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Last Posted September 19, 2023 at 7:13 PM
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#9466 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 10 months ago
#3 Sixes Newbie Guide Feedback in TF2 General Discussion
RAONICALIASI think you could touch more on jumping - maybe discuss jumping tiers and refer to jumpacademy's website for maps?
Also, I personally believe it would be better to refer to tried and tested guides for things like strats at midfights rather than either regurgitate them or give poor advice. Marxist's [x] precepts series would be one of the first pointers I would give to new players in 6s

Thanks for the feedback. I have mentioned Marxist's youtube channel and linked Tempus's map list sorted by tier. Will expand on them soon.

posted about a year ago
#1 Sixes Newbie Guide Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all,

A mate of mine started a newbie pug group and has asked me to help him make a newbie sixes guide for his players, half of which didn't know how to go into spectator let alone rocket jump. So this guide is mainly targeted towards them.

Here's my very rough and very general guide written by someone with zero game sense:


Would love to hear everyone's feedback!

posted about a year ago
#352 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#8522 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#13 richard hammond in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#468 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

Exornan : im more of a pyro shark personaly

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Free Game :) in Off Topic

One day I googled my steam name and found this on the third result page:

posted about 7 years ago
#32 Laptop for school and tf2 in Hardware
Lasermuffinsi have an HP Pavillion that is slightly heavy but would be pretty good to carry around school but it is kinda big. here is the link if you are interested... ( its in 4th of july sale now) is the best laptop company
any specific product that comes to mind?
I have a z580, can run tf2 @ ~100 fps with rare drops to say 80 (1366x768) and even GTAV at 40-50 fps (depends on areas)
No idea what price it is atm (mine is 4 years old)
EDIT: just checked its 300$ on amazon

I might decide to take spammyh's idea and go cheap. Which of these do you think will be best for me? I'm leaning towards the hp but idk.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Laptop for school and tf2 in Hardware
aieraLenovo is the best laptop company

any specific product that comes to mind?

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Laptop for school and tf2 in Hardware
DifferI would highly recommend you keep an eye on xoticpc's laptop page to see if anything goes on sale. The cheapest laptop there currently is an MSI for $699, but they do have good sales sometimes, and I haven't seen another site where you'll get better specs for your money. Plus, if the policies there are the same as a few years ago, you get lifetime tech support for your PC purchase. You miight have slight issues with weight, depending on how light you wanted to go. That MSI I linked has pretty dang good default specs... but the deal with this website is that you can order their machines as listed or customize *a lot.*

Laptops by price:
BUT I will say that even though the laptop I got from there a few years ago was a fantastic machine, I did end up regretting not just building a desktop and getting a cheapo laptop because I hated carrying such a valuable thing around... and when I did eventually wreck parts of it with a liquid spill, it was gonna be crazy expensive to repair, so I ended up just building a desktop instead anyway and putting ubuntu on an ancient thinkpad for school. :)

Edit: oof, didn't see you were oz. Dunno what shipping would be like. You might be able to find a similar custom seller there?

Thanks, this website looks like something i needed. I'll keep an eye out for sales

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Laptop for school and tf2 in Hardware
Lasermuffinsi have an HP Pavillion that is slightly heavy but would be pretty good to carry around school but it is kinda big. here is the link if you are interested... ( its in 4th of july sale now)

How much fps do you usually get for this laptop? also do you use chris's config on it?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Laptop for school and tf2 in Hardware

Hi all,

I need help finding a new laptop that is both suitable for tf2 and school. I'm moving schools in the next few weeks and need a laptop that can run decently (I'm used to playing at 50-60 fps) while also being the ideal size for carrying around in school.

For the requirements:
I don't care what brand it is (although i'd prefer it to have minimal branding)
I don't care about the laptop's appearance
I can survive with little storage (around 100GB is fine)
Touch screen isn't necessary
Light enough to be able to carry during school

My budget is a measly 600 dollars (flexible). Any suggestions are appreciated.

Also would it be better if i built it instead?

ps. I'm a retard when it comes to computer specs so sorry in advance if i have no clue what you're saying

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Opinions on this video in TF2 General Discussion

If you go back to On the Point Interview with Clockwork, you can see the Overwatch community has spreaded in the comment section.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Opinions on this video in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all,

I just wanted to share a video i came across, where a youtuber argues against Clockwork's point on overwatch from the On The Point Interview. What's your opionion on this video about Clockwork?


posted about 8 years ago