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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted February 21, 2014 at 9:02 PM
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#6 Medic / Team Mentor -Ninjanick in Mentoring

Ninjanick Tip #1 - Don't take naps on match day

posted about 11 years ago
#43 ESEA s13 Open Preview in TF2 General Discussion
conductorDeathanchor only talked about 10 teams in this article so please stop pointing to how many people there are in open. People aren't really bashing him for any of his actual opinions that he wrote about, they're bashing him for publishing an article riddled with grammar/spelling mistakes and easily verified misinformations. You don't even need to add people on steam to find out what class they're playing. When somebody is getting paid to write this stuff it's completely fair to expect them to take an extra second to check tf2logs and see what classes people play.

That's fair. All of that stuff should be fixed, especially considering he had all offseason to prepare and research that stuff.

Not trying to pick on testify in particular. But expecting him to know that for any given team, the scouts are better than the demoman who is better than the soldiers is unrealistic.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 ESEA s13 Open Preview in TF2 General Discussion
testifydestroyertestifyrkAnother season, another Open pre-season article getting ripped... which happens every freaking season and no one seems to remember the cycle.

Please, take 20 hours out of your week to analyse all 60 teams and all 360 of their starters in open this season - all for $25. Of course he's generalizing, there haven't been any fucking matches played yet so none of us have any idea how the mix of sandbaggers, returning players, new players, players off classing, players you've never heard of, players who should be good but will end up sucking balls, etc. etc. etc., are going to mesh in a wide open division.

Deathanchor has been taking your shit for 4 or 5 fucking seasons how and never complains, is never late on articles, and does a fucking great job every week. If you don't like it, go start your own fucking Google Blogger site and pump out some content yourself. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

/angry rant I repeat every season

I wasn't trying to bash him by the way by posting this thread and the article,

it's just that anyone who's scrimmed against us generally acknowledges our Scouts+Demo as the stronger suit of our team.

Asking him to recognize the nuance of 60 teams in the division and then rank them accordingly before the season has even started is absurd for a pre-season article.

No but he only wrote about 10 specific teams and got an annoying amount of certain facts wrong on most of those teams, if he was unsure about certain facts all he had to do was add anyone from those 10 teams he wrote about it and get a little more in-depth info and he would have a much better and accurate article to post on ESEA news.

Yeah, that is a problem absolutely. Especially when he had all of pre-season to figure that stuff out.

Doesn't explain why you are peeved about your own team, and in particular your own scout play, being underrated.

posted about 11 years ago
#37 ESEA s13 Open Preview in TF2 General Discussion
testifyrkAnother season, another Open pre-season article getting ripped... which happens every freaking season and no one seems to remember the cycle.

Please, take 20 hours out of your week to analyse all 60 teams and all 360 of their starters in open this season - all for $25. Of course he's generalizing, there haven't been any fucking matches played yet so none of us have any idea how the mix of sandbaggers, returning players, new players, players off classing, players you've never heard of, players who should be good but will end up sucking balls, etc. etc. etc., are going to mesh in a wide open division.

Deathanchor has been taking your shit for 4 or 5 fucking seasons how and never complains, is never late on articles, and does a fucking great job every week. If you don't like it, go start your own fucking Google Blogger site and pump out some content yourself. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

/angry rant I repeat every season

I wasn't trying to bash him by the way by posting this thread and the article,

it's just that anyone who's scrimmed against us generally acknowledges our Scouts+Demo as the stronger suit of our team.

Asking him to recognize the nuance of 60 teams in the division and then rank them accordingly before the season has even started is absurd for a pre-season article.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 rekuso looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

Best player available right now

posted about 11 years ago
#20 bosh lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

a real bro

posted about 11 years ago
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