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Signed Up May 9, 2024
Last Posted December 16, 2024 at 3:12 PM
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#84 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

yeh minaaj is cheating

posted 2 months ago
#50 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Okay after talking to some people I thought it was ok to shit all over the half of the team that was toxic all season in a public thread, but I went too far and I apologize for that.

I saw the opponent's TL malding in public in the rgl discord and I thought it would be okay to reciprocate that attitude, as someone said it was like being a sore winner to a sore loser. But it's not cool to fight fire with fire even if I thought it was deserved at the time, and it wasn't fair to the rest of meelo who were actually the exact opposite and super chill during the season.

I don't want things to get cringer so I removed the attachments that embarrassed meelo that I posted and I want to apologize again and say that I'll keep the bm in private next time :thumbsup: Sorry and gg to all in ur future games

posted 2 months ago
#2 recruiting puscrim lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

hello can i tryout demoman i can also bring my friend tiny to tryout roamer

posted 2 months ago
#12 suspicious players in TF2 General Discussion

dont forget about moose from cuake live
yeh that guys a freak fr

posted 6 months ago
#7 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion
fistpops and greg club aren't a part of felons group..

pops does have a history with them a while back but idgaf about pops #fuckpops but greg club isn't affiliated in any way with felons group. I get you're trying to help out newer players about people like felon but try to at least get the information accurate before people get falsely banned from serveme or rgl because of it.

posted 6 months ago
#6 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

pops and greg club aren't a part of felons group..

posted 6 months ago
#50 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic
thedittogirlFluff (Or I guess now Cyrus, used to go by fluff or .sillycat as their user on discord) is a pedo who groomed a 16 year old while being 21.

This is completely unacceptable and is frankly disgusting.

Here are all the screenshots of her being manipulative to this 16 year old, names censored for privacy:

This person is horrible, and as much as I know most don't care, an absolute bigot. I wouldn't even bother interacting with this person, I know this isn't the worst of it because I only started interacting with the victim after their relationship ended but they were clearly still being manipulative.

btw make sure to turn off the snipping tool notification at the bottom right because you can tell who the person is that you're trying to hide

posted 9 months ago
#46 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic

did the victim ask you to make a tf2tv thread about this

posted 9 months ago
#26 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic


posted 9 months ago