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Signed Up February 8, 2013
Last Posted April 11, 2014 at 5:19 AM
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#55 i52 in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowNot sure who the roamer should be really....


posted about 10 years ago
#37 I49 VTV Constructive Criticism in TF2 General Discussion

Double camera was good for rollouts and spyper plays, but could've been used less. There was something else I was going to say, but I forget now so it must not have been that important. Overall a very enjoyable cast.

Edit: oh yeah, I remembered. The alerts are a good idea. I would like to see them used to announce scores of games that are not being casted and whatnot, but it didn't really bother me when they were used for stupid things.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 qf is just a scapegoat in TF2 General Discussion

I think it should be banned (for now) on 5cp, but allowed on ad and koth.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 i49 Predictions in LAN Discussion

Not in any way qualified to give an opinion of any weight, but since you asked:

1) 'merica

2) Aussies

3) Europe

Explanation: Many people say that Epsilon is the team that has been training all year just to beat the americans, but they are trying to beat i46 mix^. HRG is a VERY different team with a different (and some would say superior) play style. From what little I've seen of epsilon, they're play style seems very aggressive, much like the i46 mix^ team. I think HRG's "passiveness" is a great counter to that style of play so HRG takes the 1 spot.

No one really knows how good the aussies are compared to the top NA and EU teams which leads many people to assume they won't be able to compete. I would normally think this, but everything I've heard about them tell me that they WANT it more than the others. They're getting there a week early to scrim, yuki's been talking them up on these forums, etc. I think in terms of physical skill as team they can't compete as well, but in terms of determination to win I feel they will surprise some people and grab second.

This leaves the 3rd spot to an EU team. My money is on Epsilon.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 tr_walkway_rc2 wont work. in Q/A Help

I like what that one guy said, try joining an online game playing that map and it will automatically download where it needs to go.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetUnlocks are the one part of Comp TF2 that I never could understand. Maybe I am too old school of a player but I started the first day of quake and then QWTF, where your individual skill and the skill of your team determined who won and who lost.

Personally, I believe comp TF2 should have no unlocks at all. I can't understand why certain "items" can give a team an advantage over other teams who are less skilled.

Everything should be even across the board. In those situations, the better team will win every time. In the end, isn't that what Competitive play is about? The better team wins and individual items should not be a factor in determining that.

One of the things that makes tf2 such a great competitive fps is that it isn't the team with the better dm that always wins, it's usually the team with the better strategies. Unlocks that give a worse team a clear advantage over a better team are op and banned, but the unlocks that allow for interesting strategies and are sidegrades should be allowed. If a team ran kritz 24/7 they would get destroyed, but a team that knows when to use kritz in the right situation will be good. The only question is whether the quick-fix is op or not.

I think it might be interesting to ban quick-fix on 5 cp maps, but allow it on koth and ad maps. Also I think there should be more koth and AD maps. Edifice is GREAT!

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Can someone tell me why everyone hates pyro in TF2 General Discussion

I honestly don't mind most of the pyro attributes listed in this thread. The only keyboard-smashing, monitor-punching, rage-inducing thing about pyro is the fucking tractor beam airblast. Reflect my projectiles? fine. Crit me with flares/axe? I had it coming. Push me in the direction that you airblasted? ok fine. But airblast me and cause me to lose all momentum in any direction so I'm just hanging uselessly in the middle of the air? FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 Cp_Warmerfront in Map Discussion

I really like warmfront, so any changes that will let it see more playtime are alright in my book.

posted about 10 years ago
#123 America vs. Europe in News
kenwatched it on youtube,then bought the full video

GJ extv

...It isn't on youtube yet. At least, it isn't showing up for me.

posted about 10 years ago
#394 i46 documentary in TF2 General Discussion

12 am est time and no video yet. is it some other timezone then? Should I just sleep and try to watch tomorrow?

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Powerjack update -> pyro viable in 6v6? in TF2 General Discussion

I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but didn't the pyro have the speed option before the buff? You just needed the hat that activated the item set. No one ran full time pyro then even when he had a speed buff no matter what weapon he had out and only took 15% more damage instead of 20%. If anything the powerjack buff is a pyro nerf that makes him LESS viable in 6s.

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Welcome back, folks! in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 10 years ago
#14 The state of tf2mix part 2. in TF2 General Discussion

I mediced on a hl iron team for like 2 games once and out fragged the heavy in one. Wasn't a big surprise when that team died...

posted about 10 years ago
#16 band kids in Off Topic

I played vibraphone in high school. Band camp was really fun, don't feel bad for the people that have to go.

posted about 10 years ago
#62 b4nny birthday in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
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