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Signed Up May 31, 2020
Last Posted May 23, 2024 at 8:45 AM
Posts 198 (0.1 per day)
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#13298 stream highlights in Videos


posted 2 months ago
#24 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion


posted 2 months ago
#13223 stream highlights in Videos


posted 5 months ago
#84 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

How did this turn into a daga hate thread? I thought nubbi and trum were the focus, not daga. I understand daga has been toxic in the past but he genuinely became a nicer person and has since moved on from the game to focus more on himself. I dont think u can compare him to pple who consistently linger around the community causing drama. He's gone now, leave him in peace.

posted 5 months ago
#8 Medic Speed in TF2 General Discussion

Give heavy wheels. Then we talk.

posted 8 months ago
#24 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion

I like testing new maps but not when lan has just been announced :(

posted 9 months ago
#33 poLANd.tf 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion


posted 10 months ago
#38 Competitve horror stories? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#29 any interest in an ETF2L top 100 players? in TF2 General Discussion

wheres doughy

posted about a year ago
#20 why is the quickie banned in etf2l? in TF2 General Discussion

Back to more important matters. Are we keeping gunboats the same or are we gonna revert the change at some point?

posted about a year ago
#6 Favorite music for your tf2 or gaming sessions? in TF2 General Discussion

i tend to listen to some of the recent ams classics such as accelerating and chachacha
the fast paced beats along with ams hitting constant meat really gets me going, allowing me to consistently play at my peak

posted about a year ago
#1291 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
does anyone have flicks hitsound? i would search for it but huds.tf got shut down and its nearly impossible to find it laying around anywhere

tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 30
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 60

posted about a year ago
#42 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion

Sprite demo in his prime

posted about a year ago
#32 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#9 My idea for fixing 5cp in competitive 6s in TF2 General Discussion

my friend lupus had an idea:

Vsŭshtnost imam ideya kak da premakhna napŭlno taĭmauta (izvesten oshte kato ostavashtoto vreme v igra s 5cp, sled kato otborŭt povede s 4-0, naprimer ostavashti 3 minuti ili neshto podobno). Neka vsyaka granichna tochka vi dade nabor ot tochki za tazi konkretna karta. Obyasnenieto mi e malko dŭlgo, sŭzhalyavam za koeto.

osnovni pravila:
Primer 1: Ogranichavaneto na srednata lenta vi dava 1 tochka prez pŭrvoto poluvreme (zashtoto ne e prinadlezhala na nikogo predi) > Otvoyuva srednata lenta na vrazheskiya otbor vi dava 2 tochki > Ako vragŭt prodŭlzhi da natiska i vzeme vtorata i/ili poslednite tochki, vzemete 2 tochki.
Primer 2: Zagubenoto poluvreme i/ili vtoro shte poluchi 2 tochki za napredvane i vŭzstanovyavane na tochki, prinadlezhashti na protivnikoviya otbor.
Polovin tochka bez kapachka = struva 1 tochka
Vsichki blokirani vrazheski tochki = 2 tochki na stoĭnost
Vinagi zabranen ot klas = Shpioni i snaĭperisti vinagi sa na koyato i da e ot 5-te tochki.
Ogranicheni izvŭnklasni = tezhki ili inzhenerni (ne i dvete), dokato ostavate posledni (napr. ako nyakoĭ v ​​inzhiniringa premine kŭm tezhŭk, togava e dobre i obratnoto)

Sega si predstavete tova: vseki otbor igrae do 50 tochki (chislata mogat da se promenyat, tova e samo pŭrvoto neshto, koeto idva na um), vseki otbor zapochva na 0 dekemvri ili otborŭt s naĭ-mnogo tochki sled 30-minutna igra, da rundŭt vse oshte shte ima 5-minuten taĭmer za nulirane, no ako vie ste napadatelyat i ne uspeete da izlezete ot vtoriya ili posledniya v ramkite na 5 minuti, atakuvashtiyat otbor shte poluchi 1 tochka i kartata shte se nulira. Obiknoveno se nastroĭva, kogato taĭmerŭt za runda izteche .

Tova shte reshi dve neshta, khorata veche nyama da si pozvolyavat da sa na dŭnoto ili pone da se razocharovat, osven ako ne sa mnogo napred i mogat da si pozvolyat zaguba ot 2 tochki i v igra, koyato obiknoveno zavŭrshva 3-0 ili 3-0 , Vremeto za izchakvane poveche ili po-malko shte izchezne 4-0, syakash se natiskate ot bryag do bryag na kartata (i ste blokirani v kraya), koeto oznachava, che shte imate 8 tochki v kraya na kartata.

Sega tova e neshto, koeto iznikna v glavata mi, dokato zakusvakh, no tŭĭ kato nie (ETF2L) shte bŭdem v susha ot 6 sekundi prez sledvashtite nyakolko mesetsa, predlagam da mi izpratite sŭobshtenie kak shte izglezhda tova (promeneno). Rabotete, ako e vŭzmozhno, za sŭzdavane na sŭrvŭrna konfiguratsiya za tezi pravila.

Vsyakakvi predlozheniya za tova kak da se razraboti tazi sistema shte bŭdat otseneni.

posted about a year ago
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