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Last Posted September 22, 2022 at 7:25 PM
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#85 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion

a pattern is emerging

the pattern being that you're out here openly defending racism and transphobia? Are you really this dense?

posted about a year ago
#51 exodus/ang/carrot rgl ban issue in TF2 General Discussion
westythe hypocrisy of rgl is crazy. reports for low profile offenders get swept under the rug while rgl makes a showing of banning the players for similar offenses in high level circles. the ban on carrot is overkill, especially when other members leaked the alfa doc and got no discipline. my overall question is why rgl will release a public statement on the ban of a staff member with the details of the ban but not the ban of a rapist and groomer within THEIR community. i don't think leaking the doc was right, but rgl needs to set a baseline for what does and doesn't constitute a ban. the white knights of cron on this thread conveniently forget he was warned TWICE. the accusations against him aren't false, he's lucky he's a shitty im player or else he would already be banned. the web of lies and outright manipulation this werido has y'all in is honestly scary. ya boy needs help, sending you to attack his literal VICTIM. go outside losers

The biggest reason it doesn't get outed cause this community is a cesspoll of dipshits who would've ran out and defended the people who did the heinous shit they did under the disguise of "that's my boy lol' or "who cares LMAO" your friend did something stupid and got punished for it, be pissed at her for that or at the very least use your brain and think for more than a second, its embarrassing reading this and the original "apology" just take the L and move on

posted about a year ago