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Signed Up December 27, 2015
Last Posted August 20, 2018 at 9:56 AM
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#1149 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
stabbyI myself have changed some values for this purpose, though I'm on Windows 7 using Out of Your Head for 7.1 surround virtualization. Here's what I use, but testing this stuff is a pain and I'm not sure about all of these...the general idea is to get rid of all spatialization effects that are intended for stereo output. Would be very interested in some thoughts:
snd_surround_speakers 7 // or 5 for Windows 10, it seems
dsp_enhance_stereo 0
dsp_slow_cpu 1
snd_spatialize_roundrobin 0
dsp_speaker 0
dsp_water 0
dsp_spatial 0
dsp_facingaway 0
dsp_room 0 

I'm not at home at the moment, but I know you can remove all those commands and just disable DSP everywhere with one of these:

"dsp_vol_5ch" = "0.5"
"dsp_vol_4ch" = "0.5"
"dsp_vol_2ch" = "1.0"

Great commands if you want to set a tiny bit of dsp, or want it completely off, etc. I'm unsure if 7 channel has a command, or if it's shared with 5ch, but these will remove all DSP, as it acts as a master volume for all DSP from what I understand. Just don't use "dsp_volume", as it constantly resets if maps have different soundscapes and you enter/exit them. Unless you want to bind it to a commonly used key.

I don't know if it's just me, but disabling dsp entirely makes sounds at the back really low. So some DSP is good if you have same issue as me. If you put too much, it throws off the positioning, so you have to dial it in perfect.

posted about 6 years ago
#1142 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomspancake_stacksWhen you get a chance, do you think you can look at tweaking sound settings for virtualized surround sound? Maybe a module for it? I personally find the new Spatial Sound feature in W10 very good for gaming. It's not perfect, but I find it more accurate than stereo.I'm not sure what that would really entail. What kind of sound does TF2 need to provide for Windows 10 to be able to use virtualized surround sound?
pancake_stacksAlso, do you have a donation url?Nope

You don't need to provide anything. You just right click your sound icon in your tray, click spatial sound, then select WIndows Sonic. Then when you're in-game, you select 5.1 setup as your sound device. It's essentially emulated surround sound, but seems a lot better than traditional emulation. More details here about it.

I just saw in the sound section you have some customized values for DSP and it was most likely configured and setup on stereo. I think when you switch to 5.1/7.1, the game makes some changes to the DSP values to account for a surround sound system, opposed to stereo. There are also some commands like snd_legacy_surround.

posted about 6 years ago
#1140 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

When you get a chance, do you think you can look at tweaking sound settings for virtualized surround sound? Maybe a module for it? I personally find the new Spatial Sound feature in W10 very good for gaming. It's not perfect, but I find it more accurate than stereo.

Also, do you have a donation url?

posted about 6 years ago
#1130 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsI've seen 133 tick servers, not 128. If those commands are set too high, client side, lerp is shown inaccurately and may confuse people.

Is there any other downside besides that? I've seen some people have toggles in their cfg's to change their net settings and was wondering if maybe it's bad to have mismatched rates when compared to the server. Other than that, what's the point?

For instance, I've seen lots of autoexecs that have toggles to change:

rate 60000
cl_cmdrate 60
cl_updaterate 60

rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 30
cl_updaterate 30

Maybe sending more data than the server can handle is bad? I'm not sure. I always thought servers locked to their max regardless of what your settings are.

posted about 6 years ago
#1127 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

Is there a reason why cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are set to 66? I know vast majority of servers are 66 tick, but is there any downside to setting them higher than what the servers tick rate is? I've seen some 128 tick servers, so wouldn't it just be best to set cl_cmdrate and updaterate to 128 and let the server enforce/lock you to their max? Or does it mess with the hitreg having different update/cmdrate higher than the tickrate?

It's really hard to grasp all these networking commands, as I'm no networking engineer. I wish Valve would put out detailed information on this stuff, as there are just too many people with varying opinions on what does what, and what's best for hit reg. There's almost no way to test this stuff because it's all subjective due to no proper way to test, outside of cl_interp, which is very easy to see the difference using hitbox outlines.

posted about 6 years ago
#814 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomspancake_stacksSo what's with the net_splitrate commands? I've read they're only for server-side and useless for clients. And is it tied to the rate command, as they're both the same in your cfgs.I believe it works on clients, as clients still split packets if they're too big. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any source code that uses these split packet commands, so I can't be too sure about them.

The two rates for normal packets and splitpackets are the same for simplicity because rates are dependent on your Internet connection, and it is easier to adjust the rates as one value according to your upload speed, rather than mess around with trying to optimize the two rates individually for a lot of different upload speeds.

Have you looked into testing with the net_showsplits command? I believe it dumps to console how it handles splits.

posted about 7 years ago
#808 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

So what's with the net_splitrate commands? I've read they're only for server-side and useless for clients. And is it tied to the rate command, as they're both the same in your cfgs.

posted about 7 years ago
#4675 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Ok, thanks guys. Is there anyway to make the text make the text start from the bottom and go up, opposed to it going down? Maybe use position south?

posted about 7 years ago
#4672 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
JarateKingpancake_stacksAnyway to display text vertical?Not a standard way.

You can set the label width to be low and wrap text, but each individual letter will remain normal. You'd need an entirely edited font if you want it to look like it was actually rotated 90 degrees, but even with that kerning will be completely fucked.

Only other way is to just get an individual label for each letter/number. But that takes a lot of work, is resolution & potentially system dependent, and (without tons of workarounds) won't work for things like health that aren't fixed text.

How do you wrap text?

posted about 7 years ago
#4644 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Anyway to display text vertical?

posted about 7 years ago
#113 Felik's config // Chris' config replacement in Customization

I don't get why everyone is bashing the guy. Let him try and learn, it doesn't hurt anybody. It's better to give feedback and encourage him to make it better than to pile on the guy and put him down.

Keep at it Felik.

posted about 7 years ago
#109 Felik's config // Chris' config replacement in Customization

Correct me if I am mistaken, but aren't these commands server-side and useless for client?

net_compresspackets 0
net_compresspackets_minsize 9999
net_maxcleartime 0.0
net_maxfilesize 64
net_queued_packet_thread 0
net_splitpacket_maxrate 1048576
net_splitrate 3

posted about 7 years ago
#27 Typical performance with a high-end system? in Q/A Help
Setsulpancake_stacksAlso, what's the reason to run a benchmark when I can monitor my FPS real-time and see there is a problem? I think it's the game, as people with better chips are sharing the same sentiment.Ah yes the true professional approach to diagnosing performance problems:
"Why run a benchmark, I can see the fps are lower than the should be. Well at least lower than I've heard other people say the should be. They said other people with better hardware are getting more fps."

Simply benchmarking and then comparing the result to the results of similar hardware with similar settings would've told you right off the bat that nothing is wrong and you just have to use even lower settings.

Or because, you know, a 2600k overclocked to 4.4ghz with a 970 getting drops to 80fps on all low settings @ 1024x768? Doesn't take a benchmark to tell you something is wrong in that scenario. I've already mentioned all my other games run fine, so it's not hardware related. That's like me telling you my car is broken and can only do 20mph on the highway and you telling me go to the race track to try and max it out there. What's the point?

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Typical performance with a high-end system? in Q/A Help

Just installed an FPS config. Frames are stable 300+ now. On simple maps like 2fort, I can hold 400 fps. Goes to around 600 fps in empty rooms looking at walls. The game doesn't look bad at all with the FPS config either. It doesn't look like the quality has degraded that much. And this is with dx98 launch option! I think something is wrong with how this game handles certain CPUs, or some effect is solely responsible for crippling the CPU. Just doesn't make sense how I can go from dipping to low 80 fps on 2fort, to 400fps stable with an fps config.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Typical performance with a high-end system? in Q/A Help
Turinmy pc is utter shit i get 200 in mids on 1920x1080 with just dx9 no phong

Curious, what operating system are you on?

posted about 9 years ago
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