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Signed Up October 31, 2012
Last Posted January 3, 2023 at 12:13 PM
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#108 describe your tf2 career in 3 words or less. in TF2 General Discussion

didn't have time

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Interp for sniper in Q/A Help

cl_interp 0.0334
cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66

if anyone tells you otherwise they are wrong.

your net graph should show 33.4 lerp

edit: lmao why would this get -fragged? these are the optimal settings for accurate hitbox to model representation, it’s been settled for years.
edit2: nvm maybe not?

posted about 4 years ago
#26 what happend to tftv in Site Discussion
89zombiez-protoI've noticed that more and more people post aggressive or very rude replies, some people seem to take their shitty lives out on tftv. Also it seems very few top players even bother posting anymore, possibly because of this reason? Noticed some -frag botting recently too.
*posts absolute garbage*

*gets -fragged*

"These fucking -frag bots man this site is going down the shitter"

I’m not claiming any of my posts have been -frag botted. What air mentioned is definitely what’s happening because it happens in the span of a minute.

posted about 4 years ago
#14 what happend to tftv in Site Discussion

I've noticed that more and more people post aggressive or very rude replies, some people seem to take their shitty lives out on tftv. Also it seems very few top players even bother posting anymore, possibly because of this reason? Noticed some -frag botting recently too.

posted about 4 years ago
#15 Fruit tier list in Off Topic

damn I need to try lychee

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Fruit tier list in Off Topic
sandblastlemon is godly when it's mixed with shit (lemon drop cookies are godlike) strawberrys are S tier.

only good strawberries I've had are locally grown which are only available like 2-3 months of the year. the massive steroid strawberries from california are trash imo. lemons are inferior to limes in every way

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Fruit tier list in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#81 Can you justify why you're not vegan in Off Topic
hooli-protoIf letting a 2500mcg fruit flavoured cyanocobalamin B12 tablet dissolve under your tongue once a week is too hard for you, I don’t know what to say.
if a diet lacking essential vitamins needed for happy healthy humans requires you to supplement with synthetic cyanocobalamin b12 out of a bottle when you can get methylcobalamin b12, which 1) can only be acquired from animal products and 2)is vastly more bio-available, then perhaps this diet is better suited for deer.

your point about the evil meat industry lobbyists is moot because every industry has lobbyists. do you honestly think the vegan industry is untouched by corporate greed and doesn't sponsor countless events and studies in their own favor? it's all about the money baby.

i'm glad you feel better and your dick works again but all that is more likely attributed to moving away from the standard american diet and exercise regime than it is to the vegan diet.
The vitamin B12 (also known as cobalamin) is vital for proper health.
What you might not know is that B12 is produced by bacteria found in soil as well as in the guts of animals (including humans) - but in order for the bacteria to make B12 the soil needs to contain the mineral cobalt. The B12 produced within our guts is too far down our digestive system to be absorbed by our body but is excreted in our feces. Our closest relatives, gorillas, get their B12 from accidental eating of soil (and their own feces) containing B12 when naturally eating their plant-based diet.
Due to declining soil quality from intensive over-farming making the soil deficient in cobalt, and because our vegetables are super-washed (because we would rather not eat soil/manure) vegans don't get enough B12 without supplementation and fortification. Early humans received plenty of B12 from the good quality (cobalt-rich) soil that was yet to be intensively farmed and drained of nutrients, and because they drank dirty ("natural") water from rivers which also contained B12 and B12 producing bacteria. The declining soil quality isn't just a problem for humans though - it's a problem for farmed animals too. Cattle naturally get B12 and bacteria that produces B12 from clumps of dirt around the grass roots, and chickens get B12 from pecking around for worms and other insects. 
But most factory-farmed animals are kept indoors and never even see soil during their lifetimes, so would certainly be deficient without supplementation. These horrible artificial conditions make the "vegan diet is unnatural" argument seem somewhat ironic. In fact, around 95% of all B12 supplements manufactured are actually given to farmed animals.
So people who then consume the meat from these animals are just receiving the B12 which originally came from the supplements fed to the animals. Isn't it far better to simply take a B12 supplement and cut out the middle man?

Do you seriously believe that any plant food lobbies come even close in scale to the meat and dairy cartels? Big broccoli obviously isn’t funding anti meat studies. Only plausible argument I’ve heard is the plant milk companies funding studies demonstrating the dangers of dairy. Let’s say they funded bad faith studies, is a few studies really comparable to the hundreds of bad faith studies that have been funded by the meat and dairy industry? The difference in scale is massive. These cartels have far more power than you’d assume.

posted about 4 years ago
#71 Can you justify why you're not vegan in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#10 JESUS IS KING in Music, Movies, TV

i liked kanye until he used his fame to promote trump & christianity

posted about 4 years ago
#33 chillin thread in Off Topic

chillin on break just ate an orange

posted about 4 years ago
#34 if you're canadian go vote in World Events
AthletickI don't know anything about the shithole that is Canada other than Quebec should be it's own country.

imagine thinking france is better than quebec/canada... also quebec doesn't want to be its own country, we settled this decades ago.

posted about 4 years ago
#62 job thread in Off Topic

I grow weed at a massive brand new hybrid greenhouse. It’s awesome working with plants all day, I come home happy and stress free every day. The company I work for is very generous and progressive. I work 4 10’s, having 3 days off a week is a game changer. Only thing that sucks is the level of sanitation that’s required. We have to change in and out of our uniforms multiple times a day because of breaks and sometimes need to shower before entering sensitive grow rooms to prevent pests. We get paid for 1.5hrs of breaks every day and all the time spent changing so it makes up for it.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 what mge server are we gonna use in TF2 General Discussion
stephthere's also no daily/scheduled restart(s) because there's no real need to do so, at least at the moment. the map cycles just like any other tf2 server, except it does it every hour when it's empty, and it's always the same map.

that’s total bullshit. I’ve yet to play on a public mge server without scheduled restarts or map cycles that didn’t start stuttering hard after ~5 hours

posted about 4 years ago
#3 Super on Fallon in TF2 General Discussion
hotwaxshould we tell him about the other thread

Before posting this I literally searched ‘super fallon’ and sorted by date created and last replied & checked TF2 players that went on to better things thread. If there’s actually another thread then link it

edit: yea that other thread clearly got buried so my post is fine

posted about 4 years ago
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