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SteamID64 76561198026051031
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Country Nigeria
Signed Up January 10, 2013
Last Posted January 2, 2024 at 9:47 PM
Posts 1102 (0.3 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 72
#38 what does pocket soldier DO? in TF2 General Discussion
highvoltageBrockGod I miss shotgun pocket. It was interesting having that variation in dm mechanic with that class. I mean yes you got punished for jumping more and meds had to heal that class more, but it was also a 3rd handle on hitscan and took a little control away from scouts in fights that felt like, “well unless I hit this perfect direct or airshot, I’m fucked because this scout knows how to dodge and dance around the splash effective areas of the map I’m fighting in!”. The argument is also two sided, it in fact forced soldiers to get to that point to do in fact that, but now they are so good in those situations, I’m just even more curious to see shotgun come back with that level of improvement on hand at the expense of certain standard format mechanics.zoomers continue to downvote this post because shotgun soldiers mean the game goes slower and their attention span doesnt allow for that

bro never even played at that time lmao this what would happen to demos if mfs use that shotgun regularly now

no types of healage, not even a morsel

posted 6 months ago
#27 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

MGE is a quick way to ruin a fools entire day by beating them, munching on that elo and disconnecting

posted 9 months ago
#50 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion


posted 11 months ago
#44 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

cu@ fellas

posted about a year ago
#34 Meals that give you power? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#46 NFL 2022-23 season (brady STILL wont die edition) in Off Topic

forgot to mention that we took the dub :D

posted about a year ago
#1 LF creative help! in Off Topic

LF anyone that can work with me and create a logo! It is completely unrelated to tf2 but I know yall are mad skilled so please give ya boy an add. Yes you will be paid!

posted about a year ago
#10 RGB LAN 5 (January 2023) in LAN Discussion

Do I dare say cu@ to another philly adventure..

posted about a year ago
#20 Mr Slin and squid tf2 retrospect ep1 in TF2 General Discussion
owldo not get chunkey in there


posted about 2 years ago
#15 Mr Slin and squid tf2 retrospect ep1 in TF2 General Discussion

Get me in there

posted about 2 years ago
#47 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion

Quick question, if all this applies to all things RGL. At this RGL lan if I were to pull up and just say “wassup my nigga” to my boys are you mfs gonna come and escort me out the venue or will I just get a couple dashes on my demerit card

posted about 2 years ago
#57 TF2 LAN at Localhost Philly (June 25-26, 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#4 THE COZY! BROTHERS LFP DEMOMAN in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 2 years ago
#19 Pocket Medic for Keys in TF2 General Discussion

drop one uber and thats 50 keys for me

posted about 2 years ago
#5 NFL 2022-23 season (brady STILL wont die edition) in Off Topic

Tyreek to the Dolphins man im gonna kms

posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 72