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Signed Up February 6, 2019
Last Posted June 11, 2020 at 3:40 PM
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#6382 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

This may not be short but it involves copying files so I'll shoot my shot

I'm looking into using Sunsethud but don't like how the home screen, backpack screen, and all that look. I would like to replace that with Budhud's as I like how that looks. I'm not sure how many / which files I would need to transfer over, as when I do mainmenuoverride and the gamemenu.res (or whatever it's called) my game just crashes

posted about 4 years ago
#1 With everything happening in tf2 rn... in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#41 ETF2L player falsely banned for supposedly aimbot in TF2 General Discussion
jamalthis ry guys logs makes him look like the best player to ever touch the game

Having good logs in Fresh Meat doesn't make you a god

posted about 5 years ago
#207 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

No matter how you cut it. This is going to be a major blow for tf2. Personally my goal, and end game pretty much was to be able to receive an esea invite participant. I feel like that's the "you made it" point. You don't have to agree with that, but I don't really see a "goal" to reach anymore.

I feel like this emphasizes a point that I've been saying for over a year now. Although the competetive tf2 scene is thriving, and even growing as of now. There seems to be a sort of stigma around it. I feel like this shows that everyone that isn't in the tf2 community wants to just see the game die already. When they don't look into it they just see a 10 year old game with barely any value anymore. Of course this isn't true, but the more I see it, the more distain I see from people who think comp tf2 is a joke.

posted about 5 years ago
#20 idiot deletes all his tf2 medals NOT CLICKBAIT in The Dumpster

Good one bro way to ruin your rep

Edit: already used SAM to get all achievements again. What a loser. If you're gonna spend 3k hours playing a game and getting competitive tier medals, do it legit.

posted about 5 years ago
#105 Sketchek is back? in TF2 General Discussion
sketchekhey sketchek here
sage's post is mostly accurate, the illness was a lie. sorry. just want to clarify that i've been working on an apology video since before i started the ARG, i said this to some other people that i reached out to, but forgot to tell sage. also the hacker you guys are talking about wasn't me; it was an impersonator by the name of autogen. i didnt have access to a pc at the time he was doing that. will explain more in the video which should be up tomorrow. SORRY!

I never knew who you were, and I honestly don't care. Even if you had some sort of "legacy" for whatever you did, it's all ruined now because you decided to lie about having a terminal illness. That sounds like a pure shit stain to me. I normally don't like to get involved in any sort of drama, and again, I have no idea who you are. But tf2 has moved on from you. It's obvious that you had some sort of story, and some sort of legacy, and the fact that you just decided to lie about something this serious shows who you are as a person.
Sorry, but coming from someone who isn't a fan, I already don't like you. I'm sure I'm speaking for many people here that your apology better be good. It's not going to be a scenario where everybody just accepts it because "oh sketchek we missed you!" I hope you're not expecting that.

posted about 5 years ago