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Last Posted October 9, 2018 at 11:17 AM
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#24 TOTH 2018 Appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion

Good job everyone, was fun :)

posted about 5 years ago
#18 FUNKe- What Team Fortress 2 NEEDS in Videos
CrimeSceneIm not joking here, do we know how big the TF2 team is? Like I see people memeing "only 5 guys working on TF2" I'm curious to see how big the team is.

last mentioned count was ~15 people, 5-6 of whom are coders. but due to the way valve works as a company that number is in flux because people can just "roll their desk where they want to be"
robin walker also said once the game has never had more than 20 devs working on it since release, for perspective (though comparing some of the earlier updates to more recent ones I find that hard to believe)
some people fall into the trap of thinking the coders are the only ones who do any real work, which is probably where the "5 devs" number some say comes from, but without sound and visuals, coding can't produce content on its own

posted about 5 years ago
#55 What's the one thing that grind your gears in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
zxpMoments where my laptop just freezes for like a quarter of a second and when it unfreezes im 3hp and have no clue where the person I was shooting went

do you have steam cloud backup active? if your laptop is half decent, then disabling steam cloud and uninstalling/reinstalling tf2 might fix that

posted about 5 years ago
#47 What's the one thing that grind your gears in TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

people abusing their bind and blocking out the rest of chat/taking up voice comms with garbage

posted about 5 years ago
#177 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events
BirdyrocksTwiggyBarryChuckleLegitimately retarded that they had Sunshine in the map pool when it is not played in ETF2L. Congrats to FROYO but I feel robbed of a proper deciding map in what was otherwise a super close grand finals and a legitmate chance to dethrone Froyo.Then what map do you put in to replace it Mr. Smart? Cardinal? Metalworks? Ashville? No additional map? Then how do you do pick and bans?bring back gravelpit for lan

I actually wouldn't mind this as a variety thing

posted about 5 years ago
#29 Mass shooting @ Madden19 tournament in florida in Off Topic
EncreDo most people have the mentality that banning guns like in other first world countries is worse than having them that obtainable

Last I checked, Switzerland is a "first world country", yet it's easier to obtain a semi-automatic gun there than in most US states. And at the same time, it has a much lower rate of gun homicides than the US.

Now stop and think for a second what the primary underlying cause of people going on murderous rampage sprees is. It's mental illness, yeah?
Switzerland has 45.1 psychiatrists per 100,000 population in 2011, far ahead of the nearest challengers Iceland (22.3) and France (22.1). That's 3x more psychiatrists than average.

By comparison, the United States had a rate of 14.1 psychiatrists per 100,000 people.

By no means are the US's gun laws perfect but Switzerland shows that you can have relatively lax gun laws and a lot of firearms in the country itself and still avoid commonplace gun crime if you pay proper attention to mental health services. Aka: treat the disease, not the symptoms.

posted about 5 years ago
#53 Get Your Wallets Ready.... in Other Games
maelstrahmlol actual gunplay pvp only happens when ur boarding or when ppl jump onto ships that are slightly sinking which is like 10% of the time. The other 90% is doing ship stuff like using the cannons and fixing holes. People who like simulation and or role playing as pirate will enjoy this game but for people who just want to frag, this prob ain't the game for u. and the game doesn't even give u a crosshair lol

maybe you only played tdm in like 2017? months ago they put a pvp siege mode and king of the hill mode, and to be fair shooting cannons in first person is still first person shooting too. crosshair is being added for all guns

posted about 5 years ago
#173 player map in TF2 General Discussion

this is really cool, good work OP

posted about 5 years ago
#60 being genuine in TF2 General Discussion

quality thread

posted about 5 years ago
#41 Get Your Wallets Ready.... in Other Games
frenzy_can you stop derailing my thread, anyone find any good game deals they like to share?

Blackwake is 50% off (9 bucks right now) and it's a pretty good value for money game; it's similar to tf2 in that it's a casual FPS with a deceptively high skill ceiling, but you might not like it if you don't have hitscan skills

posted about 5 years ago
#8 dispensers give twice the meta from the top in TF2 General Discussion

Learn something new about this monster of a game every week

posted about 5 years ago
#25 Fortnite in Other Games
Finnigangame is so circlejerked against that people literally think that constant major updates is a valid complaint lol

I mean, epic does kind of have a tendency to add new content before they've even finished fixing the content they just added

posted about 6 years ago
#23 lagbots in TF2 General Discussion
billwaus tf2 had a massive problem with hackers and ddosing from group called LW. I asked a member what their motive was once and they said "valve treats this game like shit, so we're trying to send them a message. we want them to try and stop us"

I don't really believe that, that logic doesn't really hold up. "Hey, valve treats this game like shit, so we're going to shit it up even more."

It's like being pissed that the fire department hasn't showed up at your house yet, so you light more fires in your house to make them come faster?

I just think they're seeking to piss people off. There's no actual concern for the state of the game involved.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 My dm is literally deteriorating in Q/A Help

Unfortunately it just happens with age. But what everyone else said about taking a bit of a break is very true, too. I find that with other sports/activities I've done, a brief break and you come back and it comes back to you immediately

posted about 6 years ago
#133 TF2 update for 3/28/18 in TF2 General Discussion

competitive matchmaking needs some sort of prize from valve to actually be deemed "competitive"
AFAIK, you still can't even see your comp MM rank anywhere but in MM itself

posted about 6 years ago
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