Account Details
SteamID64 76561198103614700
SteamID3 [U:1:143348972]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:71674486
Country Ireland
Signed Up March 6, 2016
Last Posted December 22, 2020 at 5:35 PM
Posts 437 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.00
Windows Sensitivity idk
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
i think its 60hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Apple Magic Mouse
Keyboard Apple Magic Keyboard
Mousepad none
Headphones some music ones dunno
Monitor iMac 27-inch
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#159 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

i just played badwater and its better than... swiftwater so just remove swiftwater PLEASE VALVE

posted about 7 years ago
#82 your favorite tf2 activity in TF2 General Discussion

mgeing my mgebuds where ur going for flashy shit all the time it makes it so enjoyable
playing viaduct pubs as demo used to be my favourite passtime

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion

greatest of all it crashes for every single mac user gotta wait 2 months for valve to push an update to actually allow a very small but present portion of their playerbase ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAY THE GAME

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Satisfying gifs in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#208 What are your weird in game habits/behaviour? in TF2 General Discussion

i pick up every healthpack even if im at 199 hp or something
i have the unexplainable urge to switch to engineer all the time

posted about 7 years ago
#84 players you cant pug with in TF2 General Discussion
indecencypeople who suck up to better players than them and tries to shit on anyone else


posted about 7 years ago
#344 Vent your anger in Off Topic

everyone says im bad cuz i have bad DM but if i could buy a new mouse i'd be so much better

posted about 7 years ago
#35 players you like pugging with in TF2 General Discussion

edit: and also markey hes like a german banny

posted about 7 years ago
#42 players you cant pug with in TF2 General Discussion

waiting for the sorry souls who have played with me on scout to post here

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion
Kav6v6 is definitely the place to start

From my perspective, valve probably wont support competitive until weapon bans are gone. Class limits and poor class representation are also kind of a hinderence. Both of these bring attention to poor balance on valves part. On a lesser note, its worthwhile for them to adjust the game mode or classes just to make stalemates less of an issue.

However its pretty much entirely on valve to fix these things in a way while still keeping competitive play fun, as well as not harming pubs, which i think is a worry for them (though considering a lot of banned items are infuriating in pubs as well means this shouldnt be too hard, but with MyM they pussyfooted around a lot of balance changes).

omg this is exactly the thing im confused about, if tf team wants us to unban weapons why dont they fix them first? if they're gonna make shitty unbalanced braindead unlocks and expect the community to say "well we wanna be wesports so we'll unban them"

i really do hope the team are eventually gonna do something because with the amount of players just straight up leaving because they're not giving the support they should be is pretty upsetting

posted about 7 years ago
#14 fun things to do with dog? in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#27 any one addicted to tf2 in Off Topic

im addicted but i cant get better until i pay some dude in my class €10 for some used mouse

posted about 7 years ago
#16 TOP 10 in The Dumpster


posted about 7 years ago
#27 Ways that you're a hydrated gamer in Off Topic

i like never drink ever however recently i've been consuming one bottle of MINERALWASSER per day cuz it tastes nice
man just realised how shit i am with this hydration stuff

posted about 7 years ago
#23 how do i play real man scout and not vagina scout in TF2 General Discussion

buff and bluff, get 185 and pretend you'll win every 1v1 ever

or idk just watch demos of a flank scout, keep playing it and really get into the flank scout role so its second nature

posted about 7 years ago
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