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Signed Up November 29, 2016
Last Posted July 24, 2024 at 1:23 AM
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#8 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion

Why all the concern now? RoL had been showing signs of falling into a depression pit for years now. People brushed it off. Now that it has turned into serious threats, NOW we should be concerned? You should've been concerned BEFORE all of this transpired. This community loves to talk down to people and shit talk and then when the people they're constantly bullying turn into depressive messes (I am guilty of this too, I will admit), they suddenly care and want to help them? It's sick. I hope RoL gets the help they need but this needs to change. People can't be pushed to a brink so often.

Go ahead and downvote me. I will not be replying to this or anyone's replies. Go ahead and hate me.

posted 2 days ago
#14 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic
xianyaoherongwell this position in particular isnt one, its just that there's lots of them so the stuff I can actually go for is limited

Is there any way you can try some other area that is similar? Seems you've limited your options a lot.

posted 4 weeks ago
#7 i think i just bombed a job interview in Off Topic

Dont dwell on it long. I just got done job hunting for a year and it wasnt easy. Most of my interviews I'd say went well. On some I thought "Yeah, I have a pretty good chance." It was like you, I had felt the interviewer was interested in what I had to say and actually seem like they wanted me. But, then I get hit with the "We had many strong applicants, unfortunately...". This went on for a year. I had one interview where I really, really bombed it. Like it was obvious. I felt horrible as it was the first time I got rolled in an interview. I moved on and just kept applying.

You just have to keep going. Until you find that job you get an offer for. Dont take interview and interviewer reactions as a sign you got a.job or not unless they explicitly say so. Sometimes they're putting on a show. I ended up in a job I wasnt too interested in but I felt a genuine interest in what I was saying and it felt like they actually wanted me around.

posted 4 weeks ago
#39 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Why is Young Sanity always creating drama every season? You arent the main character.

posted 1 month ago
#7 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Where's ctap2work?

posted 2 months ago
#25 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

It can suck going into a pug and getting yelled at like it's Grand Finals. It can get exhausting.

posted 2 months ago
#3 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion


This season's moment to forget.

Edit: I didnt read but still funny.

posted 3 months ago
#1 rmx lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Want to play Med. rmx on Discord.


posted 3 months ago
#196 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Has RGL had this many cheaters pop up in one go before? AM playoffs got overturned due to a cheater being banned as well.

posted 3 months ago
#171 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

So weird he just stopped playing. Must be busy.

posted 3 months ago
#186 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Tax was the glue

posted 3 months ago
#2 I Miss The News : ( in TF2 General Discussion

I will try this in some shape or form again for Main (and am open to other divs).

posted 3 months ago
#136 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityReally love the expert communication from the admins!
Video soon on my stupid ban and how rose purposely goaded me into saying something stupid and wrong. Will talk about how the admins failed again at communication, in their recent post basically admitting that nothing is going to change nor will they try to make steps towards change.

Just... Don't

posted 3 months ago
#161 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

im sure others have seen this, but thought id post it
looks very blatant to me

also i cant believe my shitpost got negative votes :(


posted 3 months ago
#5 NEW LEAGUE SURVEY in World Events

I will possibly be sponsoring an Invite team soon. Any interested parties, reach out.

posted 3 months ago
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