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Signed Up September 26, 2012
Last Posted January 25, 2014 at 2:54 AM
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#48 Remember when invite players streamed scrims? in TF2 General Discussion

Don't worry, Tri plans on streaming his scrims despite the real life implications they have on an Invite team /sarcasm.

The main issue is his team rarely scrims.. and the Chess Club has never had a single strat in any of its years in existence (think this dates back to HRG as well).

posted about 11 years ago
#17 hey team! in TF2 General Discussion

This is not a drill.
My first flight was delayed making me miss my connecting flight. So instead of getting there at 4pm I'll be there around 12am cst.
So... don't wait on me Tri.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion

I REALLY didn't want to, but I GUESS I'll address everything said in here. Although I really don't think Tagg should be discussing his quarrels before LAN...

1. When did we stop caring?
We never did. Not sure if this was a bait, or if you meant to say 'scrimming.' In that case, that stopped around... week 2 of ESEA. I'd say we've scrimmed with our 6, 3-4 times since Week 2 for various reasons, which I admit is INSANELY low.

2. Don't know who vile is, but I assume he needed +frags to validate his life. jk, but yes, I plan on attending.

3. Rick hit it on the nail I guess. We've all been busy (outside of tagg). We didn't all just say "let's enter invite and not put in any time" it sort of just ended up that way. Add on the roster issues and lack of leadership/change of leadership and you have 'The Chess Club.'

4. To thorn and the other not so smart people; none of us feel as if we stand no chance and that self defeating attitude prevents people from ever improving or getting to invite. Also, where did you get this ‘them being locked in 4th is why they stopped trying’? That’s far from the truth, and if that was a guess, don’t word it in a way that makes it appear as fact.

Due to our roster/scheduling issues, we essentially played 2 games vs. the other LAN teams this entire season. We had 3 FFL’s due to roster/scheduling issues, an Ashville game in which 3 of us had never even touched the map before, a loss to mixup that half our team didn’t take serious since mixup off classed and a gpit game that tri played demo in. We had 2 legitimate losses: A gullywash game where we were outplayed but was still competitive and a viaduct game that I did horrible, but we still lost 2 rounds we should have won due to 2 separate mistakes.

5. I REALLY don’t think there is any positive to criticizing your team publicly the week of LAN… but since someone on our team has already decided to do such…
There could be plenty of finger pointing about the issues with our team, and no player is exempt... not even sure why this is even being talked about publicly.

6. In regards to practice, we DEFINITELY should have played more. Even though I've only played around 12 hours of TF2 in the past 2 months I've always been available (outside of the past week), we just have not had scrims.

7. In terms of my lack of play. I literally made invite by exclusively watching demos of destro (way back in the day) and playing ammomod. I didn’t scrim as a demo at all, didn’t pug or anything. Everybody learns differently. I already know that the best way for me to prepare is to analyze my demos and just warmup for LAN, it’s different for everyone.

TLDR: We’ve had issues this season, which we can admit. Our team will be prepared and will try to keep things entertaining. In no way will we just accept 4th or even be content with 4th place.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA S12 LAN Preview: Chess Club in News

I definitely have the slowest roll-outs in invite... by a long shot.
Good read though.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 I46 roundtable with Shade Darn! Admirable and Cube in TF2 General Discussion

Random bump.

I would like to see more roundtables as I found them really enjoyable. Although Extravision and Fully Charged are great, I liked how this roundtable focused more on 'specifics' about what is going on in invite (gossip, roster changes, how teams are doing headed to lan) and is lead by people directly involved.

Even though I'm in invite, I'm not in the know on anything since I'm rarely around.

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Help Get Chess Club to LAN! in TF2 General Discussion

I have my ticket.

None of the money raised through the chipin will be going to me or my plane ticket by the way, so you guys holding out don't have to worry about it being used on me.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 is there a cfg to disable explosions? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#90 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

What does common sense have to do with this?
None of the teams that died had a 'cancer' that was known for killing teams.

Pinball Wizards were stable over the entire offseason until Panic randomly left; they also played the season before.
Mighty Ducks have had the same core for multiple seasons as well.

Goin Heavy was full of a bunch of veterans. Sure you can say sweater, but he was never known to kill a team or leave mid season. He just made the mistake of kicking his whole team when he thought it was already dead last season.

As everyone knows, Weeble was probably one of the people in Invite most excited about going to LAN, then he randomly decides not to play. There is no predicting what will happen when you make a team.

posted about 11 years ago
#87 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

The only thing that could prevent team deaths would be not allowing people to roster hop as that causes team deaths and at the very least instability. People on a team with no chance of LAN hopping onto a better team that can make it.

I know at least one player on my team was being at least somewhat recruited by a team ranked higher than ours midseason, which could have caused issues with our team.
It also happened last season with kbk and lansky, and maybe with relic this season? idk the Pinball Wizard situation, so I'm probably far off on that.

posted about 11 years ago
#85 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think forcing teams to 'work their way from IM' will make less teams in invite die. Of the 3 teams that are currently dead, two of them played in invite last season. The reason the 3 teams died probably has a lot to do with them realizing they have no chance of making LAN so the motivation is no longer there.

Usually it'll start as one player, but it is hard to find a replacement for almost any class that isn't scout. If a demo or pocket from a team quits, there really isn't much talent out there to replace them with.

There is no correlation between how long a team has played before, and how long they'll continue to play once they get into invite. It's almost 100% based on performance.

Chess Club was voted in (coming from nowhere) and isn't dead; LG was voted in two seasons ago I think? (coming from IM) and they died mid season.

posted about 11 years ago
#49 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

Someone took the username kermit?!?!

Yeah, we've had some roster issues, which I admit is largely my fault, as I have had 3 hours of TF2 every 2 weeks for a month now. We also haven't scrimmed as a team since around the Monday of cp_gravelpit week; half of us had never even seen cp_ashville until we played our match.

Aggro scouts are hard to come by so I wouldn't say weeble will be 'easy to replace', especially after finding this out after rosters locked; we are just lucky we have another scout on the roster.

I wouldn't put it too hard on weeble as he is young. I just don't know why he was scheduling our matches for days he/we couldn't play. We'd show up match day (vs spacewhales and vs mixup) and find out the day of that 1-2 people weren't available.

I'm going to be more active this week as we get accustomed to omar and play nNn for the last LAN spot.

Btw lansky and 2c, can you not convince sweater to play one more week of TF2? It looks pretty bad for only 5 invite teams to survive.. you only have 3 games left.

posted about 11 years ago
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