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Last Posted April 18, 2024 at 7:06 PM
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#20 Just a note that these people are still playing in TF2 General Discussion
elk, criponion, (cheeto?), etc

Lol I thought they left the scene, but they still scrim together against like am-im teams using discord alts.
Ngl, really pathetic, putting thousands of hours into a game where everybody thinks you're a loser.

We didn't know it was them at the time, don't scrim em if you see these guys.
Thanks for the PSA. Wasn't aware of this.Ill be on the lookout for the Cheeto Minion alts .

hi felon, i think you're too young to recognize that most of these people genuinely suck ass. this isn't a witch hunt or whatever, dont sacrifice your own morals and values for some internet weirdos or you'll just become one too. you can always get new friends and youre way better than hanging out these losers

posted 2 months ago
#31 S14 players I like and dont like in TF2 General Discussion
GrandMasterKushI ain't no scorpio

And my name is goated

first post in 6 yrs, checkmate

posted 2 months ago
#3 Res lower than 640x480 - Crash after map load in Q/A Help
propaI'm using the -small launch optionaiera-small launch option

not sure how to help sorry but cmon aiera at least read the post first

posted 2 months ago
#14 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
DivineATRahmedWhy can't the admins report it thenI'm just the messenger idk lol. It's also possible that someone has made a report but it's low priority. I'm not sure how it works since I'm not an admin

Reports for both of those players almost certainly exist, although inactive players probably fall to the bottom of the queue though given the large number of reports happening across all divisions with such a small anti-cheat staff to investigate. Admins being "aware they're cheating" is essentially the same as a report being submitted to the AC staff though, at the end of the day they're just another community member with an opinion, and it will have to go through AC either way.

posted 3 months ago
#17 Why alt on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion

unlocks the experience of getting to watch everyone realize you arent funny for a second time! take a hint bozo!

posted 3 months ago
#14 Research Study - Full Team Recordings & Interviews in Projects

prime sanity killing blow, superhero shrivels into little worm and is crushed under his adidas slides

posted 3 months ago
#66 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Chris_Wild_RumpusChris_ I simply wish to know why people are so quick to make linear narratives and comparisons between Ukraine and Russia and Israel and Palestinei actually agree that russia/ukraine doesnt really make for a good parallel to israel/palestine. there are far more apt examples of settler colonialism such as the aforementioned apartheid south africa, the jacksonian united states & the trail of tears, or nazi germany's lebensraumChris_Care to give me your take on how Hamas or the PLO benefits in any way the Palestinian people or cares about the civilians in Gaza? this ones easy, theyre the only real resistance against israel. if you dont like that, and there is plenty not to like about hamas, then take it up with the israeli government for not only assassinating leaders and destroying more secular resistance movements, but actually supporting hamas exactly so that people like you can look at the flawed resistance as a reason to continue oppressionIf you believe that Hamas is ‘resistance’ as opposed to a terrorist organisation, then you hold no validity to further claims on the matter, *insane ramblings*

can it not be both?

posted 3 months ago
#7 why do people play on the UGC servers???? in TF2 General Discussion
highvoltageur overreacting theres maybe a 10ms noticeable delay on ugc's mge at any point

their servers stutter so bad 24/7

posted 3 months ago
#4 All Demoman Rollouts in Current Competitive Map Po in Videos

There's some OBS plugins out there that can overlay the keystrokes onto your screen as you do them, much easier than doing it yourself, could just do that and slow-motion it with a simple voiceover for the jumps that are weird/unintuitive,

posted 3 months ago
#88 Sponsored prem player refuse to pay back lost item in TF2 General Discussion

This feels worthy of a suspension or something, takes on the responsibility for ethereal's items then does the equivalent of stealing the rifle with his gross negligence and complete lack of intention to make the situation right. He's only willing to even interact with the problem when the thread is posted and gains traction, I hope ethereal gets repaid but laiky is clearly a greedy piece of shit whether he pays now or not. Conduct totally unbecoming of any community member, especially one doing signings and trying to profit off being a public figure, ETF2L should ban him for at least a few weeks.

posted 3 months ago
#8 long rgl seasons - please fix in TF2 General Discussion
SOOOOOAPYMEISTERnah lets tweet this out instead https://twitter.com/RGL_gg/status/1737350701762621947

tweet got deleted, what did they say?

posted 3 months ago
#34 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
BACTERIAdbkbrodydingos LAN bong #1 all time goated unmatchable sorry TLRcontext? never heard of this oneused donation money for league fees/LAN expenses to purchase a bong

thats so fucking tight

posted 4 months ago
#21 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
brodydingos LAN bong #1 all time goated unmatchable sorry TLR

context? never heard of this one

posted 4 months ago
#40 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
Brockdbkdoesnt seem like the admins were racist at all here and this is also some of the worst communication by ALL parties I have ever seen, but forcing a forfeit in the grand final should never be the choice imo
bro this account is some random shit, look at the ugc site, they took it down! we got cyber attacked man, because we called their cards on cheating. this shit looks horrible.

i understand that you think cvk is ddossing ugc for banning him, what does this have to do with a forfeit win in ozfortress

edit: why is sin k4rma playing 4s with these banned idiots tho https://logs.tf/3540072

posted 4 months ago
#38 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion

doesnt seem like the admins were racist at all here and this is also some of the worst communication by ALL parties I have ever seen, but forcing a forfeit in the grand final should never be the choice imo

posted 4 months ago
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