screen: http://i.imgur.com/pGEslMK.jpg
Isnt just go to huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res and put 0 to visable and enable ?

hud_itemeffectmeter_killstreak.res> "ItemEffectMeterCount" and "ItemEffectMeterCountShadow"

If both visible and enable are 0 and you still see it, change the ypos to 9999 for each.

posted about 9 years ago
#962 yahud in Customization
FireThat looks nice !

Tho when im trying to use it, it looks like tf doesnt import all the fonts for some reason http://puu.sh/cBM5Y/63eea31011.jpg .

Same thing with dmg numbers, tho health and ammo appear in the correct font :(

From the readme:

If the fonts are not working, try manually installing them by right clicking and selecting install

I'm not sure why the fonts don't load correctly, as they're defined properly as far as I can tell. It's something I've looked at previously and have been unable to diagnose, so manually installing them is all you can do for now.

And thanks. It's still 95% yAhud, as whayay did a spectacular job. I've just made adjustments throughout and kept things up to date in game modes I play. I have not tried MvM in the past month or two, though it worked fine without misplaced elements. No new halloween support, however.

If there are glaring bugs or things that need to be fixed, let me know. I'm still working on minor font/number changes here and there, but it's obviously not a priority.

posted about 9 years ago
#956 yahud in Customization



I made a new target ID before they released the convar if you want to try it out. It was a quick job until I could find a nicer looking fix, so don't criticize it; no screenshots of the new targetID. Rename the alternate HudAnimations_tf.txt, TargetID.res, and SpectatorGUIHealth.res to use. I keep this hud up to date primarily for myself, tailored for my likes, but if you've got something you want me to work on, I might look into it.

The convar for the old target ID is "tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1" and your old huds will work as intended.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 TF2 Update - 10/30/14 in TF2 General Discussion
MessyRecipeNoticed this too, will have to change class now to forward spawn :( It was sometimes buggy anyway though, I remember a number of times I'd have to hammer on it multiple times to get the respawn to happen.

Odd though because the advanced option to 'auto-respawn on loadout changes in respawn zones' still exists and is still enabled for me.

Is it only for, say Loadout A -> Loadout A? I think I wasn't getting respawns even with swapping loadouts (for demo I usually just swap between paintrain and bottle loadouts to switch spawns).

For all loadout changes. You cannot forward spawn by changing loadouts/items anymore. Only by changing class. HL forward spawns are nonexistent as it stands.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 TF2 Update - 10/30/14 in TF2 General Discussion

I literally just finished my Target ID fix.

Also, I've always used F1-F4 to change my loadouts and it's respawned me immediately. Been very useful for forward spawns or respawning with full health/ammo when you're just hitting spawn instead of running to the cabinet. If you were on Loadout A and hit your keybind for loadout A, it would respawn you if in the spawn area -- allowing you to keep ubers or whatever you've got while being on the exact same loadout.

The last update broke this and this one didn't address it. Not sure if they intentionally broke it, but I'm not used to manually clicking on my loadouts or the supply cabinet anymore. Weird they're messing with mechanics that have been in the game for so long without keeping the old options in, but at least they fixed the targetID.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 What hud element is this [CMYK YaHUD] in Customization
flamesv_cheats 1

You just changed my life.

posted about 9 years ago
#162 notoHUD in Customization
KogaAnother issue that I am having - http://puu.sh/ce6Vk/3a951b105b.jpg

Anyone know a fix?

hudplayerhealth.res > look for something related to playerhealthvalueshadow. Make the wide value larger until you don't see those dots. Make the zpos value lower than the zpos value of playerhealthvalue. Not sure what the unknown portion is to the right. Might be an outdated hud element. Or if you want that black value gone completely, change the visible and enabled portions of the shadow to 0.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 What Are Your Casting Preferences? in TF2 General Discussion
  • Map Score
    Map score in a non-intrusive overlay is good.
  • Previous Map Score(s)
    Previous map score should be a pop-up overlay every few minutes and/or after a team scores a round win.
  • Kritz / Medigun being used
    Very good implementation as is; could only be improved if there were some sort of notice upon the medigun type being changed. Perhaps a flashing animation as the text background of the medigun for a few seconds?
  • Numerical Uber Advantage
    Unnecessary, but it is not-intrusive as is. Indifferent about it.
  • Overall Team Health
    Waste of space
  • Individual Player Health (above heads), Individual Player Names (below)
  • Casters Names Overlay, Casting Org Logo Overlay, Team Name Overlay
    I think these would be perfectly implemented in a small transition just on round starts during rollout. Mids take at least 10 seconds to get to other than koth, so just a sliding transition over the screen like the pre-game stuff would be great, maybe a little smaller.
  • Fixture Overlay
  • Player Outlines
    Perfect. I'd like to see the lightness/darkness of red and blu differ more depending on the health of the target; I'm pretty sure TSC has made this possible, but I've not seen any cast utilize it.
  • Projectile Outlines
    Unnecessary. It could be useful to spot a trap, but watching a trap be det isn't the most exciting anyway.
  • Fixed Bird's Eye Views (specific pre-determined views)
    Seeing this for a few seconds on early mid and early push fights wouldn't be too bad (no later), then back to player POVs.
  • Fixed Player Aliases
    Needs to be used more by every caster/organization. Players are always aliased and it looks very unprofessional. Can't tell if anyone is a ringer or not. If a player is a ringer, the tag of their own team should be displayed as well (primarily talking Euro 6s)
  • Custom Models/Textures for Teams/Sponsors
    Not sure how this would be implemented, but so long as it's not intrusive, I'm fine with it. A sponsor overlay full-time is fine if they're heading an event if it's blended well in terms of transparency and the hud.
  • Minimap/2DRadar
    Unnecessary. Once checking logs, seeing a heatmap where most battles are occurring/player deaths are could be neat, but not during a game.

Basically huds need to be as minimal as possible, giving you the most information while being simple to read, not a big glob where you're not sure where to look. Not every bit of information needs to be available at the same time, but it is nice to be able to see WHO is casting aside from asking chat.

One thing I've always wondered, perhaps it might be possible in statusspec, is if classes could be organized? 2x Scouts, 2x Soldiers, Demo, Medic from top to bottom to keep uniformity.

Gradients and roundness are a very year 2000 design - square designs and flat textures are the standard, as you can see through major logos like Windows and Google. Huds following more modern design are more appealing to me, but I don't see it too often.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 TF2GAMES in The Dumpster

Formatted it for everyone. I have no affiliation with this.

TF2Games - Upcoming, greatest way to experience the competitive TF2!

TF2Games is a project that was originally started in 2013. We've put a lot of work into it, and it's going be released very soon! TF2Games is a service that is dedicated to competitive players, and only for competitive players.

In TF2Games, you can make & join lobbies, like generally in every pickup website. You can play any gamemodes you like and the pickup system supports every single Valve map in the game and lots of popular custom maps, too.

What makes TF2Games different comparing to other pickup websites is that TF2Games offers its own, very high-quality gameservers for people who wish to start/join lobbies. This way you don't have to create your own gameserver and you can create a lobby very quickly, and one of our 5000 servers will be yours to use during the whole match. Yes, you heard it right. 5000 servers, around the world. And we also have 26 Mumble servers, around the world as well.

Replays are enabled in every server, so if you have a good run, you can record it afterwards. The lobby leader will choose does the server run random crits, damage spread, configure comp rules (UGC, ETF2L), etc. All these settings will be shown to player before he joins the lobby. In lobby, you can choose your class as usually or you can spectate the game. Servers have 24 slots, so it can have 6 spectators at the same time.

Now, usually asked questions from us.

Is it possible to make a game for friends only?
Yes. Your friends have to register to the website through Steam to be able to join your "friends-only" lobby. Be sure that you and your friends have public profiles to be able to do this. Also be aware that you need enough friends to fill the lobby.
Please note that friends-only games won't be tracked to rankings.

What happens if player abandons the game?
The player has 3 minutes time to join back. If he doesn't, he will automatically be removed from the lobby and the game. Matchmaking starts looking for a sub to replace the player. While the matchmaking is waiting for sub to register to the game, the player who left will be replaced by a bot, which is really advanced. I and few of my coder friends spent years to code it. Bot will have all the cosmetics that player had, as well as all the weapons. Bot will be kicked immediately when the sub has been found. The bot isn't as good as a real competitive player, but it's there to ensure that the abandon won't harm the game too much.

What is the punishment for leaving?
At first, nothing. We let all the new players to abandon 1 match every calendar week without any consequences. The basic punishment for abandoning the match is temporary cooldown to matchmaking. First punishable abandon will give you 1 hour cooldown. 2nd abandon will make it 6 hours. 3rd abandon during one calendar week will result in a 24-hour cooldown, and so on. Cooldowns will also affect to your rankings. Cooldown will go up to 5 days. It will come down to 1 hour again when you stop abandoning games. You can see your own cooldown "level" from your profile. (0 best - 7 worst).
Is there some kind of ranking system? Yes. Every single kill, assist and rewarding action from our gameservers will be registered to our rankings. Don't worry, you don't get your chat spammed like in pubs! It also doesn't flood the servers.

Is it possible to play Arena mode in TF2Games?
Yup. Arena mode is supported. You can also choose would you like to make it 6v6, highlander or class-free game.

Are these servers protected by Anti-Cheat?
First of all, TF2Games is open for everybody. We experience our playerbase to be quite experienced though. But having an open matchmaking service will most likely cause problems like cheaters. Our servers run an Anti-Cheat program that was bought with $300. It will make sure that no one will be able to ruin the game.

Is it possible to report "trolls"/griefing players?
Yes. You can report trolls by going into the lobby page and clicking player's profile. After 3 players reporting, server-vote will pop-up "Kick player: (griefer's name)?". The player will be kicked from the lobby and he will receive a cooldown. We also have several admins that handle these kind of players.

Can I edit my own profile on the website?
Now this is what everybody says is the greatest thing about this project. You can fully configure your own profile. You can get your own background and your own avatar to the website as well. In general though, the avatar is your Steam profile's avatar. On your profile, you can also tell your favorite class, grab your favorite weapons from your inventory, etc. You can also receive friends and chat with them privately through the website. It is like a 2nd Steam community, even though it will never beat Steam. ;) Your profile will also tell how many lobbies you have played, what is your favorite map, do you prefer 6v6 or highlander, basically all the things people need to know about your competitive gaming! Make profile to be your own - take anything you want into it (except offensive backgrounds or avatars) - there really are no limits!

Is it possible to support this project with real money?
It is most likely possible in the future. However, donating is a "sweetheart" action and won't give you any benefits to games or on the website.

Can I participate?
Please follow our reddit user to be able to hear about updates during this project.

OTHER QUESTIONS? Ask! We love to answer! :)

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Sacramento Fall Lanfest in LAN Discussion

Let's go

posted about 9 years ago
#165 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderCould you check that it doesn't crash when you load into insecure mode without any plugins at all?

insecure mode loads if I have no plugins. It loads if I have all plugins/hud elements (sprites/control points), PREC, hud, but if I have statusspec in my custom folder in insecure mode, I crash.

posted about 9 years ago
#163 StatusSpec in Projects

Similar to #159, but not quite.

I can't start tf2 in -insecure with statusspec in my custom folder. Without statusspec, I can load tf2 just fine in insecure mode. I tried with an old copy of v 0.14.1 I know has worked for me in the past and it crashes on launch as well. TF2 does not stay open long enough to load console/menus. It launches, shows the "loading" message in the bottom right, and crashes.

Any idea on how I can solve this issue? My custom folder's got PREC and my hud in it - no errors are received on the crash. DX9, 1080p, win 8.1, though I figure that's all irrelevant. The crashes persist loading tf2 in -insecure mode with statusspec in my custom folder, even with NOTHING else in my custom folder.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. Classic Mixup in Events


posted about 9 years ago
#8 PBL: LA / "Best in The West" in Recruitment (looking for players)

I couldn't find much information on the LAN, but I'd never heard of PBL before this post. The website showed something about 4v4, so I'm guessing that's the format that will be played?

I'm in Long Beach and might be up for playing.

posted about 9 years ago
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