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Signed Up October 21, 2012
Last Posted April 8, 2024 at 11:38 PM
Posts 911 (0.2 per day)
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Mouse hot damn that delpo nerd gets me goin
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#148 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

there should be a vote to kill pug button in case the server dies

posted 3 months ago
#13 favourite Bible verse in Hardware

Rest time is not waste time. It is economy to gather fresh strength… It is wisdom to take occasional furlough. In the long run, we shall do more by sometimes doing less.

posted 3 months ago
#12 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion

I'd rather give the winners side team 2 map bans than a whole map

posted 3 months ago
#37 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

I remember tri doing it for a couple seasons before lansky did it on froyo. Don't remember fully who else was on that team though

posted 4 months ago
#15 RGL LAN 2024 Announcement in TF2 General Discussion

since this lan is happening at the end of july I'm guessing the season will start early june right?

That means there's roughly 2.5 months of down time.

Can we get a cup or 2 for content/hype? could use it as a fundraiser opportunity for the lan pool too

posted 4 months ago
#14 Just a note that these people are still playing in TF2 General Discussion

do not ever post tombstone gifs again main that right for you is revoked

posted 5 months ago
#13 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion

I think we actually did poll invite at the time and the majority said that they didn't want a shorter season. I wonder if everyone still feels the same now.
either way we probably need to do a little bit of tweaking to the format

posted 7 months ago
#2 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion

this is what we tried to do a couple seasons ago and it ended up leading to the weird stage format we're using in invite right now.
I think going shorter to 6 weeks would be pretty sweet

posted 7 months ago
#10 Can we bring back badlands? in TF2 General Discussion

Endless cycle

posted 7 months ago
#3 Overwatch 5CP in Off Topic

it took them 7 years until they were like ah fuck it just copy 5cp completely lmfao

posted 8 months ago
#6 tf2 just got plugged by zendaya in Off Topic

aim you here man?

posted 9 months ago
#15 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

couple months ago before I had any elo I was getting called slurs on mic. It was kind of awesome. You can't get that just anywhere in today's gaming world

posted 9 months ago
#39 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

Also if anyone is still crazy enough to try and make a new 6s map, don't make one with a dark skybox. I don't know what it is but I'm pretty sure the bright sky box maps are always preferred.

posted 9 months ago
#38 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

Sultry is a really fun map though, really glad it's been added. The devs have been super open to feedback and have actively made lots of changes.

I think the attitude towards playing new maps actually comes from top players. If the top players can convince everyone else to pug that map, people will eventually get comfortable with it.

I've been around long enough to remember this happening with sunshine, where there were /just/ enough invite players pulling for it to be played (specifically pushing for it to be pugged), that it eventually grew to be a staple. This is what makes me think that this could realistically happen with any map that has a really active dev team. Sunshine ran like absolute dog shit too for the longest time, and we overcame it lol.

I haven't played entropy I don't think but at least give it a season. Scrim it a little bit, pug it a little bit. DM the devs or get in a discord call with them. I'm totally sick of voting granary in and out every other season. It's a stupid map and we can do better

posted 9 months ago
#43 loafe in Recruitment (looking for team)

this guy is him

posted 11 months ago
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