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Country Australia
Signed Up April 28, 2013
Last Posted October 20, 2016 at 8:00 PM
Posts 304 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.56
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Monitor BENQ XL2411T
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#4 Scientists find a way to turn THC into Cancer Cure in The Dumpster

it's been years, does anyone know if pankeyman is a troll yet?

posted about 7 years ago
#65 Which hero do you main? in Off Topic

bumpsy seems really chill i get around it

posted about 7 years ago
#107 old school in Off Topic

powah isn't really old school, but nobody else has ever been able to play sniper as well as he could at his peak imo

posted about 7 years ago
#26 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion


on a side note why are we always so much better on via than anything else

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Will 20b make a return for s23? in TF2 General Discussion
i doubt b4nny will ever go back to demo with the class's current strength, he can carry harder on scout and soldier

ya that worked out pretty well at i58 didn't it 4Head

posted about 8 years ago
#85 The 4th place curse in LAN Discussion
BrutalixUnlucky just wish luck had more 2 do with it ;)

yeah man. instead of not winning, but still trying their hearts out and playing some great matches at a top level internationally - they should've bitched it like you did, much better to sneer at someone for trying from an imaginary moral high ground

posted about 8 years ago
#25 FaZe SDB and Forsaken in Esports

star maybe be le youtube famouse and technically underqualified but regardless his analysis was coherent and easily on par with any other notable esports analyst in both content and delivery. you can be salty that he got picked because of the fanbase or you can recognise that he's actually really good at the job anyway

posted about 8 years ago
#53 best sodas/pops in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#51 Is Valve overcomplicating weapon stats? in TF2 General Discussion

after being adamant that hero stacking was balanceable and an important core mechanic (which i totally understand), blizzard eventually recognised that their perfect ideal had to be compromised because no hero limit was to the detriment of the game as a whole, and implemented 1 hero limit in competitive overwatch.

not saying blizzard don't have their own issues, but this impressed me a TON and is a perfect example of something valve would never do. valve is a) overly invested in their sunk costs into failed ventures b) money-hungry and blind to context and c) just plain bad at their job.

a) - the perfect example is obviously the overwatch parallel, refusing to implement class limits despite it being cemented as a much more important concept in tf2 than overwatch. in addition there's no weapon bans, no configs in mm, balance changes that follow their own ideas rather than the general consensus, and a general disconnect between them and the community/meta.

b) - lazy moneygrabbing updates that clutter the game and confuse everyone. despite the "hatconomy" already existing, they decided to basically copypaste in their successful csgo cosmetic tier system along with pick-up-able weapon skins on top of what we already had. needless to say, mixing two cosmetic systems in the same game was bewilderingly stupid. weird incomplete paradigms like hat tiering and statclock vs strange weapons confuse needlessly, and the glowing outline on dropped weapons + the ammo boxes on dead bodies add visual noise to an already cluttered game.

c) when valve take their own direction it's too often flawed or overcomplicated and their decisions aren't anchored in core principles or a respect for simplicity. for example the cow mangler and liberty launcher have been a billion different things when the cm5k could've been
- 5 rockets
- less damage
- a special altfire
and the ll could've been
- faster rockets
- less damage or 3 rockets
it's literally that simple, maybe it's not perfect and the values would be tweaked for balance but even so it's better than the trainwreck they have been under valve's direction.

games are more fun when a complex metagame develops out of a limited paradigm, so all these arbitrary tweaks end up more gimmicky than helpful. i personally even believe stickies should be balanced around being the same no matter where or when they're detonated (this might be less popular). ultimately, complex attributes only cloud the more interesting complexity that arises from the flow of basic 6v6 competitive tf2. make stuff intuitive, make it useful, make it work, and the gameplay - not the stats - will make the game interesting.


edit: quick note about the starcraft stuff: yeah they're technically complicated stats, but they make sense intuitively, so in terms of how a human processes it it's pretty simple. most of tf2's weapon stats aren't intuitive at all, aside from things like the huntsman (for which stats are hidden, but that's fine - see why?).

posted about 8 years ago
#1409 PC Build Thread in Hardware

thanks so much for your help, i've decided to go with the 1070 because i'll probably keep it when i upgrade the rest of my build sometime in the future. do you expect a price drop as the rest of the lineup from amd/nvidia roll out or should i just buy it now?

edit: oh and also is there a specific brand or type i should look for or should i just get the cheapest version

posted about 8 years ago
#1402 PC Build Thread in Hardware

hey, i'm looking to upgrade to boost my framerate in overwatch but i don't want to invest in anything that provides limited benefit over what i already have.

i'm on my phone so i can't provide complete system specs but the important bits are a benq 144hz monitor, i5-3570, 660ti, 16gb of ram (idk what type) and a budget asus motherboard (p8h77 or something?). i average 100-120 fps at 1920x1080/100% render scale and 130-170 at 1280x720/75% (on the low settings preset).

would buying a 1070 without upgrading anything else help me much? from what i've heard the newest cpus are not much of an improvement over much older models whereas the difference in gpus is drastic. i'd prefer to wait until cpu tech improves substantially rather than paying a lot for incremental gain.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 why do euros say solly? in Off Topic

they're actually saying sorry to b4nny for being european just the accent makes it sound different

posted about 8 years ago
#62 TLReturn in TF2 General Discussion

everyone on froyo has tons of respect for blaze and his ability, i doubt he's getting cut

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Will Team Fortress Tv (Twitch) Cover Asia Fortress in TF2 General Discussion
BrodogsRight now key staff in TFLIVE are focused on other things

overwatch plebs smh

posted about 8 years ago
#39 new rocket stacking meme exploit in The Dumpster

yes but why use a literal cheat to show off a gimmick you can do with hud_reloadscheme

posted about 8 years ago
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