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SteamID64 76561197999624089
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Country United States
Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 2:31 PM
Posts 510 (0.1 per day)
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#8 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#7 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#6 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#5 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#4 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#3 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#2 mountain dew in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#1 mountain dew in Off Topic

common flavors only



posted about 11 years ago
#2 ATTN Plat HL teams: STV DEMOS in TF2 General Discussion

does this mean we can keep all our matches on monday

posted about 11 years ago
#14 :( in TF2 General Discussion

we were playing games together

posted about 11 years ago
#7 awkward in Off Topic
posted about 11 years ago
#2 awkward in Off Topic

10:51 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: do you think you could ever like me
10:51 PM - m4risa: i like just about everyone
10:52 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i mean "like"
10:52 PM - m4risa: in what way
10:52 PM - m4risa: as a friend sure
10:52 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: more?
10:52 PM - m4risa: im taken
10:52 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: girl or boy
10:53 PM - m4risa: boy
10:53 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: :/
10:53 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but could you find time for me?
10:54 PM - m4risa: to do what
10:54 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: be more
10:54 PM - m4risa: like what
10:54 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: be more than my friend
10:54 PM - m4risa: what would that involve?
10:54 PM - m4risa: lol
10:55 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: relationship, talking caring and enjoying just the thought of one another
10:55 PM - m4risa: i can be a friend, nothing more
10:56 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: sadly :(
10:56 PM - m4risa: i used to do a lot more but im sticking with one person now
10:56 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: im not asking you to do that, but just add one
10:57 PM - m4risa: add one what?
10:57 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: me
10:57 PM - m4risa: add you to what?
10:57 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: relation
10:58 PM - m4risa: i dont think he would like that
10:58 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i know
10:58 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: :/
10:59 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but would u like it
11:00 PM - m4risa: if he doesnt like it, then i dont like it
11:01 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but if he did like it for some reason
11:02 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: ...
11:02 PM - m4risa: then id probably find a girl instead of a guy
11:03 PM - m4risa: so i can have a guy and a girl
11:03 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: oh :/
11:04 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i wish i were ur guy lol
11:04 PM - m4risa: lol
11:05 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: when im 19, ill be rich
11:05 PM - m4risa: that's good
11:05 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: id be able to take care you even if werent dating
11:05 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: lol
11:07 PM - m4risa: you can get better trans people with good money
11:07 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but i dont want other people tho
11:07 PM - m4risa: why not
11:08 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: they arent of my hearts choice
11:08 PM - m4risa: there's probably like millions of trans people out there
11:08 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but
11:08 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: you
11:09 PM - m4risa: what makes me so special
11:09 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i have this feeling
11:10 PM - m4risa: of what?
11:11 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: you being amazing person
11:11 PM - m4risa: what makes me amazing though
11:13 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i just have this feeling
11:15 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: so your saying there are other trans out there.... do you know any????? cause i dont, but i know you. an i like u.
11:15 PM - m4risa: i know about 15 irl
11:16 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: well....
11:16 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: and?
11:16 PM - m4risa: i think you should look a bit harder
11:16 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i have trust me marisa..
11:17 PM - m4risa: have you tried searching on the internet
11:17 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: yes
11:17 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: ...
11:17 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: sadly nothing
11:23 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: hello??
11:27 PM - m4risa: so yeah, gl with the search
11:27 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: thanks.. i sitll want to be your friend?:)
11:27 PM - m4risa: sure :p
11:27 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: yay:)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 awkward in Off Topic

literally just played a couple rounds in csgo with this guy

Sunday, September 09, 2012
10:30 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: Ello
10:30 PM - m4risa: hi
10:31 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: youre suoerb at this game
10:31 PM - m4risa: not really, csgo is my first cs game
10:31 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: well, i still think your better than me at lesat :P
10:32 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: do you have skype?
10:32 PM - m4risa: i just use mumble for talking
10:33 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: I mean just to chat?
10:33 PM - m4risa: i dont
10:33 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: would u get it??
10:34 PM - m4risa: i can communicate just fine with letters and text
10:34 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: :(
10:34 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: how old r u
10:34 PM - m4risa: 19
10:34 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: im 17
10:35 PM - m4risa: o
10:35 PM - m4risa: nice
10:35 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: are you really trans ;)
10:35 PM - m4risa: yeah im 20 months through hrt
10:35 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: nice, remember when that guy said some dudes are into that?
10:36 PM - m4risa: yeah i know
10:36 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i kinda am one of those guys
10:36 PM - m4risa: thats cool
10:36 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: would you take the time to get to know me
10:37 PM - m4risa: uh, dunno
10:37 PM - m4risa: im taken already tho
10:37 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: but
10:37 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: id really like to
10:37 PM - m4risa: sure i guess
10:37 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: :D
10:38 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: wher you from?
10:38 PM - m4risa: miami
10:38 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: nice, im from alabama
10:39 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: im glad
10:40 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: glad i met u lol
10:40 PM - m4risa: sure
10:43 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i am?
10:43 PM - m4risa: yeah
10:43 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: do u believe me?
10:43 PM - m4risa: i do
10:44 PM - m4risa: im just developing though, i wont be done for another one to two years
10:44 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: what does that have to do with making a connection
10:45 PM - m4risa: i just dont like it when guys talk to me just because they think im really hot or something
10:45 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: im not in for looks, or anything sexual...
10:45 PM - m4risa: o ok
10:46 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: no matter how you look, it wont effect how much i like u
10:47 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: its whats on inside that counts for me
10:47 PM - m4risa: that's good
10:47 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: i still wish to know what you look like though :)
10:47 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: cause right now you are a anime girl in my mind :P
10:48 PM - m4risa: there's a picture of me in my profile
10:48 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: one sec
10:49 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: how do i look at the pic>
10:49 PM - m4risa: its a link
10:49 PM - EVASIVE buffalo: cute :3
10:51 PM - m4risa: thanks

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Highlander PUGs in TF2 General Discussion

platinum pugs

posted about 11 years ago
#112 what's yo inches/360 in Off Topic

10.2" tf2/csgo

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32 33