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Signed Up April 28, 2018
Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 9:14 AM
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#25 Überfest 2024: TF2 goes Dortmund in LAN Discussion

cu@ perhaps??

posted 4 months ago
#9699 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted 5 months ago
#1432 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
meLLzIve been trying to find any information about the overheal/low hp images being different like in this hud
So it would be cool if someone could've game me this hud, or any information on that topic :)

do anyone know this hud, have seen it a few times before

EDIT: found it, it's called "I LOVE SABER"

Discord link died and people has been messaging me for the hud, here is a permanent link https://mega.nz/file/QO5HWLSK#IXhph19fKUwt2A8TAFGUfdLYOVEdG-32P5ZFxT5i59s

posted 7 months ago
#11 poland.tf thank you thread in LAN Discussion

best replacement of insomnia you could get
cu@poLANd summer :)

posted 7 months ago
#72 poLANd.tf 2024 #winter in LAN Discussion


posted about a year ago
#4 Nerd Essay Thread in Off Topic
BuildBruhfuck flash. i just spent the past (fuck who knows) hours finding out the main "genre" i listen to is copium for east-germans who felt uncomfortable around other europeans, and grew into its own microgenre on Soundcloud, separate from its origins (Gab, tek/tekno.)

Tekk/Tek = Gabber (90s-'00~)
East Germany met West in '89 and found themselves with similarly different scenes. It appears that East Germany were rooted deep in themselves and did not easily take to many western tastes , tendencies or influence. this is where tekk stops and tek starts as the decades pass and the internet connects the world. Surrounding countries and in the north took to the new Tek and subsequently Gabber well before the Internet could show Tekk would be left by itself.

Tekk = Tek = Gabber ('93-'05~)
Very similar styles growing in different regions that were melded together as the bosnian regional conflicts kicked off causing traveling parties to head westward. In the UK, free parties/public raves were cracked down on and went overseas by the police as Section 63 of the '94 Police Act was passed. The largest actor of this was called Spiral tribe during the early 90s which resulted in the following act and the move into both Canada and France.

Tekk =/= #Tekk (2014+) =/= anything else.
There is a SINGLE reddit post in German commenting a tribute to TWO major German forums going down in 2009. SoundCloud and YT are ""flooded"" with what people have managed to salvage from these sites, a few are sparse in info and even names. Some DJ's who were producing since before the wall fell, fall silent with the forums. Most of the songs reuploaded are simply mixes/albums named "Tekk", many more of these with no credits at all and a decade of cataloging is largely lost to time or translation. Soundcloud's #tags feature were introduced around 2011-2012 but are not reliable or trusted by the community until 2014~ where Charts can be generated by #tags are available for users and artists.

The newly functional Charts lead to a rediscovery of old tracks via YT and Soundcloud, reuploads of old physical copies, and old blood (literally) seeing this resurgence as hardcore derived festivals started breaking into the mainstream, out of the forests and into the major cities. Soundcloud's current #tekk underwent an evolution as new audience was exposed to new media. They found new vocals, kicks, and tempo to draw from, inspired by the hardstyle/dub/house explosion in 2014+, and without risk of being crushed under the releases of big/new labels as they began disengaging from the niche genres due to how restrictive they proved to be creativity wise (too many styles across too long of a timespan that were too closely localized and too constrained in tonality and tempo).

its been like 8 hours since i came up with the initial jist of it in discord, the beer is wearing off and im a lot less confident in the story-like tone i had during some parts lmfao. prolly a useless bump but maybe some oldheads know what im talking about and want to chat about it or someone knows wtf was going on in german forums a bit more accurately than 1 google translated reddit post. There also was a pause/slowdown in music of this type in 2011-2012 but i have no clue what its related to and only noticed it after i saw a couple of the bigger labels/people were putting out a fraction of what they were the 3-4 years before hand looking through RYM disco's. lowkey though it is kinda funny to see a bunch of videos about traveling convoys in the 90s with huge fucking systems blowing out mics and distorting most of the audio, to then notice current day songs are trying to mimic how fucking terribly the bass was recorded in those videos via just distorting the ever loving shit out of it and not really having any bass response.

any chance you can post some of your favourite songs from the periods listed, or just favourites in general

posted about 2 years ago
#14 [demo call] medic airshots in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#87 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion

Seat picker is now live https://seatpicker.seetickets.com/player1events/Insomnia69/seatpicker

posted about 2 years ago
#61 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#41 payload-neo discord bot in Projects

I am having problems going on the main https://payload.tf site, is it down? https://staging.payload.tf works for some reason

posted about 4 years ago
#3 LFT Demo IM/Main 6s in Recruitment (looking for team)

Played for my team in etf2l open season 36. Did amazing on european servers with stable 140ms in ping, would recommend.

posted about 4 years ago