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Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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#41 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
CaspianEveryone felt the map was far too big.

The lobby/passages between second and last are too large and confusing.
Sniper was too strong at second and middle because of sight lines and the scale of the map.
Middle and second are both too large.
The final control point caps too slow.

I think it has potential if everything is scaled down 30-40%.

Sunshine's mid is 1932x1792, and its second is 1632x1712. Process' mid is 2048x2048, and its second is 2168x1152, approximately. I see where you're going with the "too huge" thing but I don't feel like the ENTIRE map is huge, only certain areas (that I will try and scale down).
Sniper is a problem, slightly, although most of the sightlines aren't a big issue - besides the one peeking all the way from second through choke onto mid. That one will have to be fixed.
Yes, the final control point caps too slow. That's an easy fix, I've already changed the value for the next version.

MeematI was on the losing team of that pug - it's a beautiful map and has fun architecture, but I feel like the lobby between last and 2nd has way too many entrances to ever allow defenders to push out. We defended at least 6 or 7 last pushes one round but were unable to push back out. You're also extremely susceptible to being sniped throughout the map, especially at mids and defending last.

I also think that the cap times on last are too long and the map felt a bit too big in general. I think it's a really exciting map and has some great potential but those are just some of my thoughts from having pugged it.

Last lobby is probably the maps' weakest point - and as such, I am scheduling a redesign for a5. Expect the lobby to be less complicated, and expect last to (hopefully) be easier to push out of. The respawn times were bugged out too, which was probably a factor in that as well. I'll be changing all that around.

DamnEasyMaybe change so you can do fast rollout with solly?

Yeah, I'll either remove that block altogether or make it a lot higher so that the fast rollout is easier to do.

StaticVoidIt looks OK, I'm not a huge fan of the sightlines, or the wall textures. Reminds me too much of orange, probably will be favored sniper map...

The wall textures = alpha. It's not detailed because it's still a WIP!
Sightlines were addressed above, and although there are a few I think most of them are not an issue, due to the location and viability of the actual sightlines.

A5 will come soon, it will have a lot of redesigned areas - which will hopefully make the map even better. Thanks for all the testing and feedback!

posted about 10 years ago
#21 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Also, a quick note to the people who made rollout videos: the rollout might have changed in this version, as I completely changed one of the routes to mid - demo rollouts seem to be very smooth through that route and there could probably be a few spectacular roamer ones as well. I'm experimenting right now, seems like there are a lot of possibilities.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Fixed. cp_sunshine_a4b

Every issue brought up above and a few more are now fixed. If anything still is weird/doesn't work feel free to tell me. There should be some reeeeally cool jumps you can do on the map now, haha.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

(Download changed from A4A to A4B due to fixes)


- Reworked a LOT of the 2nd point overall
- Changed the flank route to a more open, available route
- Shortened main choke
- Simplified other routes from 2nd to mid
- Smaller capzone on mid
- Better and more smooth clipping and routes around and under point
- Pit at second moved closer to the point
- Underground route straightened out a bit
- Platform at last extended out a bit
- Spawntimes changed slightly
- More deer
- Various other little things
- General optimization


posted about 10 years ago
#35 New Map Weekends water-testing in TF2 General Discussion
RageI had a lot of fun last night. Other people should definitely try to join in.

Maps I liked:


Obviously coalplant was fun, as it is for most people. Warmerfront was fun but thats just because I like warmfront already. But for the changes in that map... I don't think they made much of an impact at all on the way you would play the original warmfront.

Maps I didn't like:


Canopy was a lot of fun, but I think it was way to easy to defend middle because you can see all 3 entrances from their spawn area to middle by standing at one point of the map, and its easy for the demo to deny entry from 2 of these entrances at once.

And like hooky said, highlands seems more like a HL map

weren't you around for sunshine as well? i have a general idea of what i have to fix for the next version of the map but i'd certainly like to know what you thought of it as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 New Map Weekends water-testing in TF2 General Discussion

this was really cool. the abundance of untested maps leaves a lot of time for simply playing on tons of different environments. really nice mood, awesome guys, and good constructive criticism and analyzing of the maps. it'll certainly help me work on sunshine and it gave me a lot of insight on canopy too. come tomorrow, we'll be playing more maps and it'll be cool!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
kwahlsterThe sight lines look to big imo, otherwise it looks pretty cool.

From the tests I've had so far they shouldn't be too much of a problem, most of them are in places that can be spammed out and that don't cover all the exits.
But hey, that isn't for certain and I'll certainly be looking for ways to correct them if they introduce issues.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion


A 5cp map that uses a simple but effective layout to encourage fluid pushing and quick fights between points.

Upvote Sunshine on the Steam Maps Workshop!



TF2Maps Download:



Q: "I'm getting weird missing textures!"
A: If you get the mysterious missing textures glitch or the wireframe models glitch, a guaranteed fix for the user session is to restart tf2. I've had this happen on occasion with other maps - it's related to the Source engine and sv_pure 2. Not much I can do about it. Even some official maps suffer from it happening seemingly at random or on reload.


Older versions:
-- links are dead, no plan to reupload as of now --

If there are any problems at all that impact the play of the map, such as exploits, clipping errors or missing textures, please report them! Otherwise, have fun!




rc9 changelog from rc8:
• reduced file size drastically (repacking!)
• increased performance, optimization, and FPS across the map
• can't stand on wooden palette on last to see over boxes into lobby anymore
• clipping on structure behind last point refined
• aligned texture on metal beams above last
• changed all models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl to *_wall04
• added one wooden palette to block slim sightline from last spawn
• moved medium ammo on low ground on last back to old spot
• refined displacements on mid
• removed two lights at flower in valley
• removed shadows on wood doors
• removed benches right outside of spawn
• clipped off a hiding spot in lobby
• extended high platform in valley towards mid slightly
• added box near high platform in valley to allow scouts to jump
• widened wooden ramp up to mid platform slightly
• expanded high ground next to lighthouse slightly
• filled in gap underneath wooden stairs next to mid forward spawn
• fixed a case where you could see the nodraw side of a brush
• extended the high ground near the staircase near choke on last by about 48 u
• fixed spectator cam on BLU last being linked to the RED last point instead of BLU
• added spectator cameras on second
• removed props in scaffolding under roof in lower lobby (above the healthkit used in rollout)
• removed tiled “brick” props on blu side near flowers and mid
• removed unnecessary brushwork on ceiling through cafe
• removed garbage props in cafe
• removed smaller arch doorway detail bits nearby pack on second and in flowers
• detailed the mid building some more – everything is blockbulleted and clipped, don't worry
• optimization pass, lots of hinting
• massive prop fade pass
• lighting changeups, less blinding whites now

posted about 10 years ago
#2 New Map Weekends water-testing in TF2 General Discussion


I'm glad someone's taking up the responsibility to start these things up again... I hope a decent amount of people come, it'll be fun.

I'll be there, I might get some of my friends to come too, it'll be swell.

And if you get bored of those maps or want to test another there's cp_derecho and cp_sunshine to test as well, those are in b4 and a3 respectively right now.

Let's hope these survive for awhile and that we can test a lot of cool maps, come and join us!

posted about 10 years ago
#99 cp_edifice in Map Discussion

FYI: I'm updating this to RC1 over the weekend, no matter what happens. I'll be looking through all feedback over again and changing a lot of things to be much better, I'll be de-saturating the detail to make it easier on the eyes, and generally un-clutter it to make it the best it can be for RC1.

Any quick little tests, run-throughs, listen server screenshots and general feedback is well accepted. It won't change *too* much but pretty much every complaint that I've had will be addressed in some way or another. Cheers.

EDIT: apparently rc1 is a long ways away. whoops.
this is low priority right now, pretty much.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 cp_derecho (5CP) in Map Discussion

It's still alive, and one of my main projects at the moment.

However I haven't had any competitive testing at all on this map yet. I've had endless public server testing to iron out glitches and bugs and gameplay quirks but I haven't had enough luck to gather up a comp test.

The only reason it hasn't updated in awhile is because I haven't had the tests I'm looking for, honestly. Although it's probably my fault for not actively asking people to test it, haha.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 ESEA Vote for New Map in TF2 General Discussion
Rikachueveryone start playing new maps in your pugs


then we might actually have one or two high-quality new maps ready for when replacing an ESEA map comes to light again

grillzno alternatives, keep maps the same

there are "alternatives".

mainly being koth_coalplant/ashville.

of course there's koth_canopy or cp_quay or cp_derecho or (god forbid!) cp_edifice but to hell with that if my maps get voted in without any testing prior.

although, canopy WAS tested by teams a few times though so that could work, but i'm biased so it's all up to you guys, really.

start testing new maps somehow, there's a lot of potential replacements that just need better testing.

just think before you replace.

posted about 10 years ago
#72 ESEA Map Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

Phi is the man, both looking gooooooood

yo guys if you even want to consider either one of these maps they're gunna need SERIOUS COMPETITIVE TESTING first because i don't want any of my maps to end up like cp_ashville

since apparently nobody likes (more like TESTS) edifice anymore i guess i'll focus more on those maps and other promising (new) projects

also consider that before adding any OTHER untested maps as well, if ya want it in ESEA there should be a lot of testing beforehand!

i personally think that without enough properly tested new maps the map rotation is as good as it'll get (FOR NOW) although i could see a map getting swapped out for koth_coalplant because that map's been tested a lot

posted about 10 years ago
#11 What makes a good 5cp map? in TF2 General Discussion

hasn't this been a thread a billion times in the past 6 months???

well gee if you guys want to see new and different maps replacing some of the mediocre ones we have now then maybe we should start supporting these threads and people who want to help make new ones instead of dismissing them like that?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 What makes a good 5cp map? in TF2 General Discussion

Long (maybe rambling, who knows) post ahead. Be warned.

What MAKES a good 5cp map? Gameplay, layout, and various design changes effect a map - but there's something underrated that is arguably the most useful tool of all. Testing. Lots and lots of testing - in the right and wrong environments. Map designs are something abstract - there are generally only a few consistencies that could be carried between various map designs, like the general sense of "flow" and the amount/distance of routes between the points.

With testing, a map's flaws are found easily and the map will gradually get more streamlined and work better overall - do NOT go straight to making a beta map without testing an undetailed alpha; it will NEVER flow or work as well as one that has been tested consistently since alpha (Process is a wonderful example of how the testing process has shaped a map).

However, the ability to test competitively has dwindled near to nothing - with top-level players preoccupied in their competition and lower-level players generally either not interested or unable to test against teams/on proper servers, a new map put out in the competitive community generally will have little chance to see the light of day. That's coming from experience. I've made numerous maps that might have become better if they had just been tested more, and so many others that have just fallen off into disrepair/forgotten lands. Edifice was (and is) my most noticed map so far, but it's pretty much died out from what I've seen because people just seem to hate, not have time for, or just don't like testing new maps.

TESTING ISSUES ASIDE, generally maps should go through stages from alpha to beta to final(s). Gameplay is a big thing, and like I said before, you won't really be able to get a good map out without proper testing. Something should probably be done but I don't see enough interest in it to actually do something as of now.

Quotes and tips from long-forgotten threads on that I've saved over the months:

I have seen a rule of thumb on this forum before, that a map should have 2 1/2 (2 main, and 1 side) routes from one area to the next. This rule works, but doesn't always hold true and you would have to bend it sometimes in order to fit it everywhere on the successful competitive maps. Additionaly, routes change in viability for certain situations.Long (narrow) tunnels or just long isolated routes should mostly be avoided.Something important to think about is the distance between certain entrances and routes from both sides. This mainly comes into play when comparing the distance the attackers have to travel to switch from one entrance or route to another versus the distance the defenders have to travel.An important thing is the viability of a route, which relies on a couple of factors:
-Chokepoints on the route. Basically, the harder it is to get through the route when the enemies hold it or just spam it, the less viable a route is.
-travel distances and proximity to the control points.
-distance to/visibility of/overview over the other routes.
-availability of healthpacks on the route

Mapmaking is time consuming, relatively complicated if you're headed towards a well-detailed and polished end result, and can be frustrating when trying to test new versions of maps. Release early alpha versions on various forums and see what people think. If anyone's planning to make a map or start some project feel free to add me on steam for tips/help/layout critiquing and other general stuff. I'm not the absolute best at it but I could say I'm consistent. Good luck with whatever mapping escapades you embark on.

posted about 10 years ago
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