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Signed Up October 20, 2016
Last Posted February 9, 2018 at 5:41 PM
Posts 301 (0.1 per day)
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#130 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion
phobiapeople with 100+ ping that warp

whoopsies guilty as charged!

posted about 6 years ago
#12 types of enemies you hate in videogames in Other Games
SpuPsiSpuany kind of stun is stupid
dont worry almost every character in overwatch has one
coincidentally i hate that game

if they dont have a stun they have a 1 button instakill or a 2 hit combo instakill

posted about 6 years ago
#10 types of enemies you hate in videogames in Other Games
Spuany kind of stun is stupid

dont worry almost every character in overwatch has one

posted about 6 years ago
#719 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV

Song talks about a dead man who worships the living

love the lyrics too

posted about 6 years ago
#123 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion

when you encounter someone in a pub or beat someone on mge and calls everyone "ugc player" after he dies when he's 4-12 in open like if it was the biggest insult (I did that a couple of times I hate myself for it).

MelonTFanime loving retards who put something overtly sexual in every sentence and end them with ~

exterminate these people

Did I mention weebs who think that emptying their profile instead of making it private or decorating it with vaporwave shit or 2deep4u quotes is literally art? with tiny letter font that are hyperlinks that lead to vaporwave songs or shitty rappers (I'm a retard for clicking those thinking they were gonna take me to lesbian porn)

posted about 6 years ago
#112 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion
Cerdurvoice command “Thanks!” after everytime they get a kill

specially scout pub players and snipers that jarate > buschwacka you

Tholepeople with [TRADER] MARKETPLACE.TF or any other suffixes on their name

reminds me of the people who recently discovers jump servers and put next to their name or like if they were admins or streamers

posted about 6 years ago
#1 types of enemies you hate in videogames in Other Games

small enemies in platformers = ez
small enemies in fps = no plz
big enemies in fps and fighting games = ez
in platformers = nope

specially bats/rats

also water levels
and sewer levels

posted about 6 years ago
#106 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion
_brianPsi_brianIf you try to make someone feel bad for putting in effort to improve at the game I don't ever want to speak to you.
I'm gonna be honest here like its okay to play games and be good at them but you say it like if someone says that it isnt good to be 100% commited to a videogame then they are assholes

Yeah I didn't word it well. I mostly meant people who shit talk new players who are trying to improve simply because they're not instantly good.

okay that sounds way better now

posted about 6 years ago
#103 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion
_brianIf you try to make someone feel bad for putting in effort to improve at the game I don't ever want to speak to you.

I'm gonna be honest here like its okay to play games and be good at them but you say it like if someone says that it isnt good to be 100% commited to a videogame then they are assholes

posted about 6 years ago
#97 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion
sendopen players who are bad but think they are good at the game

I remember like 2 years ago when I moved from etf2l to UGC NA and I had no idea about ESEA or what was the "american tf2 league" (because esea has no medals yet u gotta pay so how was I supposed to know, I didnt give much attention either) and I had this team with 4 pubbers, me and an etf2l mid player that we were "mentoring" which was just telling basic shit like me and my friend werent good but knew what to do, anyways, there were these esea open players constantly using "ugc player" as an insult saying that open was THE shit and that ugc plat is like bottom open bla bla (back when ugc had iron, plat etc) so these ppl start scrimming us, and again I'm not saying we were good but these player saying shit like "because I'm esea and ur ugc that means ur shit" was pissing us and we somehow managed to roll the shit outta them with 4 pubbers in their very 1st season of competitive tf2. I think a guy named ambroom remembers how I had a medic that used to bm the shit out of eveyrone. but yeah that pushed us to get a couple of etf2l mid players and 2 high (I think that was when etf2l had div 1, 2 etc) and then they got pissed bc we were getting rolled constantly, so I made Punchline with crypt and rogue from coon platoon and drezzo the gay british weeb, then I got bm'd by b4nny and respectively by everyone else then I cried like a girl then I quit then I snapped. But at the end I found the Jesus so its okay but I dont know if even jesus loves me

but the thing I hate the most are water levels in videogames like wtf

posted about 6 years ago
#30 worst decision you have ever done in your life in The Dumpster
gemmPsigemmwhy are you responding to people's half-assed insults in your thread you must be p insecure
and you must be a half-assed genius

I downvoted you and upvoted myself and I want you to know that

thanks :D so that's the worst decision you have done thanks for replying my question cheers mate

posted about 6 years ago
#91 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion

people who put extra useless info in their steam profile like their specs or their fucking weight/height/age etc and put something like "for the ones who care" or "the ones who asked me" like nigga you know nobody cares.

I specially hate people who type L I K E T H I S

posted about 6 years ago
#23 worst decision you have ever done in your life in The Dumpster
nazarai left my alarm on for 2 hours while i was at class so i think im public enemy #1 in my dorm

keep them awake

posted about 6 years ago
#12 i dont get it in The Dumpster

I mentioned in a previous post that you shouldnt get too attached to a game where the biggest accomplishment is quitting it and tell everyone about your success but that shit goes down the toiled when you quit a game FOR ANOTHER GAME so what you can do is get a partial time job. You will see how you develop yourself and you will have money for things you thought you wouldnt ever get. Trust me a lot of people at first get too lazy but once they go out and do something they can guarantee you that a literally a lot of dreams become true. Aslo I think you are still in the border of salvation, people still milking its competitive scene so much that they refuse to see that reality is that the game is already 10 years old and valve no longer gives a shit, they let their players come up with the update ideas, maps, cosmetics etc. And this applies to videogames in general. There was a guy who made a bait post saying he wanted to end his life but a lot of the advices there can apply to a lot of things, one of them working out. Again, just develop yourself, the only hard part is the excess of procrastination. But after going out and running a couple of kilometers you should see how happy you are going to be.

BTW DO NOT become a weeb that's like almost as bad as being a being a drug addict. Symptoms include allusinations, twisted reality, imaginary naked girls, etc. Dont listen to weebs from england, finland or america

posted about 6 years ago
#21 worst decision you have ever done in your life in The Dumpster
gemmwhy are you responding to people's half-assed insults in your thread you must be p insecure

and you must be a half-assed genius

posted about 6 years ago
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