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Signed Up November 12, 2016
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 9:36 PM
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#192 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects;

Hey guys add up.

posted 1 day ago
#172 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInN The idea is that if you do better than expected, you gain elo and if you do worse than expected, you lose elo.

Why not instead of gaining elo for losing, and losing elo for winning(how you explained it), when you win a pug that's say 5-4 when you were expected to win decisively, you gain less elo than if you would've won 5-0, and you lose less elo if you were supposed to get 5-0'd but ended up getting a closer score

posted 2 months ago
#168 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

An issue I've seen occur with the elo system a few times now is that sometimes winning a pug gives you 0 elo meanwhile the losing team has a range from +0.0 to +2.0ish.

A particularly egregious example of this happening is this pug:
My team had lost 4-5, but we all gained elo in the range of +2.8 to +7.4, meanwhile the winning team didn't gain or lose elo from it. Also it is not like this is a one off thing, I have other examples of it happening from just a few nights ago as well.

I understand that there's probably a lot of factors that go on within the elo calculations, but I don't think it's right for the losing team to gain elo and winning team to gain nothing. (plus that's generating elo out of thin air which probably isn't good)

posted 2 months ago
#28 Grape Gauntlet in TF2 General Discussion

t6 demo grape gauntlet completed.

posted 3 months ago
#61 crazy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 3 months ago
#45 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

hey man all im gonna say is, demo has loch, scout has wrap assassin, sniper exists
what does soldier get(that doesnt put him in direct line of danger but gives extreme reward)

oh wait! its banned!

posted 3 months ago
#59 crazy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

yo. took a season off but im back and tryna play invite again

posted 3 months ago
#140 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
DolphInNThere was an incident a few years ago that started a policy of not having any open channels for a long-term general hangout in the RGL discord. The current timeout is 8 minutes after a PUG ends, but can be extended to 15 minutes if that seems more reasonable.

I understand why this is, just sometimes very annoying as I've had some good post-pug conversations with people I normally do not talk to just for it to get cutoff mid conversation as the channel timer runs out.

posted 4 months ago
#24 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

highfive for ctapping

posted 4 months ago
#9620 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 4 months ago
#3 hey guys in The Dumpster

Hello Bro

posted 6 months ago
#53 loafe in Recruitment (looking for team)

i have nothing but good things to say about loafe, awesome gamer to game with

posted 7 months ago
#55 crazy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

looking to keep playing invite, learned a lot from my first season even through all my team issues

posted 7 months ago
#6 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion

posted 8 months ago
#9468 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 10 months ago
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