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Last Posted April 26, 2023 at 10:48 AM
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#1 Super-Null-Cancelling Charge Turning Script in Customization

Github download Here

Essentially I didn't like all of the charge turning scripts out there that I could find so I created one that fixes all of the problems all of them had.

Copied from github:
Why use this one over the 100 others?

Every single other turnbind script has the same issue which is made clear in this video. Essentialy the problem is that you need to repress A or D during and after your charge to start turning and/or strafing after. My version fixes this by having the script detect when you are holding down a key instead of just when you press and release. This allows it to always either turn or strafe depending on whether you're charging or not without having to let go and repress the key.

Preview video:

posted 11 months ago
#1 Horizontal Velocity HUD Speedometer in Customization

First time I've seen a horizontal velocity only speedometer so I'm uploading everywhere I'm told to

Main limitation is that the way I work out the horizontal velocity can have a little inaccuracy at times but I've managed to get the error <5%

Download instructions in readme

Demonstration here:

posted about a year ago